
Friday, April 1, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 14

Before the chapter begins, I would like to point out 2 things. First of all, while I tried my best to make the scenes flow chronologically, the truth is that ever since Chelindra left the main camp, some scenes - but not all - actually overlap others from a different point of view. If you can't figure out the timing, that's why. And secondly, the next few chapters contain explicit violence. Please do not read if this may offend you! 

Chapter 14

Gabriel felt an intense need to empty the contents of his stomach, but he fought the urge. He didn’t know where he was or who had taken him, but whatever they had dipped that tiny dart in made him wish he was still unconscious. His head ached ferociously, and he realized that he must have been out for a while since his bladder was unmistakably full.

“Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel…” a man said, and Gabriel’s blood ran cold. He broke out in cold sweat, and felt his heart pound painfully in his chest. “Did you really think that you could escape the Emperor’s grasp so easily?”

Gabriel was confused, why would the Emperor care about a slave like me?

        “Don’t you worry though, I plan to bring you right to him, and rest assured that the Emperor treats his slaves as gently as I do.”

Gabriel cringed as cruel laughter brought back memories he’d rather not have. This man was the Emperor’s favorite lover, and the man that had used Gabriel against his will many times throughout the years. He cleared his throat and found that he could probably speak.

“My master is dead; I am free now.” He knew that this fact would make no difference to this man, but he still felt the need to state it.

The cruel laughter grew crueler. Gabriel’s tormentor visibly grew hard inside his pants. He untied his laces, and exposed himself to Gabriel. “Suck it.”

Gabriel wanted to refuse, but he knew that as painful as this ordeal was going to be, it would be 10 times worse if he showed any signs of resistance. He took the large manhood into his mouth. He had to fight to control his stomach, and concentrate on doing a fairly good job. The first made the second nearly impossible.

“I am your master now, and you will please me, slave!” The sadist insisted as he forced himself farther down Gabriel’s throat. He rocked his hips, allowing Gabriel to concentrate on keeping his stomach under control.

Several minutes later, Gabriel’s new master withdrew, and stood back. “You have one minute to make use of the pot there and undress before I continue. I suggest you take advantage of my generosity.”

Gabriel knew that his master was serious about him having only one minute, so he quickly threw up, and then pissed in the pot. He also discarded his clothing for he had no wish to have them tattered and torn until he was finally given new ones.

Gabriel gasped when at the end of one minute his new master yanked him around by his hair, and strung him up. He looked up to see that the thick rope was firmly tied to a thick wooden beam. This tent was constructed like a small cabin, and had a very sturdy frame. There was no way he would escape.

“I really think punishment is in order,” the Master informed him as he pulled a short whip out of a bag. The first lash stung, and each consecutive lash made the stinging worse until Gabriel was screaming and crying from the pain.

“Yes… sing for me,” the master encouraged. “Let me hear your sweet cries of agony!”

Gabriel was sure he must be bleeding from several wounds on his back and buttocks. The whipping stopped suddenly and he braced himself.

“Your suffering makes you pucker oh so tightly.” The master slammed into Gabriel causing him to scream once more.

When Gabriel grew used to the pain and stopped screaming, he merely cried and whimpered with each new ramming violation. His master dug his fingers into Gabriel’s oozing wounds, and chuckled when Gabriel cried a bit harder.

“Gabriel… do you hear that? Those intermittent sounds of men finding their release between the legs of a woman? Did you realize that the woman captured with you has been completely paralyzed?” He chuckled again as if this were humorous.

“Oh yes, she cannot move or even speak. She cannot cry out, but she is very much awake. She can feel everything they are doing to her, and while I doubt they are using her as fully as I am using you, I’m sure she’s nearly as miserable.”

Gabriel choked on a curse. Getting angry now was exactly what his master wanted, and it would provide him with an excuse to do something worse… cut off a finger perhaps. He allowed himself to cry for her. He wept, cried, and made all the noises of protest he imagined she would be making if she could.

This pleased his master; his enjoyment increasing exponentially. He withdrew from Gabriel, and moved around front.

“Open up,” the master commanded in a singsong voice.

Gabriel closed his eyes and did as he was told. He did not want to see the bloody member as it entered his mouth once more. The grip on the back of his head left no doubt that he was supposed to accept his master fully into his throat. The master thrust forcefully a few times before withdrawing until just the head of his shaft was in Gabriel’s mouth. He squirted his thick gooey ejaculate all over Gabriel's tongue and the roof of his mouth.

It kept spewing forth, and Gabriel had no choice but to swallow it or choke.

“There you go; that’s a good little slave,” his master crooned almost lovingly. He began to lightly thrust once more as the flow slowed to mere droplets; savoring the sensations of the orgasm.

