
Monday, March 28, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Both of them had been so tired last night that they fell asleep almost immediately after returning to bed and getting comfortably entwined. Gabriel woke first, his long time routine of getting up early waking him before dawn. He allowed himself the luxury of doing nothing except hold her for at least an hour. She had one of her legs between his, and an arm under his neck. He had one arm under her shoulder, and the other rested on her hip.
He mentally reviewed all of those who had made use of his body as a slave. The first time was when he was serving a wealthy guest of his Master’s. His Master had known what was going to happen because Gabriel already knew that a slave never refused to do anything, yet his Master had specifically told him that the guest was vitally important, and that Gabriel needed to take extra good care of him.
The guest found Gabriel handsome, and he liked that Gabriel obviously didn’t want to. He had a small whip ready to use as punishment if Gabriel dared to so much as hint that he refused. Gabriel had been forced to use his mouth on the guest, and then he had to let him sodomize him.
At least he had been allowed to cry. Normally, a slave was supposed to do as told and pretend to be happy to do so no matter what, but this guest had wanted him to cry. It made him happy to hear Gabriel cry, and he encouraged him to do so.
There had been a fair amount of other guests who had made use of him after that, even women. It was harder with women because with them he had to pretend like he wanted them, and he had to somehow find the desire to create and maintain an erection. With men, usually he just had to hold still until it was over, and then he could be on his way.
He honestly couldn’t say he had ever enjoyed sex before. No one had ever touched him in a way that he liked, and that’s why no one was more surprised than him when he discovered that he liked having Chelindra in his arms. It’s also why he was content to just hold her, but doing so had awakened his desire.
Gabriel realized that he’d grown uncomfortable because he was now poking Chelindra in the thigh. He tried to shift them, but she was surprisingly heavy and unmoving. In fact, she was a bit cool to the touch, and stiff. She was breathing, he was sure of that, so he wasn’t too worried about her, but he really needed to move.
He pressed his lips to hers, and found them in the same condition as the rest of her body. This fascinated him, and he gave into an impulse to lick her lips. She parted them unconsciously, and they softened. He kissed her again, slipping his tongue into her mouth. He explored the inside of her mouth with his tongue, and marveled at how the rest of her body softened. Finally, he could shift her and relieve the pressure on his shaft.
He wanted her, badly! He wanted to possess her, and make her his, but the very idea also left him confused. Actually making her his was slavery, and he did not ever want to make someone his slave.
“I could get very used to this,” Chelindra informed him.
Gabriel massaged her buttocks, and she pressed her body into his. If not for her nightgown and his thin under pants, they would be about one centimeter from joining together. The thought made Gabriel groan, and grind his hips into her.
Chelindra gasped at the intensity of her need to have him inside her. She struggled to remove her nightgown, and he helped once he realized what she was doing; yet some hesitation in the back of his mind prevented him from removing his sleepwear.
Chelindra knew why he was still partially clothed, and didn’t try to undress him, though she was powerfully tempted to. Instead, she shifted so that she was sitting atop him, careful not to apply the wrong kind of pressure to his groin. She flattened herself atop him, pressing every inch of their bodies together as possible. He grabbed her hips and helped her press her genitals to his.
Their kissing deepened, and Gabriel wondered why he still hesitated. It was obvious that he wanted to be inside her as badly as she wanted him there. He moaned as she pinched one of his nipples.
They heard a short rap on the knocking board before the tent door was opened by an attendant carrying breakfast. He was young and newly married, and seeing them reminded him of his honeymoon. He blushed, set the tray on the table without saying a word, and turned to leave.
Chelindra sighed, and sat up. She had her back to him, so she didn’t bother to cover up. “Please inform my senior officers that I require their presence here in 10 minutes.”
“Yes General,” the attendant replied. He left the tent, and bumped into the Second in Command.
“Colonel!” The attendant saluted. “You should probably give them a minute or two.”
“I see,” the colonel stated, and took up a waiting stance.
Chelindra laughed softly. “Duty awaits!”
Gabriel frowned. His Master would have never allowed his slaves or servants to enter without permission. Gabriel knew that his morning attendant was the exception, but it was not a pleasant thought that anyone could interrupt them by walking in at any time.
A thought occurred to him. “They are the ones who started the rumors that we are lovers, despite the fact that we haven’t yet. I would think that they would have the courtesy to give us privacy in the mornings and evenings.”
Chelindra chuckled in agreement. “True, but perhaps they all just want to see it for themselves… I’ve never taken a lover before, that they know of.”
