
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Morning Commute

I turned my alarm off with a groan. I had stayed up late studying again last night, and now felt like I hadn’t slept in days. My final exams were coming up though, and I was determined to get a high score so that I could get into any college I wanted to.
“I’ve made you breakfast, but if you don’t hurry, you’ll miss your train,” my mom reminded me.
I groaned again. She’s right, and it’s my own damn fault for choosing to attend a prestigious high school an hour’s commute from home, but still… At this moment, it sucks!
Thankfully, my school had a uniform, so I didn’t need to waste any time trying to figure out what to wear. I’d gone to bed wearing only my bra and panties – no pajamas – so it took practically no time at all to slip into my knee-length skirt. I buttoned up my blouse as I rushed to the kitchen.
This morning, breakfast was miso soup and 2 soft-boiled eggs. I downed the soup quickly, and then took the eggs with me as I gathered up my backpack and raced to catch my train.
I made it just in time, and panted from the exertion of running. As always, the train was so packed full of morning commuters that I was jostled and pushed until I managed to grab hold of one of the railings provided to steady any passenger lucky enough to reach it. I sent up my ritual prayer of thanks that I was taller than all the other girls, and could reach the railing.
Even so, holding onto it still took a lot of effort. Especially since the train was so crowded that every little bump or sway made the people inside it lean into those that surrounded them on all sides. We were packed in tight – like sardines in a can.
Mostly, this wasn’t so bad, but occasionally, someone got bold enough to grope me, knowing that I would never really know for sure who he was. According to school gossip, it’s actually pretty common for girls and women to get groped if they take the train. The best advice anyone could give was to just ignore it.
Sure enough, ignoring it had seemed to work. Whichever hands stroked me from time to time did so quickly, and then left me alone.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I’d much rather think about my boyfriend! He and I had been seeing each other for a couple of months now, and he seemed perfect for me in every way. He was smart, funny, attentive, but most importantly, we were both likely to get into any college we wanted. We had promised to go to the same one. We actually chose the same 5 to apply to.
I sighed happily as I remembered our last study session. Every time one of us quizzed the other and received the correct answer, the reward was a kiss. The kissing led to petting, which ended up with me in his bed. I returned home late that day, but my mom didn’t mind once I told her that I got carried away while studying and lost track of time.
The train made stops every 10 minutes or so, and each time it did, less people got off than got on. As a result, the train grew even more crowded, and it felt like we were all hugging each other tight for fear that we’d all fall over and never be able to get back up again if we didn’t. My one arm ached from holding the railing, and I slowly wiggled my other arm up from my side so that I could switch arms, but I had to be careful not to stroke the passengers surrounding me inappropriately.
The train lurched unexpectedly, and the movement was enough that I got my hand free fairly easily. Now holding the railing above me with both hands, I waited for the roughness to smooth out.
I growled inaudible with barely contained tolerance as I felt someone grope me. This time I was absolutely certain that it was whoever was directly behind me. He – at least I presumed it was a he – had steadied himself by grabbing my hips when the train lunged a moment ago, and now his hands were wandering up my skirt to caress my butt.
He was standing so close to me that I could feel his entire body pressed up against my back. This wasn’t any surprise though since I was pressed just as closely to the man in front of me.
I did my best to ignore his groping, but he continued much longer than anyone else did. Finally, he moved his hands off me, and I sighed in relief. A moment passed, and I was dismayed to realize that I still had about 20 minutes until I reached my stop.
The hand resumed its groping, only this time, it got so much bolder than anyone had dared to in the past. I felt the hand worm its way between my legs, and then under my panties and between my lips. I gasped with outrage!
The sad thing is that not even the man in front of me – whose ear was mere inches from my mouth – heard me. The train was loud, and all the passengers murmuring made it impossible to hear anything. I sincerely wished I could move, but I was firmly stuck in place until the next station at the very least.
I looked up at my hands as yet another bump tried to knock me off my feet. My groper used the momentum to his advantage. He pushed my legs a bit apart, and then I felt his hand pressing into me.