Gabriel waited for his master to withdraw, sensing that it would not be too much longer now. Sure enough, his master soon crawled into the fluffy bedding piled in the corner.

“Good night Gabriel, sleep well,” he bade with a chuckle.

Gabriel took another look at his hands. They were bound above his head, and there was no way he was going to be able to escape. His hands were tied in a way that minimized the pressure on his wrists, even so, the lack of blood flow made them numb.

How in the hell does he expect me to sleep?


Chelindra spent a good half hour communing with her sister’s dead body before rushing to the scrying basin. The enemy was scattered into several smaller camps, and it looked like her outlying ambushes had thinned them out a bit.

Her own scattered camps of troops looked like they had not received a secondary attack as her ambush camp had. This meant that the enemy was keeping its distance for the moment. Her main camp looked quiet, and a dimming light from her tent suggested that Gabriel had forgotten to extinguish the candle before he fell asleep. She resisted the urge to actually spy on him.

As long as things remained the same, Chelindra would have some time to attend the funeral in the morning, and maybe spying on the enemy camps tomorrow would provide better insight as to their plans. She sighed and left the basin.

“Good evening, Aeryc,” Chelindra greeted amicably. As her husband, Aeryc had been allowed to move into the chambers she had occupied. They were the spacious and well-decorated chambers dedicated to the heir to the throne.

“I didn’t think that you were coming… at least not until tomorrow,” Aeryc replied.

“Thankfully, we won that battle, and things seem to be at an impasse for the moment. I have time to plan my next move,” Chelindra informed him.

Aeryc smiled. “Let me help you bathe, and while I do, you can tell me about your time with the humans. I am curious to know more about them.”

“Excellent idea,” Chelindra agreed. She desperately needed a bath!

During her bath, she told him all about her first few days in the human realm and how her first task had been to assess the general situation and make discrete inquiries about the descendants of her mother’s family. She had found out that the so-called mythical Sorceress had been the 1st Emperor’s older sister. She was given as a gift to the also “mythical” race of Elves in the hopes that the Elven King would support the 1st Emperor in his desire to conquer all the kingdoms in the land.

That meant that every human Chelindra was related to was part of the current Emperor’s family, and she had learned enough about him to want nothing to do with them.

Next, she had heard of King Collin of Arminta, and he sounded like a just and wise ruler. She joined his army in order to discern if the rumors were true, and was delighted to discover that they were. His cause quickly became her cause, and she was considered a hero long before she had attained her current status.

After Chelindra’s bath, the married couple settled into her large bed. Elven beds were often overly large as usually married couples disliked sleeping too close; they far preferred to have a good arm’s length between them.

They continued chatting, and when Aeryc indicated that he wanted to be intimate, Chelindra couldn’t find a good enough reason to refuse her husband his request. Generally, among married elves, one partner’s request for intimacy was considered sacred. Unless the other elf had a good reason, it was considered an insult to the Gods to refuse.

Chelindra found that though she far preferred Gabriel’s touch, she still enjoyed her husband’s lovemaking.

The next morning, the couple attended the funeral, and then held hands as they walked to the scrying basin.

“Could you show me the sign once more so that I can be certain nothing has happened to our baby in the last few weeks?” Aeryc asked.

Chelindra complied, confirming that all was still well with the baby. Then, she spied on the enemy troops. All of the various camps were on the move, and they seemed to be converging around a field on their side of the border.

She widened her search, and discovered a second wave a week or two away. “Gods damn them!” She swore, wishing she could hear what the enemy discussed.

She scouted the area again, and planned out traps and ambushes. She turned to watch her husband as he surveyed the scene in the basin. It was obvious to her that he did not have the training necessary to grasp the information and plan a strategy.

“You see this field? The enemy all seem to be headed here, and there’s a second, larger unit on the way. If I don’t return and lead my men into battle with this group of enemy soldiers, they will vastly outnumber us when their reinforcements arrive. As it is, even if we win, the odds are not good.”

Aeryc sighed. “I understand.”

“Thank you,” Chelindra replied, kissing him on the cheek, since it was closer than his mouth.

He turned to face her, and pulled her into a tight embrace. “It means a lot to me that you do not mention or mope over your lover when you are with me, but I have watched you with him in the basin. You may find this hard to believe, but his life is fleeting, and one day you will feel the same about me.”

“Aeryc, I… I’m sure you are right, but I don’t want to think about that right now.”

“Don’t worry, jealousy is a very un-elven emotion. I will wait for you, even if I must wait until he dies of old age,” Aeryc assured her.

Chelindra smiled a bit sadly.


  1. I am so frustrated! I just want the whole book in my hands so I can read it all!


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