
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Braedon - II


In walked two gorgeous women who looked exactly alike. Jules gaped at them in awe. Something about them seemed almost... otherworldly.
Hello,” they purred, grinning at him. “So you're the man staying with our brother.”
Jules swallowed and cleared his throat a couple of times before he remembered how to speak. “Uh... hi...”
His eyes roamed their naked bodies – does no one wear clothes around here? – and then tried to look them in the eyes as they wrapped themselves around him. He felt like he had just won the lottery and they were his heart-stopping prize!
Their eyes started to glow so subtly that he wasn't entirely certain he wasn't just imagining it. They stoked his chest – he was wearing a robe – and then cupped his buttocks, which made him realize that he must have stood up when they walked in. They smirked mysteriously.
We think you'll make an excellent King...” they murmured softly, each nibbling on one of his ears.
K-K-K-King?” Jules questioned nervously. They were making it extrodinarily hard for him to think, much less speak!
Yes...” they confirmed before taking turns kissing him.
Jules felt his heart start thundering in his chest. They led him to a sofa, stroking his body with their hands. The little fires they created completely distracted him. For all he knew, he could be literally floating on a cloud of pleasure rather than the plush sofa with the soft and easy to wash cover.
They took turns rocking his world. He felt like his heart actually stopped for a few moments when they finally allowed him to climax – which made him seriously wish he knew how all the women here seemed to know how to stop him from cumming too soon. When his heart finally started beating again, he gasped and started to pant heavily.
Now you know why the french call it Le Petit Mort... the little death,” they purred in his ears.
Are you done yet?!” Braedon called out from the kitchen. “You two know you're not supposed to do that here!”
Says you! We have every right to be here!” They argued with a laugh.
In the society, it was generally accepted that family members would respect certain boundaries. This meant that if a person walked into a room to find one of their siblings or parents or children participating in an orgy, they would graciously find a different room to play in. Therefore, Braedon was right in that they shouldn't really be have sex openly in “his” house, and they were right in that as members of society, they had every right to make use of the HQ too.
What are you doing here?” Braedon asked, leaning against the frame of the door between the kitchen and livingroom.
They smirked at him. “We talked with Elena – she needed volunteers for Eric's class – and she mentioned that your guest here was a volunteer for her class. We figured that we'd come prepare him.”
Braedon nodded. “Feel free to use the bath. I'll just take a shower in my room.”
Yes my King,” they replied cheekily, causing him to roll his eyes. He knew better than to expect respect or obedience out of them! He waved dismissively and walked to his room.
Jules followed as they tugged on his arms and dragged him to the bathroom. He looked around in astonishment. Most of the house looked like a small mansion. It was actually not really big enough to be called a mansion, but it was just a bit too big to be called a regualr house. This room – however – was almost opulent in its richness and beauty.
The tub itself was absolutely massive! It could almost be called a pool, except that it wasn't more than three feet deep. Actually, Jules discovered that it had a shallower side for shorter people, and a deeper side for taller people. He looked down into the tub and wondered if he should simply hop in.
One of the twins turned on a shower – there were several that lined one wall – and the other carefully selected some soaps and oils from a cabinet. They washed him with the soaps – which all looked handmade – shaved and trimmed his pubic hair, then dried him off with a couple of soft and fluffy towels. To his disappointment, they didn't let him get into the tub.
You'll have time for that later,” they assured him. He wondered how they always seemed to know what he was thinking and how they always managed to say the same thing at the same time. With a last mournful look at the tub, he allowed them to push him onto a massage table in a nice warm room that was nestled off to the side of the bathroom.
They rubbed him from head to foot in an oil that smelled like oranges and cinnamon. One of them smiled as he thought this, and smeared her finger across his lips. He opened them in response which allowed her to stick her finger in his mouth.
It tastes like cinnamon and oranges too,” the other twin informed him.
He sucked the delicious oil off the finger, wondering why they were covering him in it.
Because... the trainees have never orally pleased a man before and we wish to make sure that they find the experience as pleasant and enjoyable as possible,” the twin with her finger in his mouth informed him.
Orally pleased??? Jules was intrigued by the prospect. He'd had no idea what volunteering to help train in new members entailed, but he rather assumed that it would be some mild kissing and maybe some petting. This sounded like it was going to be even more fun that he'd first thought.
It is!” Both twins confirmed with a grin.
How do you read my mind like that?” Jules asked, and then groaned when they thoroughly rubbed the oil onto his shaft. It had responded to their massage by standing up in rigid attention.
They shrugged. “We just do.”
One handed him a pair of boxers. “These are specially made to prevent fuzz, lint, and other... debris from clothing from sticking to you.”
The other gave her sister a quick kiss on the cheek. “I'm going to go help Braedon finish oiling up.”
Jules watched her leave. A frown puckered his face as he stepped into the boxers and pulled them up. “What about you two? Don't you need to be oiled up?”
We've already prepared ourselves.”
Jules nodded and then moaned happily as she took the time to towel him off once again. This helped remove the excess oil that hadn't absorbed into his skin, but also helped him feel awake and energetic.
In Braedon's room, he eyed his sister suspiciously as he toweled off after his shower. “Why are you really interested in Jules?”
She turned him so that she could oil up his back. He knew that she would either answer him honestly or ignore him completely. He decided to oil up his legs and groin while she worked on his back.
She sighed lightly. “He needs the society. We can give him something he's never had but always wanted.”
Like what?” Braedon asked curiously.
She finished rubbing his back and shoulders and stepped back to grab a towel while he oiled the rest of his body.
Complete acceptance. Belonging. He's never been able to settle for just one woman because he needs a variety of lovers to satisfy him. In this society, we understand. We don't judge him and call him a womanizer or a hound dog. He needs that.”
Braedon held out his arms while she brushed his back with the towel. Then he took the towel from her and used it to get rid of the rest of the excess oil. He took the boxers she held out for him.