That’s not his hand!!! I gasped again as I realized that he was gently but firmly pushing his dick into me. Oh my God! The nerve of some people!
I tried to turn my head so that I could tell him off, but my backpack was in the way. I couldn’t even see him. I knew that if the man in front of me couldn’t hear me, then the chances of the man behind me hearing me were slim to none.
Another jostle of the train, and he was buried pretty deep inside me. I was astonished to realize that he felt good! Really good!
I tried once more to turn my head so I could at least see who was doing this to me, but the best I could do was smell him. He smelled exotic, like his manly cologne was made in a foreign country. His breath smelled like coffee, and something sweet.
He was restricted by the crowd, but he managed to thrust in and out ever so slightly for several minutes. I panted from the unexpected pleasure, holding onto the railing almost desperately in case I fell and this stopped. I didn’t want it to stop!
It suddenly occurred to me that we were almost to the next stop. People would shift around, and we might be exposed! Right now, the chances that anyone could actually see what we were doing were practically nonexistent, but if people got off the train – especially if the crowd thinned – it would be pretty obvious!
I blushed at the thought! I’d be so embarrassed if anyone realized what was happening!
Strangely, that thought made me shudder. My whole body shook from it, and I was gasping again. The pleasure was incredible! I didn’t even feel this way with my boyfriend!
He pulled me into him as much as possible, and then I felt flooded with heat. I must admit that I was strangely disappointed when I realized that he was done now. Not a moment too soon, it seemed!
We arrived at the next stop, and I felt him slide out of me abruptly. My back felt inexplicably cold as his presence practically vanished. I tried to look around to see who he was, but no one looked like they had just finished having sex.
It felt weird having his cum slowly ooze out of me, but oddly, my panties returned to their normal position without any help from me. I really wish I had brought a spare pair with me.
Oh my God! His cum is inside me! Whenever I had sex with my boyfriend, we used a condom to prevent pregnancy. This unknown stranger could have gotten me pregnant or given me an STD!
I started to panic, but then forced myself to shake it off. There’s absolutely nothing I could do about that now. I absolutely HAD to focus on my final exams!
When the train finally reached my stop, I fought my way out of the crowd just in time to get off before the train resumed its course. My boyfriend waved at me.
“Good morning!”
I smiled, and returned his greeting. “Good morning!”
He patted the rack on the back of his bike, and I shook my head. “I need to go to the bathroom first.”
“No problem, but please hurry. I don’t want to be late.”
I nodded, and rushed into the ladies room. Thankfully, most people were in too much of a hurry to use the restrooms, so I was able to get a stall right away. I wiped myself as clean as possible, and let myself shudder in horror one last time at the possible consequences. Then, I locked the entire incident away in the back of my mind, and vowed not to think about it again unless I had to.
A minute later, I smoothed my skirt as I sat on the rack on my boyfriend’s bike. He kissed me, and then started pedaling. He liked to pedal as fast as possible, and jostle me around so that I had no choice but to hold him tight. This made me smile every single time.
I wrapped my arms around his waist, and snuggled into him. He smelled like soap. I wrinkled my nose; rather unpleasant soap. At least I knew he was clean though!
The rest of the day, I was far too busy with my classes and studying to give any thought to what had happened. As I lay in bed that night – having stayed up late to study, again – I remembered my morning train ride. Nah… I had to have imagined it!
The alarm clock woke me up as insistently as ever, and I groaned. One of these days, I have got to get some decent sleep!
I crawled out of bed and got dressed. My mom gave me my breakfast, and I was on my way once more. Only one more month until high school was over! Even better, only 3 weeks until the finals were over!
Reviewing what I had studied last night kept me occupied. When the train hit the really rough area just 20 minutes from my stop, I grabbed the railing to steady myself out of sheer habit.
Even so, I bumped into the man behind me. I turned my head to say sorry despite knowing that he wouldn’t hear me. I caught a whiff of that exotic scent, and my heart started to race.
His hands started fondling me, and I shifted my legs apart without even realizing that I was doing so. I felt hot, and panted in an attempt to cool down.
