
Monday, July 4, 2011

Shy Girl - Chapters 12 + 13

Chapter 12

Danica and Brian spent all of Saturday doing chores, tanning, and playing cards with his parents. It happened to be a holiday called Candlemas, and they included her in a beautiful ceremony involving a lot of candles.
Later on, she got permission to stay another night, and curled up in bed with Brian.
“We are so lucky that both our parents are this understanding,” she said.
“Yes, we are,” Brian agreed. “It helps that your parents are nice.”
“Well, your parents are amazing! Do they always talk like that?” Danica asked.
“Like what? Like sex is the only topic worth discussing?” Brian ran a finger from her forehead to her nose, then from her collarbone to her pubic hair.
Danica had to consciously recall what they were talking about. “Uh… yes.”
“That reminds me, I borrowed one of their books. You wanna see it?” He repeated his action.
“Okay,” Danica agreed.
Brian reached over and removed a book from his side table drawer. It was one of the many translations of the classical text “Kama Sutra,” and included picture instructions.
Danica blushed as she perused it.
“My dad says it is well worth the effort to learn how to please a woman,” Brian informed her. “And that it takes a lot of practice.”
“It even gives tips on kissing,” Danica pointed out.
The couple spent the night practicing as many chapters as they wanted, and slept in until after 10 am.
“Don’t worry, I bet my mom’s still asleep as well. And Dad’s probably frying up some bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, and French toast. Regular toast too.”
“That’s a lot of food,” Danica laughed.
Brian shrugged. “It’s a Sunday morning tradition. Later, mom will bake several loves of sourdough bread in our outdoor, real fire oven. She’ll also start a batch or two of cheese. A batch of kefir, kombucha, and check on our currently fermenting mead and melomel.
“What’s all of that?” Danica asked.
“Melomel’s a wine made from a fruit other than grapes. Kefir is a fermented milk drink, and kombucha is that fizzy, sour tea we drank with dinner,” Brian explained.
He and Danica took a shower, and went to eat breakfast, er, brunch. They also helped his mom do all of the things Brian said she would, and when Danica finally returned home (thankfully it was too cold to accidentally forget her clothes!), it was with a large crate full of goodies from their cellar, and an invitation to come with them during spring break.

Several weeks passed, and Danica and Brian’s life fell into a pleasant pattern. During school, they didn’t speak much because they didn’t really have a need to. Not that they went out of their way to keep their relationship a secret.
After school, they both trained with Derek and the sports teams, though not as members. Then, they alternated between going to his house, and to her house.
They always did their homework, after messing around some, and then had dinner with the family. Most of the time, they had permission to spend the night. Even Danica’s father relaxed, and accepted things.
At Brian’s house, they did lots of chores, and at Danica’s, they did housework. Life was fun.
Occasionally, they would go out to the movies, bowling, or to a party. At these parties, they sat next to Derek and Erica, and the whole school wondered what the hell was going on.
It didn’t make things any clearer when Derek and Danica flirted shamelessly. Even Erica had taken to flirting with Brian, and the four of them became the best of friends.
At one party, everyone played spin the bottle. Whether by chance, luck, or skill, almost every guy who spun got Danica one out of every three spins. She kissed surprisingly well, and did quite a bit of spinning as a result.
Once, the bottle landed on Erica, and Danica gave her a kiss too. Erica shook her head, and took her turn. It was a rule that the spinner didn’t have to kiss a member of the same sex, but after it, Erica wondered if Danica would be willing to teach her how to kiss that well.
Erica’s bottle pointed to Derek, so Erica kissed him. Derek held her close, and kissed her deeply for a minute to the cheers of the audience. Danica knew that he was just doing it so people wouldn’t suspect he was gay.
Derek spun the bottle. He was now seated between Erica and Brian, with Danica on Erica’s other side. He tried to will it to land on Danica, the only other person he felt comfortable kissing, but it landed on Brian. He leaned over to spin it again, but suddenly changed his mind, and kissed Brian. Just a peck on the lips, but it caused everyone to roar in astonishment.
Brian blushed, and gave Derek a what-was-that-for, not-bad look. After that, several others gave same sex kisses as well, and everyone knew it didn’t mean anything.
As it got later, the kisses got longer, and it seemed that at least half of the partygoers paired up to make out.
Brian, Danica, Derek, and Erica all left in Derek’s car. He had remained legally sober because he knew he was going to be driving.
At another party, they all played strip poker, and Danica surprised everyone by loosing without embarrassment. Derek lost on purpose to make her feel better. In the end, almost everybody was naked, except Brian. He ransomed everyone’s clothing back to them for up to ten dollars each, and left the party fairly rich.
This time, when Derek drove them home, rather than dropping them all off separately, he dropped Danica at Brian’s, and took Erica out to the same hill he used to bring Danica.
“Good luck,” Danica wished him as he left as she guessed that he intended to tell Erica his secret. Erica looked nervous.
“Thanks,” Derek kissed her.
“Good luck with what?” Brian wondered as they walked up to his house.
“He’s going to tell her he’s gay.”
“He is?!” Brian gaped.
Danica laughed at his reaction, and nodded her head.
“Ohhh!” Suddenly, some things made sense.