I can see that,” Braedon admitted with a nod. “He seems so lost right now, and maybe we can provide him with a safe harbor to find his way.”
Exactly!” She kissed him on the cheek. “We're going to leave now for Eric's. Tell Elena we said hi.”
Will do!” Braedon promised, kissing her cheek.
He grabbed a tee shirt to wear, throwing it over his head as he followed her to the kitchen. He kissed his other sister goodbye, and then smiled at Jules.
You can wear that robe or a tee shirt like me, but don't worry, no one will see us as we drive. I have an SUV with lightly tinted windows,” Braedon informed him.
Jules nodded, and decided to just wear his robe – that he already had on. He watched the twins out the window as they threw on dresses and got into their Jeep Wrangler.
They're really something,” Jules murmured appreciatively.
That they are,” Braedon agreed. “But don't get too attached to them... They're both in semi-committed relationships with the fathers of their children.”
Figures,” Jules muttered.
Come on,” Braedon urged. On the way to Elena's house, he tried to explain as much about the training as he could. It was really simple, trainees were taught all the skills they would need to know to become excellent lovers.
So...” Jules murmured speculatively. “There's no actual sex involved in this training?”
Not directly with the trainees, no. If they choose to become members of society after their training is over, then they give their virginity to the society during initiation.”
Jules tilted his head to the side in confusion. “What if they aren't virgins?”
Braedon laughed. “The majority of them have been raised by parents who belong to the society. They are raised to save their virginity as a gift to the Gods. However, if they are tempted to give it away before deciding to join our society, that is their right. The initiation refers to them as virgins to the society, not as actual virgins.”
Oh... so, then... Other people can join too... even if they aren't young virgins...”
Exactly!” Braedon assured him. “Why? Are you interested in joining?”
Jules shrugged. “I don't know. Maybe. It seems worth considering.”
A half an hour later, the two of them were lounging around a room with 5 other men. They were all naked and chatted amicably. Only Jules felt uncomfortable by the prospect of participating in oral sex in front of an audience.
Elena walked in exuding confidence and grace. She led the group of giggling girls, gesturing for them to be quiet. They all grinned as they looked around the room at the volunteers.
Remember, ladies; you've practiced pleasing each other for a week and a half. This is really no different. You'll do just fine, but if you should doubt yourself, simply ask what you could be doing to make him feel better,” Elena advised.
The girls nodded and then walked to the partners Elena told them to start with. Jules once again felt like he'd won the lottery – only this time, his prize was a girl of about 17. A look around showed him that they were all between the ages of 16 and 18. Now that he thought about it, this made sense because it was highly doubtful that anyone raised in this society could wait until their 20s to lose their virginity.
The girl who knelt in front of Braedon gasped. “My King! I did not realize that you would be a volunteer today!”
Braedon grinned at her. “Princess Elena asked me to. Of course I could not refuse!”
Yes, my King,” the girl replied obediently and then bent to concentrate on her task.
Elena decided to distract Jules. He hadn't been trained and so likely did not have the skills to resist ejaculating in less than two minutes. She pulled a chair over to him and straddled it as she talked to him.
So... how do you like our society so far?”
Jules looked at her incredulously. He found it strange that she would want to have a conversation with him now when he was supposed to be giving tips to the girl who was rapidly making his knees shake. He tried to calm his breathing.
Uh... I like it. There was a party last night that turned out extremely interesting,” Jules admitted.
I'll bet!” Elena laughed. “Have you considered the type of member you'd like to be? I wouldn't mind another slave around the house.”
Jules cast her a startled look. He noticed that she was hugely pregnant and rubbed her belly proudly. She grinned at him mysteriously and his heart started racing in something close to panic.
She chuckled throatily and then pointedly looked at one of the men across the room. He returned her smoky look, and then smiled at Jules.
As a slave, you would naturally do exactly what I told you to do at all times. I would only punish when you deserved it...”
Ha!” Braedon snorted. “Elena thinks everything is a punishable offense!”
Slave!” Jules exclaimed, looking at Braedon in alarm.
Braedon laughed. “As with everything in this society, that is a choice. You don't have to do anything you don't want to.”
Elena groaned and pouted. “Aww... You didn't have to tell him that. I could have had so much fun with him tonight if he thought he had no choice but to obey me.”
She then tapped the girl sucking on Jules. “It's time to switch practice partners now.”
Jules sighed in relief. Despite his distraction, he had been very close to filling the girl's mouth. The girls all rotated in a circle, which meant that the one who had been practicing on Braedon was now practicing on Jules. She also had his knees shaking in practically no time.
Elena chuckled. “You're doing well.” She referred to both of them. Jules took a few steadying breaths.
A pair of twins helped prepare me this morning. I'm honestly surprised that I'm so ready to cum again already!”
By the way his balls visibly tightened, Elena knew he meant this literally. She placed a hand on the trainee's shoulder. “Give him a moment, and if that doesn't work, gently squeeze and pull down on his balls like I showed you.”
Yes Princess,” the trainee agreed, lightly practicing the trick in the air. It looked a bit like she was milking a cow.
Elena returned her attention to Jules. “The twins came to prepare you?”
Yes,” Jules confirmed. “Is that bad?”
No!” Elena hastily assured him. “Simply unusual. They, um... They generally don't concern themselves with anyone without a reason.
Jules gasped as the trainee decided it was time to resume her lesson. Elena and Braedon speculated on his sisters' possible motives for a few moments, which gave Jules an opportunity to think about what they had said to him.
Thinking about the possibility of being a King of this society also helped him delay the need to cum from overtaking him yet again. A couple of the other men groaned as they shot their loads despite the girls' attempts to prevent them.
Elena stood to go talk to them. “Don't worry, the trick takes practice to get just right. Also, as you can see, it doesn't always work. Everyone, it's time to switch partners.”
The girls all rotated again. Elena carefully squatted next to one of the men that had ejaculated. She used her hand to show the girl what to do.