I felt a slight rumbling, and I think he was chuckling at my eagerness. I myself was baffled at my reaction! Why wasn’t I at least trying to struggle?
He wasted no time shifting my panties to the side, and then entered me. I grunted softly in pleasure as if I was telepathically trying to tell him, “Yes!”
Bracing myself on the railing over my head made it easy for me to rock into him. There really wasn’t any room to move, but we managed to grind together in a fairly satisfying way. I closed my eyes, and buried my face against my arm.
The absolute best part was that no one was paying the slightest attention to us! We were having sex in the middle of a crowd, and no one knew it! It didn’t take me long to ascend to heaven, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out.
There was no sense in attracting attention after all. I think anyone would be curious if a high school girl started crying out in passion on a crowded train.
He wasn’t done yet, and continued to thrust into me the best he could. I shuddered lightly each time he moved. Why did this feel so incredible?!
Just as had happened yesterday, he filled me with his hot cum and then disappeared as the train came to a stop. I nearly sobbed from disappointment, but then cheered myself up with the thought that I might be able to actually meet him tomorrow.
The next three weeks passed in almost exactly the same way. When I was alone, I felt conflicted. I should try to be a good girl and stop him. I should try not to enjoy it so much. I should consider reporting it to the police – not that they could really do much since I had no idea what he looked like.
I’d resolve to resist, and then the next morning came, and my resolution completely disappeared. I accepted him into my body happily, knowing that for 10 whole minutes, I would think of absolutely nothing but the pleasure he gave me! It was sheer bliss!
The day of my finals arrived, and I managed to lock my secret lover into a box in the back of my mind and focus on passing with the highest score possible. I think I did pretty well considering that the test seemed easy to me.
After the test was over, I had a whole week of school in which I didn’t need to bring my books. I probably didn’t even need to show up, since it was designed to allow slower students to take the final exams at their own pace, but I had nothing better to do anyway.
Without my large and full backpack in the way, I thought I might actually be able to see my lover. However, when a full minute passed after the stop that he probably got onto the train, and he hadn’t started groping me, I despaired that he wasn’t going to.
I turned my head, and inhaled. Sure enough, I could smell him. It was definitely him behind me, holding himself steady with my hips. I wiggled them encouragingly, and purposely bumped into him.
His arms wrapped around my chest, and pulled our bodies together. He pressed a light kiss to the side of my neck, and I moaned. My breath escaped in pants of anticipation.
Using one hand, he reached down, and prepared himself. Then, he pushed my panties out of his way. I rocked into him as he entered me.
I’m pretty sure I am going to miss this once I graduate!
We were both strangely frantic today. He actually squirted his cum into me a full minute earlier than normal, and then held me close as I rippled my inner muscles around his shaft.
He groaned softly in my ear, but then left when his stop arrived. I cried out in the desperate wish that he would stay with me, but I knew that he probably had to rush or else be late for work. Even so, I wanted to spend more time with him.
My boyfriend waved at me when I exited the train, and I pointed at the bathroom. He nodded. It was pretty much routine by this time that I needed to go to the bathroom after getting off the train.
We had nothing to do at school, so there was no reason to worry about being late. As a result, our bike ride was leisurely, and really romantic considering that we were just going to school.
“By the end of this week, we’ll know our test results. The colleges we’ve applied to will review them and make a decision based on them. In another two weeks, we’ll both be actual college students!” My boyfriend exclaimed. Though we wouldn’t start for a little while after that.
I laughed, and then sighed in mild depression. “But isn’t it a bit sad that we will no longer be in high school? We won’t be able to hang out with our friends at lunchtime, and we may not see some of them ever again.”
“Yes; that is a bit sad, but just think of all the new people we’ll meet!”
I nodded in agreement. “That’s true.”
That night, we didn’t have to study, which meant that it was the first time we had sex since shortly before I started having sex each morning on the train. He made it really fun, but I was baffled to discover that something was missing. I just couldn’t figure out what.
The next morning, I got up early. I’d actually gotten some good sleep, and felt wide awake for a change. My mom brought my laundry in just as I was buttoning up my shirt.