Chapter 13

“I can’t believe how sunny it is here!” Danica twirled in delight.
“It’s always sunny in Arizona. Just be thankful it isn’t hot yet,” Brian’s sister commented. She had brought her own boyfriend, and a couple of girls she went to college with.
Almost everyone began to strip, grateful to finally be out of the van. Danica stripped without a second’s thought for she was used to the idea of nudity by now. In addition to the van, they brought a tiny travel trailer, and four tents.
Brian’s parents were grateful that they had found two members of Brian and Danica’s school’s 4-H club they could trust to take care of their animals responsibly.
Danica suspected that they would also take advantage of the privacy, and smiled at the thought. She and Brian set up their tent. His sister and her boyfriend set up another, and her friends a third. Since the parents would sleep in the trailer, the fourth tent was for Derek and Erica.
They had agreed to come out of curiosity, but were still goggling at how easily everyone else had taken their clothes off in front of strangers.
After the tents were set up, Brian grabbed Danica’s hand, and Erica’s hand, and Danica grabbed Derek's hand, and together, they ran to the pool.
“Hi Brian,” several people greeted as they passed.
A couple of Brian’s friends noticed where he was headed, and raced them there. There was a line at the open outdoor showers by the time they arrived.
“Who are your friends, Brian?” Everyone wanted to know.
Brian introduced everyone all around, starting with: “This is Danica, my girlfriend.”
After introductions, and showers, everyone jumped in the pool for a game of pool volleyball. Soon, even Erica and Derek forgot they were all naked. Brian’s team won the game, and everyone decided to tan for a while.
That evening, Brian and all of his friends went to the teen clubhouse, where they played a game of “Have You Ever?” The rules were simple, everyone started with ten pennies (which came from a good sized jar full of pennies kept in the club house), and each person during their turn had to ask a question that began with “Have you ever…?” If someone had, they had to give up a penny to the asker. Only, the question couldn’t be something everyone has obviously done, like “Have you ever eaten cereal?”
If a person ran out of pennies, they had to raise their hand if they had ever, and accept a dare.
One of Brian’s resort friends started with the somewhat obvious, but not against the rules, “Have you ever had sex?”
Brian, Danica, and a little over half of the resort teens forfeited a penny. Play passed to the left, Erica couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t lame, except, “Have you ever kissed, or been kissed by a member of the same sex who isn’t family.
Everyone looked around sheepishly, and forfeited a penny, except Danica and Derek. (They didn’t count quick pecks as real kisses.)
“Everyone?” Derek was startled.
“Us camp kids can’t exactly dare each other to get naked, so we tend to dare each other to kiss so-and-so, and a lot of it is the same sex,” one guy explained.
“Oh,” Derek shrugged.
“Plus, quite a few of our parents are… different, though certainly not all,” a girl added.
“True. A lot of nudists are very religious, believing that god intended us to be naked as we were in the Garden of Eden,” another clarified.
“What do you mean by different?” Erica asked.
Several of the resort kids looked to Brian to see if his friends could be trusted.
“They sometimes swing, but not in the orgiastic way most people associate with ‘The Lifestyle.’ Usually it’s more like the term ‘Wife Swap,’” Brian explained.