Pressing your fingers around his shaft firmly – like so – can act like a cock ring and prevent a man from going limp after ejaculation,” she advised. She then pointed at the volunteer. “You are lucky. This one is from the last training class a few months ago. He may not have the stamina yet to go for hours, but he definitely has a quick recovery time.”
I can't decide if I've been insulted or complimented!” The volunteer said with a laugh.
Both!” Elena stated with a sassy grin.
By the time that all the trainees had taken a turn practicing on all the volunteers, Jules was ready to cry. The need to cum was so intense! He simply couldn't understand why he hadn't bust a nut a long time ago.
Elena laughed. “It looks like the twins must have worked some of their voodoo on you!”
What?!” He asked, horrified by the thought.
Nah,” Braedon denied. “I'm almost certain they would have told you if they had.”
Jules was a tiny bit jealous that Braedon looked calm and relaxed, as if he had his dick sucked on like this every day. Jules looked to the ceiling as he thought this over. Maybe he really does!
Uh,” he said, trying to figure out how to warn the trainee that he was about to fill her mouth, but it was already too late. She gulped a couple of times, swallowing his cum without so much as a whimper of protest.
Unusual... he thought. In his experience, women threatened him with bodily harm if he rudely came in their mouths without warning.
The trainee smiled up at Jules, then stood and kissed him on the cheek before walking out of the room; her training finished for the day.
Jules was quiet as he wondered what it would be like to be part of a society that considered it normal to train new members how to be good lovers. It seemed like a really good way to prevent teenaged pregnancy and rampant STDs. Hmm... I wonder how good I would be as a teacher?
It was an appealing idea. A way to make an impact on the next generation and leave a legacy... of a sort... Even better, it would give him something meaningful to do with his life.
For the first time in a long time, he felt hope.
On the ride back to HQ, Jules asked as many questions as he could think of about the society and its rules. The more he learned, the more he longed to belong.
What about me? If I decided to join your society, what sort of training would I have?” Jules finally thought to wonder.
If you prove you can satisfy a lover, then the only training you would need would be the sensual art of massage. Keep in mind that the average member's goal is to please their lover. When two members are together, they naturally please each other before they consider themselves satisfied,” Braedon explained. “Once you are initiated into our society, you will be invited to learn other things... such as bondage...”
Jules thought this over in silence for several minutes before he remembered how incredulous he was over Braedon's vow. “So... are you gay that you like having sex with men, or do you have to sort of tune out and let them do what they want in order to fulfill your vow?”
Braedon laughed softly, shaking his head. “No. Someone who tunes out during sex simply doesn't have what it takes to pass the test of Kingship. And no. I would not consider myself gay so much as bisexual. I enjoy having sex with both genders equally.”
Bi...” Jules murmured, rolling the word around on his tongue until it stopped sounding so foreign. When he was in college, he had participated in threesomes with his girlfriend at the time and other men. He was fine with that. He even allowed the other man to touch him or suck on him, but never once had he had sex directly with a man. He had never really even considered it.
It's not that the thought repulsed him, it's just that he had always had plenty of women in his bed and he liked having sex with them. It never once occurred to him that he might like to try having sex with men too. Even now, the idea seemed... indifferent... neither appealing nor revolting.
It was hard to describe, even to himself in his head. If he could take a step back and look at himself as an outsider, he would have realized that all of his emotions were still a bit numb at the moment, so trying to figure out how he felt about anything would be difficult.
They arrived back at HQ to find the maid busy cleaning.
How was your stay with your boyfriend?”Braedon asked. “You're back rather earlier than you said you'd be.”
I had to give him some space,” she admitted with a sigh. “He kept pushing me and pushing me until I had no choice but to confess that I actually do have a literal secret. ... And then he pushed me until I told him a little bit about our society. He didn't get upset, that I could tell, but he did ask to be left alone so that he could think. I pray he doesn't dump me!”
Braedon pulled her close, settled her head on his shoulder, and simply hugged her. “I pray it works out too. You deserve happiness.”
I don't know what to do! I fell utterly in love with him the first time we met and I've been faithful to him! I can't help that who I am is something he doesn't understand,” she sighed in depression.
Jules tilted his head to the side curiously. “Then why don't you leave the society?”
She looked up at him, staring in something close to shock for a moment before speaking. “Leave? You don't understand...”
She fumbled for a moment to find the right words to explain, but unable to find anything profound, she shrugged helplessly. “The society isn't something that you're a part of and then just leave when it is no longer convenient. The society is a way of life. A set of beliefs. It's a part of who I am. I cannot just leave it, even if I wanted to!”
Not even for true love?” Jules wondered curiously.
She looked down and then sighed. “If our love is true... If he truly loves me, then he loves me for who I am, not who I am willing to change into for him.”
Jules nodded, realizing that she was right. It was one of the reasons he could never settle down with any one woman. They all wanted him to be someone he wasn't. Namely someone who could commit to a relationship.
Is this what you went through with my sister?” Jules asked Braedon, who was still trying to comfort his housekeeper. Braedon half nodded, half shrugged.
Yeah, sort of. I didn't really have time to think about whether or not I would be willing to step down as King of the society before she dumped me. I brought her here and explained to her all the little things that I'd kept secret, and it was all too much for her. She shouted at me that she never wanted to see me again and ran off... and I really didn't hear from her again until now,” Braedon explained.
I'm sorry,” Jules apologized, even though it wasn't his fault in the slightest.
Braedon shrugged again. “It was a long time ago.” He neglected to mention that he had been an utter mess for a very long time, but Jules sensed it anyway. He wished he had known about all of this back then. Maybe he could have reasoned with his sister so that she didn't end things so badly.
And who knows? Maybe being part of this society back then would have helped him avoid making some of the bigger mistakes he had made in his life. He sighed as he thought about them.
Feeling mildly depressed, he decided to go to his room and take a nap or something. Anything to get his mind off of his problems!