“I’ve been meaning to say this for a while now,” my mom told me with a strange look. “But… if you’re going to do that, will you please use protection?”
I gaped at her in astonishment. How did she know?!
She sighed, and handed me a pile of clean panties. “Don’t be so shocked. I do know what those stains mean. I was young once myself.”
“You see… the thing is,” I felt like I had to explain things to her. I felt like I needed her to understand. “My boyfriend and I do use protection… it’s just…”
“What?” She wondered curiously.
I shook my head. I can’t tell her that I have regular sex with a man I don’t even know and have never seen! “Nothing,” I mumbled, looking at the ground.
“Not nothing!” My mom insisted. “I don’t want to see your future ruined because you get pregnant when you could have avoided it!”
“You’re right,” I agreed. “But it happened before I could stop it, and now I… I’m confused…”
My mom frowned. “Your boyfriend raped you?”
“No!” I gasped, laughing at the absurdity. “No. He would never do such a thing. I told you, we use protection. It’s just the other one…”
I abruptly ran, calling over my shoulder. “I’m going to be late! There’s no time for breakfast now, see you later!”
All during that train ride, I couldn’t stop thinking about my future. In just 3 days, I would no longer go to school. I would no longer ride the train. What if I was already pregnant? How would I cope? How would I raise a child and go to college?
I felt my lover’s presence the moment before he caressed me. Now that I didn’t have a cumbersome backpack, I was able to turn around. It wasn’t easy, and I jostled all the passengers around me, but I persevered.
I was surprised to discover that my lover was probably about 25 years old. When I gave it any thought, I rather assumed that he was a middle aged man. Or a dirty old pervert.
I leaned into him and smelled his scent just to be sure. Yep! It’s him. I forgot to keep a grip on the railing, and as a result, the next bump from the train sent me into his arms. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to kiss him.
I got as close to his ear as I possibly could. “I only have 3 more days.” My hands wandered down his body curiously. He was hard, and ready to go. His pants seemed designed so that once I pulled the zipper down, he could spring free. Wow! I’d never had a chance to feel his shaft before, but it seemed bigger than I would have thought possible.
He looked conflicted, like he really really hadn’t wanted me to ever see his face. Kissing him again seemed to be the only way to reassure him that I didn’t plan to report him to the police.
I grasped the railing so that he could let go of it. So long as I held onto it, he could do what was necessary to hold onto and enter me. Somehow, facing him as we had sex made it feel even better!
We both climaxed unexpectedly soon, and then simply held each other until the train stopped. I kissed him again as he pulled out of me, covered himself, and then pushed his way through the crowd to leave the train.
He hadn’t responded to my statement. It was depressing, but I think he doesn’t really care about me. To him, I’m probably just a really good way to relieve stress on his way into work in the morning.
I needed to prepare myself for the possibility that he’ll even be relieved once I no longer take the train to school each morning. It was obvious that my seeing his face was the last thing he wanted. Brushing a tear away, I stepped off the train, and headed straight for the bathroom.
I needed to accept that my “affair” was coming to an end, and that I had to let it go. By the time I perched on my boyfriend’s bike, I was able to smile and act like nothing had happened.
On my very last day of high school – aside from a graduation ceremony tomorrow night – I did the only thing I could think of. As he thrust into me, causing me to shudder in the most delightful way, I smiled. He had let me face him ever since the first time I turned around, and that made it easier to kiss him.
He never kissed me, but he did return my kisses. I slowly opened one hand – maintaining a firm grip with the other to steady us as we rocked our bodies together – and reached into my blouse. Tucked inside my bra was a folded up piece of paper that had my name and telephone number on it. I even wrote a small note.
After today, I will no longer be riding the train in the morning. I start college soon, and don’t know what the future will bring. I’m going to miss you, and I hope that you’ll call me if you ever need to get together and have sex… or maybe just want to talk.
I slipped the note into his pocket, and he gave me a curious look. I’m sure by now, some people had noticed me kiss him, but if so, they pretty much ignored us. This time, I wrapped my arms around him, and held him tight so that my mouth was next to his ear.
