
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Rusty Jug - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“Well Miss Beaumont,” an admissions advisor addressed Lia. “Everything is in order. Your FAFSA has been processed, and you qualify for the full amount of grants and student loans. Unfortunately, after tuition and dorm fees are subtracted from the total, there won’t be much left to live off of. I would suggest you get a part time job of about 10 hours a week to help pay for food. Any questions?”
Lia shook her head. This was all merely a reminder since she had reviewed the online paperwork carefully before deciding to come. Jin bit back about a hundred questions. Grants? Loans? Part-time job?
“You’re in luck, the person assigned to share your dorm decided to attend another college. So, once your boyfriend is officially accepted into our college, your request to share your dorm with him can be honored.” The advisor referred to the application that Lia had submitted on Jin’s behalf about a week ago while using a library computer.
Lia smiled. “Thank you!”
“Everything seems to be in order, except for his ID… Mr. Beaumont?”
Lia laughed. “Crazy huh? There’s no relation, but we have the same last name. You should have seen the look on my face when he first introduced himself to me!”
The advisor chuckled. “Stranger things have happened! I just read an announcement in the paper for a wedding between Panning and Asche. Can you imagine? How do you do Mrs. Pain-in-ass, I mean Panning-Asche!”
Lia giggled with the advisor for a minute, and then the advisor said, “Ahhh anyway, let me page a volunteer to guide you to your dorm. I’m sure you’d like to get settled in.”
Lia nodded, and when a volunteer appeared, she followed him to her dorm. She flirted with the volunteer the entire way, and Jin finally understood that it was part of her personality to flirt with everyone. They promptly took advantage of the bed as soon as they were alone, and then took a bath in his bottle.
After that, they went out to eat, and picked up some groceries. Once it grew dark, Lia curled up in bed with Jin. She loved snuggling with him.
“Jin, let’s… just go to sleep,” Lia suggested, and Jin couldn’t stop himself from falling right to sleep.
Lia sighed in relief, kissed his cheek, and ordered, “Stay asleep until morning.”
She then slipped out of bed, got dressed, and left the dormitory. She wandered the campus until she found the frat houses, which were busy celebrating their last week of freedom before classes started up again. She chose one that looked like it specialized in accepting wealthier students.
She entered the frat house, and looked around. Her well trained eye assessed the many half-drunk men strewn about the place. Something told her the nerdy not-so-drunk one in the corner could help her out.
Her chosen mark’s eyes bulged as she approached him with a come-hither smile. She leaned over, and nibbled on his ear. He made an incredulous sound, and Lia straddled his lap.
“Everyone says you can help me,” Lia whispered seductively. “I have a friend who… needs ID, and has no way of obtaining any. It’s as if someone just erased his whole life, and I need to help him rewrite it.”
The nerd was intrigued. “Really? Everyone says that I can help you? Just why would I do that?”
Lia purred. “You look like you don’t need money… How about this… If you help me help my friend, I’ll let you do anything you want to me in exchange.”
“How many times?” The nerd asked.
“How many times do you think is fair?” Lia put her arms around him, and nibbled on his neck.
“Uh… ten?”
“Ten times,” Lia agreed with a nod, “but only if you can have everything I need ready by morning.”
“Done! Let’s go to my room so we can work on your documents.”
“Whoa! Check out the babe on Ned’s lap!” A drunken frat boy called out.
Lia encouraged Ned the nerd to run his hand up inside her dress as she kissed him.
“Sorry guys! I can’t party anymore tonight; I’m going to be busy!” Ned announced. The entire crowd cheered as Ned carried Lia out of the frat house.
“That was almost worth enough to be considered a payment,” Ned grinned as he set her on her feet.
“Almost… but not quite?” Lia stated more than asked, and Ned shrugged as if to say Hey, can you blame me?
Ned, who had never actually done anything like this before, was amazingly smart about it. He found a small hospital that was in the process of going digital, and hacked into their form to upload a birth certificate into the database. Lia gave him the necessary information for Jin’s supposed date of birth. After Ned hit the upload icon, he was asked to attach a photocopy of the original birth certificate.
“No problem!” Ned grinned, and dug out his own. He typed up all of the words he would need to change, printed them up, and taped them over his certificate using tiny strips of double-sided tape. He placed the doctored document on his scanner, and made a copy, fiddling with the settings on the printer a few times to make it print out without any telltale marks.
