
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 11

Chapter 11

            Gabriel’s job of Chief Coordinating Officer required him to know exactly what was going on at all times. He not only had to keep track of their supplies, including what they had, what they used, and what they needed, but he had to spend time working with all of the senior officers ensuring that they had what they needed, or allocating if they were short on something. He was an administrative clerk in the best sense of the term, and took pride in finding solutions to every problem.
What he did not expect was all of the other officers and soldiers who came to him when they needed help. Often a dispute between soldiers would be brought to him despite the fact that settling disputes was not part of his job. However, he had a knack for hearing both sides, and coming up with a fair solution. His advice was considered invaluable even though he had only been CCO for a few weeks.
He spent his midday meal breaks with whomever invited him to sit with them, and managed to keep his attention on his conversation partner rather than on Chelindra. He could feel her presence the moment she stood in line to collect her meal, and knew that she was also mingling with the soldiers.
The camp gossip still featured their relationship prominently, but now speculated on why they practically avoided each other during the day. In truth, in order to downplay the fact that they shared a bed, they minimized all unnecessary contact during “working hours.” Chelindra didn’t want people to start questioning her judgment, and whether or not Gabriel had any influence over her decisions.
In the evenings, they continued to take their relationship slowly, spending most of their time talking to each other. Chelindra wanted Gabriel to tell her all of the unpleasant details of his life as a slave as she felt that it was important for his healing process to talk about it. Gabriel wanted to know all about the various Elven customs as cultural differences had always fascinated him.
It was in the mornings, before they remembered that they wanted to take things slowly, that their passions had free reign… until their inevitable interruption and call to duty. Which meant that they still hadn’t done anything more than kiss and caress each other. Though, according to the various attendants who brought them their breakfast, they had a steamy sex life.
“According to my estimates, the enemy should be nearing our ambush sometime tomorrow or the next day, so, I am going to ride out to join my soldiers in the morning. I expect you to remain in camp,” Chelindra informed Gabriel that evening as they cuddled in bed.
“I know,” Gabriel acknowledged quietly.
“You’re not a soldier,” Chelindra defended her decision, “and I don’t want to risk you getting hurt.”
“I know,” Gabriel agreed, but in a way that made Chelindra feel that he was disappointed nonetheless.
She glanced at the entrance to her tent. She had instituted a curfew for her open door policy, but that would not stop her officers from coming to her tent and knocking if something important occurred. She half expected someone to come inform her that her ambush was already being deployed any moment.
Gabriel had a sudden irrational fear. He felt that once she left in the morning, he would never see her again. His fear was irrational because he was afraid that the reason he would never see her again was her death. He couldn’t bear this thought, and squeezed her tightly.
Chelindra took this as an invitation to kiss him, and was surprised that he removed her nightgown in response to her kiss. Generally, they minimized their temptation to rush things by remaining clothed. Gabriel wanted to memorize every inch of her body, taking his time to explore and caress everything.
Chelindra moaned, and let him do whatever he wanted. She arched into him as he swirled his tongue around her nipples, and gently grasped his hair in encouragement.
His hand found its way between her legs, and he wondered if elves even had female pleasure centers. She did and he stimulated it with first his thumb, and then his tongue.
Chelindra quickly covered her mouth with a pillow. Her husband had managed to make her make noises, but nothing like this need to cry and scream. She knew that everyone assumed they were doing exactly what they were, but she really didn’t want to loudly announce it for all to hear.
Gabriel had decided that if a god were to tell him right now that his fears were correct, and she really was going die tomorrow, he would regret not being intimate with her. He now saw clearly that his biggest reluctance to join with her was based on the fear that doing so would prove to be no different than his previous experiences. He also realized that he actually did consider her his owner, and probably always would. Even so, she let this important decision be his, and he had finally made it.
He shed his sleeping garment, and positioned himself to enter her. She removed the pillow from her face to stare at him in amazement.
“You’ve decided?”
He nodded, and kissed her. “Is this your decision as well?”
“Yes!” She left no doubt that she was willing and ready. He entered her with a powerful thrust, and nearly cried in relief. It felt so good to be inside her!
Chelindra wrapped her arms around his neck, and encouraged him to move in rhythm with her. They were both afraid that their long anticipation would end their lovemaking quickly, and were relieved that the opposite was true. They used each other’s mouth to muffle their gasps and moans, and took their time.
Chelindra loved every thrust, and found herself scratching Elven symbols into his back with her nails. She would have stopped if he gave the slightest indication that it hurt, but he seemed to like it, and the slight smell of his blood heightened her pleasure. She carved the symbols for protection, health, and longevity, and added prosperity. She traced these symbols on his back almost nightly, but this was the first time she had used her nails. She still had no wish to bind him to her by adding the symbol for love, but she couldn’t stop herself from actually writing the words “I love you” on his back in the old Elvish language. If anything, the words would bind her to him.
She knew how important her child was to the Royal line, but even so, when he filled her, she wished that she could have conceived his child instead. The irony was that everyone would assume it was his, though they both knew it was not.
They remained thoroughly entwined as they panted in the aftermath of their lovemaking.
“Mistress…” Gabriel sighed as he drifted off to sleep. Chelindra stiffened in shock. Her biggest wish was that when he joined with her, it would not cement his crazy idea that she owned him, but it seemed that it had.
“What have I done?” She asked herself softly. She knew that he was mentally fragile from his slavery, but made him dependant on her anyway. This truly was all her fault for not letting her officers drag him to his own bed that first night he shared her tent. Worse! If she tried to correct things now, she would only damage him more!
She hugged him tightly to her, and allowed a couple of tears to escape her eyes. She gradually relaxed and succumbed to the peace of sleep.