I waited until we were both panting with climax, and he had about 30 seconds before the train stopped.
He left, but not before I think a tear threatened to escape his left eye. I sighed, and told myself that I probably imagined it. It was probably wishful thinking on my part.
I held it all inside until I was secluded in a bathroom stall, but then I completely fell apart. It’s only been a month – 20 or so days, not including weekends – but already I was completely attached to him. I didn’t even know his name, but even so… I didn’t want to let him go!
All I could do now was wait and pray that he called me. I did my best to lock him away in the back of my mind, and clean up my appearance. My eyes were red and puffy, and there was nothing I could do to change that.
“What’s wrong?” My boyfriend asked in concern. He pulled me into his arms, and hugged me tight.
“I’m just so sad,” I murmured.
“About graduating,” he stated with an understanding nod. “I keep telling you not to worry. We’ll meet new people and make new friends.”
“I know,” I sighed, and then smiled. “Let’s go, before I start crying again.”
The day ended quickly. The next thing I knew, I was participating in the graduation ceremony the next night. After that, I stayed in bed and moped. My phone was plugged in and by my side at all times so that if it rang, I’d be able to answer it instantly.
It did ring a few times, but it was only my boyfriend or my friends. After about a half dozen calls, I stopped answering. I knew I wasn’t being fair to my boyfriend, but I didn’t want to break up with him. He was perfect for me, and once I got over this man, I’d be completely happy.
My mom watched me surreptitiously, and I knew that she was worried about me. I could hear her talking on the phone with my boyfriend. They both wished they knew what was going on.
One night, around 10PM, my phone rang. I almost didn’t check it, because I had grown hopeless by this point, but the ringer was different. I had an assigned ring tone for everyone I knew, and this one was just a plain jingle.
The number was unknown – not one I recognized – and I answered the phone numbly, not really daring to believe that it could be him.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” a man’s voice informed me.
I sat up abruptly, almost making myself dizzy in the process. “Really? Do you want me to meet you somewhere?”
“Maybe… But first, I’m curious. Where are you going to go to college?”
I sighed. “I don’t really know yet. They’ve all sent me letters, but I haven’t opened them to see if I’ve been accepted or not. I know that it’s important that I do so right away, but…” I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I was too busy moping over him to care.
“Do you think that you might want to go to college near me?”
I laughed. “I don’t know where you live!” I don’t even know his name…
He chuckled nervously. “That’s true. But you must know approximately where I live and work.”
Yes, based on the stop he got on the train and the stop he got off the train, I did have a good general location in mind. “There is one college there that I applied to,” I informed him.
“If you go to that one…” he hesitated, and I wondered if he was afraid I’d laugh at him if he asked me to ride the train with him each morning. “Will you consider living with me?”
“What?” I gasped softly in astonishment. I felt as excited as if he had just asked me to marry him! “Yes!”
“You mean it?” He asked. I could hear the hope in his voice.
“I…” it was my turn to hesitate. “I… I have to break up with my boyfriend. Can I call you back?”
“You have a boyfriend?” He sounded jealous.
“Yes… we’ve been going out for months…” I replied, gently reminding him that he knew nothing about me.
“I… see… Does he know?”
“No,” I stated. “And I’m not going to tell him. I’m going to break up with him, and then I’ll call you right back.”
“Wait,” he insisted. “How do you know you’re not making a mistake?”
I gave this some serious thought. “Well… I guess it doesn’t matter if I am or not, I just can’t picture my future without you. I’ve done nothing but mope over you, and everyone is worried sick about me. At least this way, I can get out of bed and get on with my life.”
Oh God! Did I just say that all out loud?!
He snorted softly. “It’s the same for me. I actually took a few days off of work. I felt like I didn’t have a good reason to get out of bed in the morning.”
“Tell me where you live, and I’ll…” I faltered, the last train had left about an hour ago, and I had no other way to get to him. I think he realized this without me having to say it.
“I can come to you,” he suggested.
“I live with my mom,” I informed him, vetoing him with a shake of my head.