Go To III 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Dear Reader

PLEASE understand that I LOVE comments and wish that I had hundreds more of them. Even so, I really don't like spam any more than the next person. At first, I was kinda flattered. The spam all follows the same format:

I love your post. It's astounding! It's better than anything I've ever read before! I can't wait until your next post! Oh, and by the way, here's my website: somepornorotherspamsite, check it out!

Sigh... I do a disservice to myself by letting these spammy comments onto my site, because people think I endorse the spam site. Also, by letting them flatter my ego, I probably discourage real people from commenting. SOOOOOOO

Even though I hate it...

Even though I'd almost rather pull my teeth out...

I'm going to enable the dreaded required captcha. If it does it's job of filtering out the spam comments, then I will keep it and all will be well once again. BUT if it doesn't, then I promise to turn the annoying effer back off!

Dear Universe and Angels:
When I said I wanted more readers to my site, I meant that I want REAL people who want to read my stuff, NOT spammers and bots! Thank you :-D

Have a happy day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


"Hi Braedon..."
"Juliana?!" Braedon asked incredulously, staring at the phone in disbelief.
"I know that I'm the last person you expect to hear from, but... Well... I need a favor..." Juliana confessed reluctantly.
"Why should I help you? I was completely in love with you, but when you found out about my secret society and my position as King; you slapped me, called me a perverted freak, and dumped me in front of everyone," Braedon reminded her.
"I know... I'm sorry... I was overwhelmed and handled that badly, but it was 10 years ago..."
Braedon sighed. "What do you want?"
"Well... It's my twin brother... he recently lost everything, and I mean this almost literally. First he lost his job, then he lost his house and most of his belongings, and finally... his daughter died. She was in a car accident with her mother. He didn't have custody of her, but he utterly loved and adored her. He's taking her loss very hard," Juliana explained.
Braedon was quiet a moment. " I don't want to sound heartless, but what do you want me to do about it?"
"I remember that you lived in a building dedicated to letting members of your society come and go as they please, and that people from the other regions could stay there if they needed to. I may have been horrified by your society, but I did pay attention as you explained things..." she admitted.
Taking a deep breath, Juliana continued. "Could you please let my brother stay at your place until he gets back on his feet?"
Braedon shook his head, even though she couldn't see it over the phone. "That's a bad idea. From everything you've just told me, your brother is in a state of emotional shock. Having him stay here is just going to make things worse."
"I think you're wrong..." Juliana stated softly. "I know my brother, and he's a good guy, but he's never found a woman to settle down with. He goes from girlfriend to girlfriend, and I think the idea of committing to just one woman repulses him. I honestly think that he would be suited to your society, and at least there, he would never be alone."
Braedon groaned as he considered her request. There was no rule forbidding it, but generally it was not a good idea to let outsiders stay in the regional headquarters. The place was designed so that members of the society could just show up randomly whenever they wanted, and as a result, there was always someone hanging around.
"Please Braedon?" Juliana begged.
Braedon wanted to make a snide remark such as, "so my society isn't good enough for you, but you'll trust us to help your brother?" But he held his tongue. It had been 10 years since she dumped him, and he no longer hurt because of it.
He sighed, giving into her because she must be truly desperate to even consider asking him. "Fine... He can stay here for a while."
"Thank you!" Juliana gushed, sounding like she was about to cry. "You have no idea what this means to me! ... I live about an hour away, and I have to make dinner for my husband and kids first, but I'll bring him over later tonight."
Braedon was silent for another moment. Of course she's married with kids! This news made him sad even as he was happy for her that she'd apparently found love.
He forced himself to reply cheerfully. "See you later then." He then hung up and stared at the phone for a moment.
Braedon was tempted to mope around, but moping just wasn't his style.
"First Andrew gets married and moves out, and now I get a call from my ex. What? Is the world about to end?" He muttered to himself as he located the housekeeper.
"I think I'm going to eat dinner at my parents," he told her. She nodded at him with an appreciative smile.
She was a college student who had asked to work for them as a way to help pay for her tuition. She had a boyfriend she was trying to stay monogamous with - despite her being a member of the society, he wasn't - so she didn't ask to hop into bed with the King, though she had slept with him in the past.
"Thanks for the warning," she purred. The way she stroked her naked body made Bradon think that she was horny. It was pretty obvious that she really wished her boyfriend was nearby, but - according to her - he worked nearly 60 hours a week.
Braedon was in the mood to be slightly mean. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to take his frustrations out on her, but he did. Maybe it was because she was there. He stepped closer to her, leaving only about of foot of space between them.
He stroked her hip. "Did you get a hair cut? You look really good today." His mouth hovered near her neck as he practically whispered into her ear.
"Actually, yes..." Her breathing increased. "I did, but I'm surprised you noticed."
Braedon gently bit her ear. "Of course I noticed..." His hand moved from her hip to between her legs.
"Oh, my King... I can't..." she reminded him, her legs moving apart as she arched into him despite herself. She was panting from longing.
"If you're certain," Braedon remarked, and then stopped touching her. He licked his fingers clean of the juices from her sopping womanhood. "Mmm..." He turned to leave, chuckling as he heard her groan with need and frustration.