It was still dark the next morning when Gabriel awoke. Chelindra had her arms and legs around him in a way that he couldn’t escape, but he didn’t mind. His right arm was numb under her from the pressure of her weight, and he knew that it would tingle and sting painfully when she moved.
He licked her lips a couple of times, and kneaded her behind with his free hand. At first, it was like massaging a rock - not very effective - but soon she “melted” and began to groan. She ran her hand up and down his back, and encouraged him to kiss her again.
They kissed and explored each other’s body for several long minutes, progressing to the point where he slid inside her without even thinking about it, and she shifted to give him better access. Just one touch from his hand was enough to make her mind completely lose concentration, and she was extremely glad they were not likely to be attacked at this moment. If they were attacked, there’s no way she’d notice until it was too late… for him.
This morning was all about hot and heavy. They had taken all the time they wanted last night, but somewhere in the back of their minds they knew they were likely to be interrupted at any moment. Gabriel tried to roll on top of her, but his numb arm couldn’t support his weight, and so she rolled them until she was on top of him.
They both grunted with the pleasure, and tried to be quiet as they made primal noises. They ground their hips together as hard as they could, and Gabriel dug his fingers into her hips.
There came a short knock, probably to announce the arrival of an attendant with breakfast, and something about the interruption set them both off. Chelindra arched her back, and cried out in release as Gabriel grunted, a signal that his own juices were flowing. Chelindra collapsed atop him, and both panted heavily.
There was a sigh. Odd… the attendant usually just sets breakfast on the table and leaves. Chelindra thought.
“I know you are occupied, but you are the one who told me to come get you at first light,” Randy stated.
“Yes,” Chelindra panted in agreement. “Just give me two minutes of privacy.”
Randy turned to leave, and bumped into the attendant bringing a small pack of food for the General, and a tray for Gabriel.
“Sorry,” the attendant apologized, a blush coloring her cheeks. She watched the Colonel leave the tent, and then muttered, “At least I had the courtesy to wait until they were done.” It was the same attendant who had brought Gabriel food during Chelindra’s absence.
Chelindra purposely hadn’t forbidden the attendants from bringing her breakfast because she knew that the interruption was the most effective way to force her brain back into General mode, but now that she thought about it, it did seem that they were trying to wait until the couple had finished. They never really made any noise, at least she didn’t think they made much noise, so the attendants never knew what to expect. This morning must have been an exception, or else perhaps the attendant had taken a quick peek.
“As long as you are here, please hand me a small cloth.” Chelindra pointed to a small wooden box atop a pile of other things. It contained several absorbent cloths that Chelindra kept on hand for those times when she menstruated. The attendant blushed, and did as asked, keeping her eyes from staring at the couple.
“Thank you, hand me my clothes.” Chelindra indicated the outfit she had laid out the previous evening. The attendant turned to do as ordered, and Chelindra took the opportunity to slide her womanly sheath off of her lover’s sword, and wipe the excess juices from between her legs. She tossed the cloth over Gabriel to cover his still half erect anatomy just as the attendant turned to face them again.
Gabriel blushed, but ultimately a slave was taught to have no modesty. He figured that if his mistress wanted him to cover up, she would have ordered him to do so. Not receiving such an order, combined with her action, meant that she did not want him covered.
Wait, I’m not a slave anymore. I decide if I want to be covered or not. He reminded himself. The problem was that he felt lethargic, like he needed a nap.
Chelindra was dressed in no time, and Gabriel accepted a robe from the attendant. He stood, donned the robe, and gathered her in his arms before she could escape the tent.
“Please take care of yourself,” he begged as he squeezed her tight.
Chelindra laughed, and whispered in his ear, “Impenetrable Elven Princess, remember?”
“Even so,” Gabriel insisted.
Chelindra kissed him, and may have continued to do so for quite some time had Randy not chosen that moment to step back in the tent.
“Are we going?” He asked impatiently. He was perilously close to insubordination, and he knew it, but he was too jealous to care.
Chelindra sighed, and left with her Second in Command.
“Don’t you dare forego eating!” The attendant warned Gabriel. “Who knows how long the General will be gone, and I do not want her blaming me if you fall ill!”
Gabriel nodded sadly, and sighed. He grabbed two slices of bacon, and ate them as he dressed. Satisfied that he was following orders, the attendant left. Gabriel left the rest of the food on his plate as he left to do his job.

Go To Chapter 12+13


  1. I like how you incorperate his old life as a slave so smoothly into the story line.

  2. I agree with the above comment. You can feel his struggle trying to understand his new freedoms and feelings.


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