“I’ll come get you and bring you home with me,” he tried again.
I smiled. “That’s a great idea!” Then I sighed. “But it would be better to wait until tomorrow. I have things I have to do. You know, open my letter, and see if I got into that college near you.”
He was quiet for a moment, disappointed I think. “Fine, then I’ll meet you at 3:30PM at the stop I normally get on the train in the mornings.”
“See you then,” I agreed, and then hung up the phone.
Finding the right letter, I stared at it nervously. If they haven’t accepted me, then my plans are over before they even started! I took a deep breath, and then opened it.
I was accepted! All I needed to do was call or go online to finish enrolling. I did that as quickly as possible – thankful that there was no set time to do so online – and then looked at the time. Almost 11PM.
I bit my lip. Chances are that my boyfriend was asleep. This is not exactly the kind of news that a person wants to be woken up for. I tried calling him anyway.
I could hear music in the background. He was probably playing a video game.
“Sorry I’ve been acting so strangely lately,” I began.
“It’s understandable. We are going through big changes. I got accepted into all the colleges we applied at, so I enrolled in our first choice.”
I sighed. “I… didn’t. I enrolled in our third choice.”
“Why?” He demanded. “Didn’t you get in?”
“I don’t know if I got in, I didn’t look,” I replied.
“But, we were going to go to the same college and share an apartment. We were going to help each other study until we graduated and got jobs. Then we were going to get married!”
“I know,” I murmured. “But I changed my mind.”
“There’s someone else, isn’t there?” He asked almost petulantly.
“Why do you think that?” I inquired evasively.
“Your mom said that you made a strange statement, and she was worried that you had gotten into trouble. That kind of trouble.”
I held my breath for a long moment. “Anyway… since we won’t be going to the same college, and we won’t be living together, I think it’s best if we just break up now.”
“No! I’m not going to give up just because there’s a change of plans!” He yelled. “We are perfect for each other, and you know it!”
“But I don’t love you…” I whispered, finally able to admit to myself that I never really did.
He was shocked, and made a few strange noises as he tried to think of something to say.
“Goodbye…” I waited just long enough to give him a chance to say it too, then hung up even though he was still reeling in silence.
I stared at my cell phone, my hands shaking just a bit. I had literally just thrown away all the smart plans we had made together so that I could be with a man who had randomly decided to have sex with me one day on a crowded train.
I must be an idiot!
The next morning, I started packing. I told my mom which college I’d picked, and she nodded. Her expression was both proud of me, and sad that I was no longer going to be her baby. She knew that I would be moving out soon so that I’d be close to my new school.
After I met my lover at his home stop, he brought me back to his place, and we fumbled with each other’s clothes the moment he closed his apartment door. It had been about a week since we last had sex, yet it felt like forever! Much too long!
I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. He was too impatient to fully undress us, so he simply removed my underwear from under my skirt, freed his shaft, and then wrapped my legs around his waist. With my back against the wall like this, it felt like we were still on the crowded train, only better because we had room for him to really pound into me.
I cried out in ecstasy, already certain that the impending orgasm was going to be the best one yet. The little thuds as he thrust into me echoed around his apartment, and he was grunting loudly. There was a knock on the door – which was close enough that I accidentally kicked it in surprise.
“Are you okay?” Someone asked in concern. It was a man, but I had no idea who.
“We’re just fine!” I answered him in a loud singsong voice before I gave it any thought. I gasped and covered my mouth with a hand as I realized that I had just told a stranger what we’re doing in here.
My lover chuckled, bit my hand lightly until I moved it away from my mouth, and then kissed me.
“Uh… I see. I’ll come back later!”
I couldn’t answer even if I wanted to. I was too busy squealing.
My lover was close to his climax too, and his thrusts got even more determined. “Uh! Uh! Uh!”
Part of me wondered if the person on the other side of the door had actually left, or if he was still there listening to us make a racket. I was no longer squealing, but it was now my turn cry repeatedly. “Ah! Ah! Ah!”
He roared, and I felt him fill me up. It felt like more than ever before, and I sighed happily. I bit his neck, and nibble on his ear as we rested against the wall.