She was gone by the time he returned home from his parents. Braedon assumed that she'd gone to spend the night at her boyfriend's. His assumption was confirmed by an excited note on the counter.
Pardon my inconsideration, my King, but I plan to spend the rest of the week with my boyfriend. Don't worry about cleaning anything up, I'll do it when I get back.
Braedon smiled. "I sincerely hope that her relationship turns out better than mine did." Only time would tell; she'd have to tell him about the society sooner or later.
A little later on, Juliana arrived with her twin brother. It was still early enough that no members had dropped by to hang out. Braedon sat naked on a bench on the balcony overlooking the driveway watching them. Juliana looked nervous, but her brother didn't seem to care about anything at the moment.
"Hi Braedon!" Juliana called out in greeting, trying to sound like she was calm and in control.
"Come on up," Braedon invited, pointing to the stairs that led up to the the balcony. Juliana dragged her brother by the arm, and he meekly followed her, carrying his suitcase behind him.
"Um..." Juliana hesitated as she stood directly in front of Braedon. "I've told my brother about as much of your society as I remember. ... Thank you for letting him stay."
Braedon shrugged. "No problem." He gestured to a sliding glass door farther along the balcony. "That used to be my brother's room. I figure your brother can stay in there for now."
"Jules..." Juliana addressed her twin. "I can help you unpack if you want."
Her brother shrugged. Braedon could tell that he felt numb.
"Come on. I'll show you around the room." Braedon lead them into the room, and then realized that the room was exactly the way Andrew had left it, which was slightly depressing.
"My brother got married recently and moved out. He left a bunch of clothes in the closet," he explained, opening the closet door to show them. "But the closet still has a bunch of room, plus the dressers are empty... I think."
Juliana had done her best to look at Braedon's face, but now her natural sense of humor took over, and she let her eyes sweep over his body with a smirk. "What's a nudist need a huge closet full of clothes for anyway?"
Braedon laughed, waggling his eyebrows at her suggestively. "My room is right next door if you want to get reacquainted."
Juliana made a noise that was half scoff half laugh. "Please! I'm happily married and I'm faithful to my husband."
Braedon shrugged. "In that case, I'll leave you to unpack and get settled in." He left them alone, returning to his balcony to watch for the arrival of any member who felt like visiting tonight.
About a half an hour later, Juliana emerged from the room her brother was staying in. "Thank you again for letting him crash here until he gets back on his feet. I know you had no reason to agree, especially since I haven't even called or emailed you in the last 10 years..."
Braedon shrugged. He didn't know what to say, so decided to change the subject. "Are you sure he won't be more traumatized by my society than he already is?"
Juliana smiled. "I told him as much as I know, and he seemed fine with it, so I can only trust that he will be okay."
A car finished driving up the long private driveway and parked just then. Six women got out of the car, immediately tossing their clothes into the backseat. Most of them waved at Braedon, but one was obviously shy.
"Good evening, my King!" The women called out. "We've come to party!"
"Go on in," Braedon permitted. "I'll be down in a few minutes."
Rather then climb the stairs up to the balcony, they entered through the front door. The shy one was nearly dragged in by one of her friends.
"Party? On a Wednesday night?" Juliana questioned in disbelief.
"Why not?" Braedon wondered.
Party? Drinking? Getting drunk? Don't they have to work tomorrow?”
"I'm sure they do, but sometimes, a person just wants to party," Braedon informed her with a grin.
"And you do this every night?" Juliana asked, frowning with concern.
"Well, to varying degrees. I only drink on weekends and special occasions," he replied honestly.
Juliana nodded in relief, and then decided to leave. She hugged Braedon as she said goodbye, and then fled as quickly as she could.
"I think she still has feelings for you," her twin mused, sounding like he hadn't spoken in quite a while. He was leaning on the frame of the open sliding glass door.
"Yeah? Too bad. I had to get over her a long time ago," Braedon stated. He purposely sounded cold, because in all honesty, it had taken him a long time to get over the way she had rejected him so completely. "Let me give you a tour of the place."
Braedon gestured for Jules to go down the stairs in front of him. "This house was acquired by this region of our society about a hundred years ago. It's the headquarters for our region, and provides a place for members to get together whenever they want. I may live here, but it's not really my house. It belongs to every member of the society."
By this time, they had walked through the front door and into the kitchen. Only one of the women was in the kitchen, the rest had made themselves at home in a large room full of comfortable furniture. The maid had her hands full just keeping this room clean, but she did a thorough job each day.
The woman in the kitchen ambushed Braedon. "A moment, if you please, my King."
"Yes?" He asked.
"I've brought my friend today. She's the reluctant and shy one. She's not a member of our society, but she's... um... anyway, can you do me a favor? If she gathers up the courage to actually ask you for sex, will you show her a really good time?"
Braedon smiled at her knowingly. Occasionally, a member of the society brought a friend that desperately needed to get laid, but was too shy or not confident enough to find a partner at a bar.
"I watched her come in..." Braedon remarked warmly. "I had a feeling she needed some good sex."
The woman hugged Braedon. "Thank you!" Then she turned to Jules. "Hi there. I see you're not part of the society either." She purred as she stroked his clothed chest with one hand and got close enough to kiss him.
Jules cleared his throat somewhat nervously.
The woman laughed. "Oh don't worry; I don't bite!"
Braedon chuckled as he walked to the room with the rest of the women. He knew that Jules would follow unless he really was interested in getting to know her better.