Once the photocopy of the ‘original’ was scanned into his computer and attached to the form, Ned convinced the website for the Department of Driver and License Services that Jin already had an approved application for a driver’s license, but it was on hold until a photo was submitted. Lia pulled out a small digital camera she had bought to capture a few memories from their journey here, and selected a good photo of Jin. Ned uploaded it, and the website released the hold on his license.
Lastly, he convinced the Social Security Administration’s website that Jin’s application for an SSN was already processed, citing uncooperative parents as the reason he hadn’t received a number shortly after birth. The website assigned him a number, and Lia wrote it down. Ned tapped his chin in thought for a moment, something’s missing…
Figuring it out, Ned hacked into the DMV website, and added a couple of minor – marked paid – traffic violations throughout the years. Then, he created an official looking tax document in case they wanted to audit his FAFSA application. Satisfied that he had done a thorough job, he nodded. He turned to Lia, and handed her the ‘original’ birth certificate he had created.
“Wow Ned!” Lia congratulated him with a kiss. “You did a fantastic job!”
Lia upheld her part of the deal, and was grateful that Ned was too timid in bed to hurt her. In fact, considering that he had permission to do whatever he wanted to her, she was surprised that he didn’t do anything other than basic missionary-style mating. Then she remembered that he had nine more times to get creative.


The next morning, Lia showed Jin his fake birth certificate, and told him she had found a friend last night while she couldn’t sleep to create it for her. Jin thought it was odd that he hadn’t woken when she left, but shrugged it off. He also had no idea how hard or easy it would be to create the documents he needed, so he had no choice but to believe her.
Lia counted her money, and sighed. They were running out fast, and she would need to buy them so many things for school. Like more than two outfits for each of them.
She asked Jin to bring her into his bottle, and sorted through his clothes. “All these expensive clothes, and you don’t have anything that fits in here!”
Jin chuckled, closed his closet door, and then reopened it. Now, his closet was stocked with a selection of modern clothes as well as his silk ones. He used all of the male clothing he had seen as a template to create items that would look good on him.
“No way!” Lia exclaimed in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me you could do that?”
“You didn’t ask,” Jin shrugged. He honestly hadn’t considered it before.
“What about me? Can you make me…” Lia described a small wardrobe worth of clothes. Jin closed his closet door, and concentrated. When he opened it, his closet was twice as big, and contained everything she had described – with his own tastes reflected.
Lia jumped in joy, and immediately began to decide what to wear today. She smiled when she noticed that he hadn’t created any panties, but then again, she hadn’t described any! Her breasts weren’t big enough to need a bra, so that wasn’t a problem.
Lia modeled her chosen outfit for Jin, and hugged him tightly in thanks. So tightly, in fact, that he couldn’t see her grimace. The thought that caused her to grimace was, even so, I am still going to need more money and she only knew two ways to get more quickly, aside from stealing.
Lia and Jin dropped off his birth certificate with the admissions staff after breakfast, and then took the mathematical and reading comprehension placement tests. The test results did not affect their entry into the college, but were required in order for them to sign up for the generals. Lia scored fairly high in reading, but middle-low on mathematics, and Jin refused to tell her what his scores were, and she didn’t push him, knowing full well that she could have.
Next, they went to the computer lab, and signed up for classes. Jin was only doing any of this because she wanted him to, and so he did not care what classes he took. As a result, he signed up for all of the same classes as she did. With the same schedule, they would always be together, and besides, anything was better than waiting around in his bottle for her all day.
After picking up their books at the campus bookstore, and running a few other errands – including finding a good place to eat lunch – the couple returned to their dorm room. They romped and played in bed for the rest of the afternoon and evening, and Lia was still amazed at how much pleasure Jin gave her. Because of him, she now knew exactly why most women liked to have sex.
Jin dozed off around dusk, and Lia ordered him to stay asleep until morning. Then, she took a shower, and left their room. She found Ned outside the frat house, and correctly guessed that he was waiting for her.
“You know, I realized earlier that I don’t even know your name,” he said with a blush.
“I’m Lia,” she informed him with a smile. She had hoped he’d stay in his dorm tonight so that she could drum up some business, but she still owed him, and she couldn’t blame him for wanting to collect.
“Let’s go back to my dorm,” Ned suggested, and Lia laughed in embarrassment as her stomach growled loudly. “Or we could get something to eat first. My treat.”
