
Friday, June 17, 2011

Shy Girl - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“Oh, you must be Brian!” Danica’s mother greeted. “Danica told us all about you coming over to tutor her. I’m afraid you’ll find no peace and quiet anywhere but in Danica’s bedroom. It’s down the hall, and to the right. She’s in there now, studying.”
Brian blushed, thanked her mom, and made his way to her room. He knocked on the closed door that was painted light blue with yellow flowers, and said “Danica’s room.”
“Come in,” Danica called.
Brian opened the door to find an immaculate bedroom, also painted light blue with yellow flowers. The bedroom had a bed and a desk, and nothing else but a closet.
“Oh! You’re here!” Danica tried not to blush as she gestured for Brian to sit in the chair beside her. He did so, leaving the door open behind him.
They sat in awkward silence for a few moments.
“So…” Brian began.
Suddenly, there was loud music coming from the living room, and screaming.
A moment later, Danica’s mom appeared in the doorway. “I told you there’d be no peace. Danica’s sister and her friends are watching a taped concert, and her brother and his friends are playing table tennis, and other games, in the basement.”
She paused as a particularly loud scream emanated from the living room. “I’ll shut your door to keep the noise out.” She did so and left.
“That’s amazing!” Brian commented. “It’s almost like she hit the mute button.”
“Oh. My dad knew that we’d never have any quiet if he didn’t soundproof the walls. The twins are always energetic and noisy,” Danica explained.
“Oh… Good idea,” Brian replied lamely.
Another few minutes passed in awkward silence.
“So… what are you working on?” He asked.
“Math,” she replied softly.
“Okay, so this is what we covered today,” he began to re-teach the day’s lesson in a very easy to understand way. Danica didn’t actually need his help, but she listened anyway, amazed by his perspective.
Afterward, she completed the assignment, and he checked her work.
“Very good,” he praised. They moved onto the next subject.
Just as they were completing the last subject, Danica’s father popped his head into the room. The music and screams still blared in the background, catching their attention.
“Dinner’s in five to ten.”
“Okay. Thanks dad.”
Her father shook his head, and left them alone, shutting the door. It helped him that they were spaced properly apart, and not touching, and that the bed didn’t have a wrinkle to indicate usage.
Brian blushed. “Your dad thinks…”
Danica looked at him in alarm, blushed, and immediately looked away. Her heart had been pounding so hard since he’d arrived.
Brian studied her. She was breathing fast, and staring at her hands, which were clasped in her lap. His own heartbeat had been odd as he sat next to her, but now it seemed to pound.
She caught him staring at her.
They stared at each other for several moments.
“Uh… I should go. My mom probably wants me home for dinner,” Brian said.
“Okay,” Danica agreed. They stared at each other a few moments longer.
“I’m going now,” Brian forced himself to exit his chair.
“Bye,” Danica said. Brian slowly walked to the door, finding it much easier once the door was open, and the spell broken.

Several more days passed, including a weekend. On Monday, Brian had gotten permission from his mom to eat dinner at Danica’s if invited. Wink, wink, nod, nod.
Brian rolled his eyes, and went to school. After school, Brian waited in the library – conducting research – until he spotted Danica and Derek kiss and part ways. He quickly packed up his belongings, and proceeded to Danica’s house.
Today, there really wasn’t all that much homework, and Brian hoped he could get Danica to talk more about other things, such as likes and dislikes.
He arrived at Danica’s house, and was welcomed by her mom.
“I was told to tell you by my mom that I have permission to stay for dinner if you’d like.”
“Oh, that’d be wonderful,” she replied sincerely. It was true that Danica talked to her parents, so they knew that this boy made her feel oddly. She covered a knowing smile, and sent him to Danica’s room.
They finished their homework quickly, and sat staring at each other, both blushing. Somewhere, her clock chimed, informing her that they had an hour before her dad got home from work.
“I want to know more about you,” Brian blurted.
“Like what?” Danica asked.
“Lots of things, like what kind of music do you like? What’s your favorite movie?” Brian faltered.
“Classical. I don’t have a favorite movie, I like them all, except horror. What about you?” Danica asked shyly.
“Uh, I like all kinds of music, especially jazz, and I guess I could say the same as you about movies,” he answered.
They stared at each other some more. Neither one did it consciously, but suddenly, they found themselves holding hands.
Danica looked away, but didn’t pull her hand away. Why can’t I say something?
“What are you doing over Christmas break?” Brian asked. It was starting Friday after school.
“I don’t know, probably the same as every year,” she replied. “You?”
“Oh, we’re going back to the cities for the entire break. Visiting family and such.”
“Sounds nice,” Danica smiled.
Her smile made him inhale sharply. He leaned toward her as if she were a magnet.
She held up a hand. “I… I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, right.” He came to his senses and blushed redder than ever before. “Do… Do you love him?”
Danica thought this over at length. “I don’t think so. I don’t know. What is love?”
“I don’t know either… I think… I think it might be the reason my heart beats funny whenever I’m in the same room as you.”
Danica was already staring at him, but now she gaped. She placed her free hand against her erratically beating heart. She thought about all of the time she had spent with Derek, and realized that he never once mentioned love. And, she had never thought about it herself.
Yes, he kissed her frequently, and yes, she liked it, but was that love? She was finally able to talk and laugh with him, but was that love? She liked being around him, he was fun to be with, but was that love?
Somehow, she didn’t think so. She had a lot to think about. She closed her gaping mouth and gave a shy smile. “Perhaps we should go help my mom in the kitchen. I don’t think I can trust myself alone with you right now.”
It was Brian’s turn to gape. Does that mean what I think it does?
They did as Danica suggested.

After dinner, the family played a game until the doorbell rang. “That’s probably Derek,” Danica stated, rising from her chair.
“I should go home anyway.” Brian stood as well. He followed her to the door after he said goodbye.
“Hi Danica,” Derek greeted. He kissed her.
“Hi Derek.” Brian did his best not to sound jealous.
“Oh, hi Brian. I wanted to thank you again for helping Danica. Why don’t you come bowling with us, my treat,” Derek offered.
Unheard by them, Danica’s father muttered, “What’s wrong with that boy? Why isn’t he jealous and upset that Brian’s spending so much time alone with her?”
“Oh hush!” His wife bade.
“I really should get home,” Brian protested.
“Here, why don’t you use my cell phone to call and ask your mom?” Derek held out his small cell phone.
Brian reluctantly took it, and called his mom, praying that she would say no. Surprisingly, she must have read his mind.
“No, I need you to come home now.”
“Oh, okay,” Brian hung up. “She said no.”
“Yeah, I heard. Sorry man, maybe next time,” Derek offered.
“Sure,” Brian shrugged.

Go To Chapter 6 

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