The shy woman was too nervous to even drink the long island iced teas the others were trying to loosen her up with. Braedon decided that he should probably take matters into his own hands. He walked straight up to her, held out his hand with a warm smile, and silently waited for her to make her decision.
She looked him up and down several times. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as her breathing increased. Braedon was almost certain that she was about to run away in panic when she suddenly held her breath and placed a shaky hand in his.
Her friends all cheered and encouraged her to have some fantastic sex, but decided to give her some privacy. She followed as Braedon led her to his room. Braedon sensed that she wasn't ready for him to simply throw her on his bed and ride her as hard as he could, but since he couldn't give her extra time to adjust to the suddenness of the situation by removing her clothes, he decided to start with the very basics.
Braedon loved to kiss. It was ironically the one skill he didn't get to practice all that often because the members of his society who asked to have sex with him usually wanted something rougher or darker. It was a rare person who wanted simple and gentle sex.
She welcomed his kisses tentatively at first, then her shyness and hesitation seemed to melt and she leaned into him for ever more demanding kisses. She took a step backwards toward his bed – enticing him to follow her – and then repeated her step until they were standing right beside the massive bed.
Braedon scooped her up rather suddenly and settled her on his bed so that he could bury his face between her legs and please her with his tongue. She gasped and squeaked in surprise, tensing up for a moment before taking a deep breath and relaxing. She was quiet at first, but then her breath escaped her in tiny pants and gasps, growing louder and louder until she was pressing both hands over her mouth in an attempt to muffle the screaming.
Braedon chuckled, amused by her shyness. All the members of society were taught during their training to accept and be comfortable with the noises they made during sex. They were taught that sex was sacred and nothing to be ashamed of.
The way she was blushing right now as he shifted to lie on top of her was so aborably cute that Braedon couldn't help but kiss her some more.
Thank you,” she whispered.
For what?” Braedon asked. He had been sliding his shaft through her juices for lubrication, but paused to look at her curiously.
My... ex-boyfriend never once took the time to... to... give me an orgasm.” She blushed redder than ever. “And I was never quite sure how to do it myself. So... thank you.”
Braedon smiled and kissed her again. He probed her slightly with his shaft, silently asking her permission. She wrapped her arms around him and then shifted her legs open a bit wider and thrust her hips up to encourage him. Braedon took this as his cue to enter her and do his best to show her that an orgasm was possible during penetration too.
It took a bit of experimenting to find the right angle and speed, but lucky for her, Braedon had had a lot of practice finding what worked for each new woman who came to him. Several minutes passed before she was squealing again. Braedon smiled and stopped thrusting completely so that he could kiss her some more until the urge to cum passed.
She blushed when soft clapping informed her that they weren't alone. A man stood just inside the doorway to Braedon's room.
Well done, my King! Would your lover mind if I joined you?”
The man was one that came to join Braedon in bed relatively frequently. He especially loved multiple partners, and was visibly intrigued by the prospect of having sex with someone not part of their society.
She blushed again, but her friend had warned her that this might happen and had advised that she go with it and have as much fun as possible until she was thoroughly exhausted. With a deep breath, she nodded.
With Braedon's help, the man positioned her so that she was on her side facing Braedon and her back was to him. She watched him nervously over her shoulder, but rather than plunge into her like she feared, he took the time to massage and work her up.
Braedon was still inside her, and thrust slowly as he watched their new lover prepare her for his entry. The man worked his way into her slowly, pausing every time she gasped and stiffened slightly. She'd take a few breaths and relax again and he'd continue. Finally, he was buried as deeply as he could go considering the angle he was at.
With a sigh of pleasure, she surrendered herself to their lusty thrusts. She didn't even care when a third man joined them. By the time she was too exhausted to go on, another two men had joined them – which had explained why Braedon's bed was so massive!
She drifted awake slowly when a bright ray of light hit her eyes. Memories of her incredible night replayed in her mind causing her to giggle softly. Her friend had been right! All she'd needed was some fantastic sex so that she could get over her asshole of an ex-boyfriend and move on.
She opened her eyes slowly and wiggled experimentally as she wondered how she was going to get out from under all these men without waking them. Her squirming woke them all up anyway, and two of them promptly helped her hands discover the evidence of their pleasant dreams. She giggled some more and shifted to allow them access to her.
Braedon decided to slip out of bed while his lovers were all occupied with each other. He felt bad for basically abandoning his guest in the middle of the tour, and wanted to check up on him. He hoped that Jules had relaxed and enjoyed the party.
In Andrew's room – which Jules was staying in – Braedon found his guest under a second pile of bodies. It was the five women that had dragged their shy friend here and one other man. Braedon smiled at them, knowing without asking that they'd all had a ton of fun last night. One of the women was awake and smiled at him.
Good morning, my King. Did my friend enjoy herself?”
Braedon grinned and nodded. “In fact, she's enjoying herself again as we speak.”
Is she?” A couple other women asked, impressed.
They all lifted their heads to see Braedon nod in confirmation. As one, they untangled themselves from the pile and rushed to witness the event for themselves. This left the two men alone in the bed. Braedon tilted his head to the side as he wondered how Jules felt about suddenly being all alone in bed with a man.