Slowly, we sank to the floor, and then cuddled up to each other.
There was a very soft knock at the door. “Uh… I know I said I’d come back later, but it sounds like you’re done now.”
“That’s my best friend,” my lover informed me with a grin. “I’m sure he’s simply dying to finally meet the mysterious girl I refused to talk to him about.”
I kissed him. “Let me just go freshen up a bit.”
He nodded, seizing my lips in another kiss before letting me go.
“Just a minute,” he called out to his friend.

Later that night, we lay curled up in bed, panting from the incredible sex we’d just had, when a thought occurred to me. I pulled out of his embrace, and sat up so that I could put my arms around my knees.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I couldn’t help but remember my mom… begging me to use protection,” I explained.
“I confess, I’ve thought of that too,” he murmured. “At first, I didn’t give it any thought at all, but then, after you stopped riding the train… I wondered what you would do if my carelessness caused you a problem.”
I snuggled up to him again. “What made you do that anyway?”
He smirked. “I didn’t plan to. You bumped into me, and I steadied you. As I did, I smelled your scent, and I lost all control.”
I giggled. “That’s ironic! I can almost say the same. I smelled your scent, and I wanted you more and more.”
He kissed me. “Do you think it happened?”
I knew without asking that he was referring to me getting pregnant. “I… don’t know. However, I haven’t had my period at all since I met you, so…” I shrugged.
“Then I’m glad I didn’t just let you go without even trying to call,” he murmured, and we held each other tight until we fell asleep.


Six months later, I felt enormous as I waddled around. I ended up not going to college, but when it came down to a choice between having this baby or go to college, there was no choice.
I squeezed my beloved’s hand, and he stopped so that we could kiss. We were on our way to shop for the baby, grateful that he had a day off so we could pick stuff together. His job was a pretty high paying office job, so he could afford to care for us. Even so, we did have to stick to a budget.
I grinned at him, my other hand unconsciously pressed to my stomach. The baby was pretty active at the moment. I think he felt us being lovey-dovey, and wanted to join in.
“So… you did have someone else,” my ex-boyfriend stated.
I looked at him in astonishment. I didn’t think I’d ever see him again!
He smiled at me, and I was glad to realize that he had gotten over me. At least enough to be nice.
“You look good,” he commented.
“Thanks,” I murmured with a blush. “We’re getting married… next week.”
“I see… Well, good luck, and congratulations.”
I smiled at my ex. “Thanks… I’m sorry I was so rotten to you.”
“Yeah…” he murmured vaguely, and then continued on his way.
“That went well,” my husband-to-be remarked.
I nodded in agreement. “All considering…”
“Do you regret choosing me?”
“Not for a second!” I exclaimed, and then emphasized my point by wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. Life may not be turning out the way I planned, but I loved every moment of it!

Okay, now that you've read it, I have to confess that I'm sitting here laughing my ass off because I had a hard time coming up with a title. WHY? you ask... Because all I could think of was the title "Strangers on a Train." LMAO! Also, other little things that may help this make sense. I do not say it directly, but this is pretty much set in Japan where just about everyone takes a train to get where they need to go, and that's why it's SO crowded. 
Lastly, yeah, I'm sure others noticed what they were doing, but opted not to say anything and just enjoy the show, lol! :-) 


  1. As I read this I could just see you sitting at your computer giggling as you wrote this ;) It is a fun short story.

  2. As someone who loves to read Japan manga, this is also my another fantasy. And thank you so much for making the guy as someone 'nice' in the end! Kinda glad that he didn't turn to be a much-older-man because it's more perverted that way. Somehow... Lol.

    1. This is one of my fantasies too, lol! You might think that because I write them that they are ALL my fantasies, but not so. This one is because I kind of like the idea of someone I don't know and can't see having sex with me. My only fear would be that anyone who's desperate enough to do that would be ... um... seriously ugly, lol! I'm not too hung up on looks, but even I have a limit, lol!
      Thank you for all of your wonderful comments! You totally made my day :-D


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