“Again, not approved of or practiced by the religious parents,” the girl clarified again. “So, to maintain peace, all public displays of an inappropriate nature are taboo, and will get you kicked out, possibly banned for life.”
“Which is only as it should be. This is a family resort. There are young children here, and there are adults only clubs that cater to that sort of thing,” a guy said. Everyone agreed.
“Oh,” Erica was the one blushing now.
The game resumed. The next player was a guy who kept flirting with the girl whose parents were likely religious. He asked, “Have you ever gone to the doctor to get some form of birth control?” He had noticed she hadn’t given up a penny for the sex question, and wondered if he might get lucky. Whether he would or not remained to be seen, for she did not give him a penny.
About half of the girls, including Danica and Erica, gave him a penny, and, interestingly enough, like Erica, not all were the same ones who had lost a penny for the sex question.
Several rounds later, Danica and Derek, and a few others found themselves penniless. Now, the dares would begin.
One girl grinned impishly at one of the boys who didn’t have a penny left. She knew just what to ask. “Have you ever captained a sports team?”
The boy raised his hand, so did Derek, and a couple others tossed her pennies. She crowed in triumph. “I’m keeping his dare, but does anyone want to buy uh… Derek’s?”
Erica bought it for three pennies.
“Right. Me first,” the imp insisted. She weighed her options carefully. “I dare you to, later on tonight…” she whispered the rest in his ear. He paled.
“I can’t. I’m a chapter leader for Abstinence Teens. We pledge to wait until marriage.”
The girl was obviously disappointed he hadn’t taken the dare. She rethought her dare. “Okay, how about this; I dare you to let me kiss you for one full minute.”
Kisses were pretty much the standard dare, so the challenge lay in making them unique. The abstinence chapter leader knew he wouldn’t be allowed to refuse this dare, so he smiled.
“Whose got a watch?” He asked.
“We’ll count to 60,” Brian offered.
“Great!” The impish girl glanced around outside through the many windows of the teen clubhouse to make sure no adults were watching them at the moment. There weren’t. She sat atop him, and kissed him for all she was worth for the extremely slow count of 60. He grabbed his towel to cover himself the second she got off of him.
It was a standard rule to always carry a towel to sit on, or cover up with. He was embarrassed, but nobody thought it was a big deal.
It was Erica’s turn to give her dare. Derek eyed her nervously. Erica blushed. “I was likely going to whisper the same dare she did, but now I’ve changed my mind, and I’ve already kissed you, so I don’t know what to say,” she confessed.
Danica whispered in her ear, “Dare him to kiss Brian. I want to see that again.”
Erica chuckled. “Okay, Derek, I dare you to kiss Brian for at least… 10 seconds.”
Derek looked as if he wouldn’t mind at all, and Brian was amused that this had been Danica’s idea.
“I’ll count,” Danica volunteered.
Brian shrugged. As they had said, this had happened before.
Derek sat next to Brian, and placed a hand behind his head. Brian accepted the inevitable, and leaned into Derek’s kiss. Both of them gave it a good effort.
“1…” Danica waited a few seconds, grinning. “2…”
Much longer than 10 seconds later, Danica announced, “10!”
“Hey Brian, it looks like you’ve learned how to kiss since last summer,” a girl heckled. 

Go To Chapters 14+15 

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