Jules looked around, noticed that there was plenty of room in the massive bed, and stretched out happily as he basically ignored the other man. Braedon smiled.
I'm glad to see that you enjoyed your first night here. I'll let you get some sleep.”
Jules murmured sleepily and snuggled up to some pillows. A chuckle escaped him as Braedon turned to leave. “Is it always so interesting around here?”
More or less!” Braedon confirmed with a wry chuckle of his own.
He left the room and headed to the kitchen so that he could cook up some breakfast. This was one of his favorite parts about being King. Everyone came to him, so he had the freedom to cook as much as he wanted each morning.
The different regions of the society were supported by something akin to the tithing system. Each member contributed what they could afford to give, and the money was used to maintain the regional headquarters, pay the small salaries of everyone who held a title in the region, and offset the cost of any rituals that were held. It also paid for the entertainment expenses... including food. So long as Braedon shared everything he made, he basically ate for free.
Having been raised by parents that were more or less simple farmers, he valued good food highly, and always made certain to buy directly from farmers he knew and trusted. Part of him always thought that this was one of the reasons so many people just dropped by headquarters whenever they could. They always raved about his cooking.
The smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes cooking prompted most everyone to come investigate. Their stomachs growled as they entered the large kitchen, which had a couple of long picnic tables off to one side so that there was plenty of room for everyone. Most of the time...
Someone made coffee – which Braedon never did because he hated coffee, but some always seemed to find its way into the house. Jules moaned in appreciation as he poured himself a cup of the coffee – which was freshly ground from fair trade, slow roasted, organic beans – and then sparsely added a few things to a plate. Braedon could tell that he was not used to eating breakfast, but was hungry enough to give it a try.
The women all ate as quickly as they could and rushed out the door. They were apparently running late even though they'd previously obtained permission to go into work 2-3 hours later than usual. The shy woman smiled at Braedon for a moment before giving him a tight hug.
Thank you again.”
My pleasure,” Braedon assured her with a grin.
As they left, Jules stared after them, wondering if they planned to go to work naked. He saw them hastily dress before getting into their car and nodded, remembering that they had stripped after arriving last night.
Three of the five men left after they finished their breakfast. Jules watched the remaining two curiously. One of them was the man that had helped him satisfy all those women last night. They both eyed Braedon lustily.
I didn't get a chance to see you at all last night, my King.”
And I didn't get my fair share of your attention,” the other man added.
Braedon chuckled. “I was pretty occupied.” The phone rang just then, so he answered it, interrupting whatever was going to be said next.
How's my brother doing?” Juliana asked.
He's fine. No need to worry,” Braedon assured her.
Did he hide away like a hermit? I hoped that he would at least interact with others a bit.”
Braedon laughed heartily. “I'd say he interacted plenty!”
Jules blushed lightly. “Is that my sister? Tell her that it's none of her business what I did last night!”
Did you hear that?” Braedon asked, his voice rich with amusement.
Juliana sighed in relief. “Good. Please take good care of him.”
I will. Like I said, there's no need to worry about him. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have guests to entertain.”
Juliana snorted a laugh. “I bet!”
Braedon hung up, but before he could even take a breath, it rang again. “Hello?”
Hello my King,” Elena greeted him. “I have a favor to ask.”
Anything for you, Princess,” Braedon stated with an affectionate smile.
I'm in charge of this session of training – as is Eric – and we both need volunteers for later today,” Elena explained.
Hold on a moment,” Braedon commanded. “Any of you want to volunteer to help the girls with their training today?”
His two would-be lovers both shook their heads.
Can't. I work later.”
Me too.”
Braedon looked at Jules, who was tiliting his head to the side curiously. Braedon grinned. “Elena, I have a non-member staying with me for a while, and I am certain that he would love to have the opportunity to let the girls practice their skills on him. You can count me in too. We'll be at your house later, but I'm afraid that there aren't any women here to ask at the moment, so I can't be of any help to Eric.”
Elena laughed. “That's okay. I'm sure he'll find plenty of volunteers!”
Later!” Braedon stated cheerfully and then hung up. Without a word, he followed his eager lovers to his room, calling out to Jules as he left the kitchen.
If the phone rings, just let it go to voicemail.”
Jules watched him leave the room, muttering to himself. “When she said that he had to let anyone have sex with him, I didn't think she meant that literally!”
It was very strange to him that there was a society of people governed by members who vowed to have sex with everyone who asked them to. What if a King happened to be utterly straight? What if a Queen was firmly a lesbian? What if they just weren't in the mood?
Could I honor such a vow? Jules wondered. It was true that he had never found the right woman to settle down with and tended to have a new girlfriend every week or so, but – as the loud noises coming from Braedon's room proved – the vow referred to anyone at any time; simply because they asked.
At 35, Jules was both intrigued and confused by the prospect. He had experimented plenty in college. This included the not-so-rare threesome with another man, but he had never had actual intercourse with any of them.
I wonder if Braedon has more gay sex or more straight sex? It didn't seem likely that women came over anywhere near as often as men would. Most men wanted sex as often as possible, and would certainly take advatage of a willing partner whenever they could.
His thoughts ran round and round in circles for quite some time until the door opened abruptly, startling him. 