Gabriel groaned in frustration because Chelindra was rocking her hips back and forth, despite the fact that she herself had ordered everyone to be here in just 10 minutes.
Chelindra was caught between hoping that they continued this tonight, and her desire to not pressure him. She could clearly sense his hesitation. She forced herself to stop frustrating both of them, and carefully rose up just enough to shift to the side of the bed, and then off it.
The couple dressed, and then sat to eat their breakfast. They sat in their proper places, she at the head of the table, and he where the CCO should sit. There was enough food to feed any officer who hadn’t found time to grab a bite yet.
“Enter!” Chelindra commanded. Despite being a mere 7 minutes after Chelindra had sent her attendant out, all of her senior officers entered the tent, and about half of them helped themselves to some food.
Chelindra told everyone about her “scouting mission,” and confirmed her ambush plan. Business was conducted as normal, and the meeting adjourned a half an hour later. Everyone left to perform their duties, except Randy, Chelindra’s Second in Command.
Gabriel cast them an indecisive look as he left the tent. He knew that they had been 1st and 2nd in command for years before he came along, but even so, he was irrationally jealous that they were going to be alone together. He shook his head over his silliness, and busied himself with his tasks.
“Randy, I understand your concerns, and you had a very valid point. I trust your judgment, however, I need to know that you did not fail to follow my orders out of… something else,” Chelindra said.
“What are you trying to say? That I would disobey you out of some power struggle with a subordinate officer?” Randy asked in disbelief.
Chelindra hadn’t even considered this possibility, because she knew that Randy never engaged in power struggles.
“Or are you saying that I do not trust our new CCO because he was a slave of the enemy General?”
Chelindra had to admit that this could certainly be a possibility, but she said nothing because she realized that he was justified in his anger. She had meant to point out that he could have been in the wrong by not carrying out her orders immediately, but doing so implied that she did not trust him as much as she said.
Randy grew upset when she didn’t answer him, and he took hold of her arm. He was one of the few people with permission to touch her, though he hadn’t really done so unnecessarily in the past. He gave her a strange look.
“Or do you assume I did so out of jealousy?” He pulled her close and kissed her. She was shocked enough to do nothing for a few moments. She had assumed he was jealous. Their relationship had been strictly professional from the first moment they met. They had worked their way up the ranks in separate units. Eventually, they both stood as Colonels possessing excellent battle tactics, equals who frequently worked together. When Chelindra had been promoted and named him her 2nd, she had done so out of genuine respect for him.
That he was kissing her now only confirmed her long time suspicions… he wanted her. Chelindra did not make him stop the kiss, which was actually several kisses, because she was busy watching how her body responded to him. It simply didn’t. She did not have any reaction either way. She was not repulsed or offended, nor was she pleased or filled with lust.
Randy felt her lack of response, and sighed. He let her go and stepped back.
“Yes, I assumed you were jealous,” Chelindra stated.
“You really have no feelings for me?”
“I wouldn’t say I have no feelings for you. I feel admiration, trust, respect, and all those feelings that I am supposed to feel toward my Second in Command… and friend,” Chelindra admitted.
“What is it about him that attracts you so?” Randy wondered.
“I really don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s powerful,” she confessed.
“You were right to suspect jealousy, because I am jealous as hell!” Randy informed her. “But… that is not why I delayed following your orders. I honestly felt that setting up the ambush so early invited their advance scouts to find the ambush. I figured it should be nearly last minute, that way, even if their scouts do go through the area, there won’t be anyone to find.”
Chelindra bit her lip in thought. “I realize that, and as I said, you have a valid point. However, I like being prepared as far in advance as possible. That way they cannot send a party ahead to ambush us.”
Randy nodded. The matter had actually been settled during the meeting, but Chelindra had not wanted to reprimand her 2nd in front of everyone. He turned to leave, and got a mere two strides before he stopped, and cleared his throat.
“I have always hoped that one day, after the war was over, we would get married. Is there a possibility that my hope will come true?” He asked.
Chelindra smiled sadly. “No… even if I had never met Gabriel, I could not have married you.”
The way she said that puzzled him. “Why?”
Chelindra sighed. She knew that there were many rumors about her, about why she didn’t age and couldn’t be hurt. She also knew that Randy was close enough to her that he might suspect the truth, but even so, she had never told him. She didn’t know what to say now.
“I… always knew that I would have to marry whomever my father or brother chose for me. I could never have married you, just as I will never be able to marry Gabriel,” Chelindra explained what she could.
“That makes it sound like you are the daughter of someone important,” Randy commented.
“It does, doesn’t it?” Chelindra smiled. “Dismissed.”

Go To Chapter 11

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