“Thank you, Ned. That’s very sweet of you,” Lia rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek. They walked to Ned’s favorite nearby restaurant, were shown to a table, and ordered something to eat.
 Ned gave Lia a curious look, and asked, “So, who’s this Jin guy anyway?”
“He’s my boyfriend,” Lia admitted.
“Really? Darn… I was hoping you’d say brother,” Ned sighed. “Wait! Does he know about our arrangement?”
“No, and I’d really like to keep it that way,” Lia answered.
“Why?” Ned wondered.
“I don’t really know why… I guess you could say that I would do anything to protect him. Listen Ned… we’re friends, right?”
“Yeah,” Ned nodded in agreement as their food arrived.
“Then… can I ask you…” Lia sighed. No matter how she phrased this, it was going to sound bad. “Well, I’m running out of money, and I need to earn more, but I can only think of two ways to do so. So… do you know of any guys who would pay for sex, or – failing that – any strip clubs in the area?”
“Oh… I see,” Ned mumbled in disappointment, and took some time to thoroughly chew the food in his mouth before answering. “Yeah, I think I can bring you to the strip club… I was kinda hoping that I – and Jin – would be your only sexual partners.”
“Do you mean now, or ever?” Lia asked curiously.
“I…” Ned blushed an almost purple shade of red. “You were my first… and I… hoped…”
“Oh Ned,” Lia took advantage of the fact that they were sitting on the same side of the booth by hugging him. “I wish I could say that Jin was my first and you my second, but the truth is that men have been using my body since I was eight years old… It really is the only way I know to make money. That’s why I came here; I want to learn a different way.”
“Eight years old!” Ned exclaimed in shock. “That’s barbaric!” He sighed. “I wish I could help, and worse! Now I’m one of them!”
“No! No Ned, you aren’t using me; I’m using you. I would have agreed to have sex with you however many times you wanted in order to get you to do what I needed you to.”
Ned nodded slowly as he realized that she was right. “True, and I did do an excellent job.”
“You really did,” Lia agreed. They finished their meals in relative silence, and afterwards, Ned brought Lia to the new strip club in town. It was one he had visited before, and so he knew that it was a clean and decent place that treated the strippers working their pretty well.
Even with a college nearby, there was a shortage of girls willing to take their clothes off for money. It didn’t help that there were two other clubs around town offering competitive hiring incentives to the girls that were willing to strip for a living. The owner was desperate, and agreed to give her an onstage audition.
The place was packed. Most of the customers were students from the college, but plenty of others were business men or men who just wanted to have a good time. The bartender was a woman who was a bit overweight. She wore a kinky leather bondage outfit, and made the drinks extremely quickly, which made the club popular despite being short on strippers.
Lia looked through the rack of costumes on hand if a stripper needed one, and chose a dominatrix outfit that was adjustable. With her scrawny body, she needed something that could be tightened quite a bit. She covered the dominatrix outfit with a maid’s uniform, and rather liked that it was too big for her. It wasn’t going to be on her long anyway.
Honestly, Lia had never stripped in front of an audience before, but she had practiced a few routines – when she was still a minor – with some of the gang girls who were old enough to strip at the time. If a girl could earn money stripping, which was relatively easy, she didn’t have to sell her body quite as often. Plus, it was a great way to find customers for the drugs they were supposed to sell.
“And now for a special treat! This dancer is coming up on stage for the first time to audition for a job here. If you like her, support her generously!” The owner announced to the audience, who whistled and cheered.
Lia was amazed at how well her body remembered the routine. She only made a couple of small mistakes, and she doubted anyone in the audience noticed her mistakes. The audience loved her, and she made quite a bit of money. They especially loved it when she cracked the prop whip she’d brought on stage with her.
After she was completely naked, she gave a few theatrical bows, and collected her money. The owner took his cut, and hired her on the spot. He even understood that she wanted to work limited hours because she was a full-time student.
Ned escorted her back to his dorm, and tried to show her how horny she had made him. He had even bought a book to give him ideas. He had really taken her promise to let him do anything to her to heart.
Lia noticed that was pleasantly sore as she showered. She still far preferred Jin to Ned, but since he was considerate of her during sex, she couldn’t complain. He was even pretty fun in bed!
She finished her shower, and got dressed. Then, she returned to her own dorm to cuddle up to Jin. I love just sleeping next to him like this!

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