Go To II 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The dark side of being a mom

I recently read this beautiful and utterly breathtaking blog post :  I became a mother and died to live and what follows is the response I typed up. This is something I find myself struggling with again, and so reading this was a perfect reminder that I am not alone in this :-)

My sons are 8 and 6. So I am no longer in that frantic new stage, but even so, this post hit home. I didn't cry, but I felt profoundly affected. I'm a Libra, and whether or not most people believe in astrology, this part of it rings true for me. As a Libra, I literally NEED partnership. I need someone in my life. A Libra is also an air sign which "feels" with their mind rather than their heart, so emotions can be hard for me to feel. Especially since I have a grounded and stubborn Taurus moon sign.

When I got married to my husband, it was specifically to attain life goal number 1: to have kids. I didn't party. I didn't hang out with friends very often. I didn't have a self... or so I thought as I spent massive amounts of time reading anything and everything that interested me. I wanted to be spiritual. I wanted to eventually be a mother, and a good one at that. I wanted to do everything all naturally.

I told my husband why I wanted to marry him, and that even though I did not love him (AT THE TIME), I still wanted to spend my life with him. It took me a year to fall utterly in love with him, and I remain so to this day.

When my first son was born, my husband and I lived with my mother. I had tried and tried and tried for years (since I was 16) to get pregnant, and by 25, I despaired that it was ever going to happen. I learned that I was pregnant when I was 32 weeks along, and had Gryffin exactly 1 month later. I loved every moment of the first three months. He was the perfect baby, and I had my husband and my mother to help me. If I desperately needed a nap, I could take it. Then...

Right about the time that I had to admit that I could not produce enough milk to feed my son and put him on formula, he changed. He got colicky. He would scream and cry or just plain moan for hours and hours and never stop. Even though I felt helpless and downright annoyed, I was secure in the knowledge that I could handle this. His colic eventually cleared up and my happy baby returned. I had gotten very close to PPD; I had touched it and waved to it in passing, but I hadn't actually gotten it. I felt like I FINALLY was the person I always wanted to be. I also fell irrevocably in love with my son. It took about a year - the same as it had to fall in love with my husband.

Then we moved. I was pregnant with my second son, and I felt like a hermit. I couldn't bring Gryffin outside to play because I didn't have the energy to get out of bed. He went from never having watched TV at all to watching it as often as I could get him to. After Phoenix was born, I hit something very close to despair.

The ironic thing was that he was not a colicky baby. He would have been perfect... had he not cried every time I put him down. I wanted to try attachment parenting with him before he was born, but I was NOT prepared for a baby who was soooooo needy that I literally could NOT put him down. I fought with him for months! I just wanted him to lay down in his swing and sleep for a half an hour without me holding him! I wanted him to smile and be happy when other people were holding him so that I could go to the bathroom by myself!

I used to have no problems taking a shower with my son, but when my second son was born, I almost gave up showering completely because what was once my sanctuary was now utterly invaded by him! He is a mama's boy like a leech would be proud of! The thing that I had wanted so badly had practically killed my spirit and ground me under its shoe...

It took me 2 years to fall in love with him. I kept wondering when he would succumb to SIDS. I kept wondering why it wasn't acceptable to put your baby up for adoption months after he was born. I realized that being a mom meant that I (extra capital I, also italicized. Kinda like a big old giant I rolling around and around in circles) I was this baby's mother. Even when he cried and cried and cried because I was tired of holding him and my arms ached. Even when I tied him to me and paced the floor for hours because it was the only way he would go to sleep and leave me alone for a while.

Even when my hubby went right to bed and straight to sleep because he had to go to work and support us even though I was sobbing and wondering if going to prison would be worth finally being rid of the incredibly huge burden.

But then one day, I gave in. I surrendered. I couldn't fight the demands of this little person anymore. I brought him to bed with me rather than try to force him to sleep in the crib next to my bed. We went to bed together and I finally got some sleep.


It wasn't enough to banish the PPD back to the nether regions of hell, but it was enough to help me cope. In a lot of way, Phoenix was 3 times easier to care for. Most parents - especially attachment parents - probably would have considered him a star baby. But the me who had been fiercely independent with - or rather dependent on - massive amounts of alone time, she had to die. She had to be replaced with a person who could watch two radiant and bouncing balls of energy zip around the room, climb the furniture, and just generally be 300 times louder than necessary.

At times, I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to be blessed with two much prayed for miracles. But at other times, the me who still needs some alone time - even if it is only for a couple of hours - that me wants to run away. That me wishes I could drop my kids off at my mom's house. Or my mother in law's house. Or any one of my three sisters or two brothers houses and just have a weekend to myself. But I can't. They won't let me. So I have to do it all alone and count the minutes until my husband comes home and I can make up an excuse to run to the grocery store.

It does get easier, but it doesn't. Being a mother is hard! And I for one wish that those super women who CAN manage to do it all AND have a job would stop looking down on us stay at home moms. Just because we occasionally resent the death of who we were, it doesn't mean that we wish we weren't moms. It's still the only thing I want to be when I grow up :-)