On Amazon, I can publish short stories, such as novella's, but if I want to make any money off of them, I should really stick to publishing novels. On Literotica, I can publish short stories, but the characters all have to be at least 18, which sucks because some of my best stories have underage characters! Sigh...
I get way better feedback from Literotica, but I like Amazon better. So in all of this, why should I continue to post to my blog? I'll tell ya... because I can post the awesome stories where the characters AREN'T yet 18. Such as Butterfly. Now, all I need to figure out is how to create a page on my blog where I can organize all my stories and give brief descriptions of them. I think that would help a newcomer looking for something to read find something they like :-)
This blog is all about me and how my different beliefs and perspectives make me weird. At first, I had no intention of posting my stories to my blog, but now that seems to be the biggest reason people visit my blog, lol! So come read about me, and let me know what you think!
Aha! I figured it out! Coming soon... ish.