
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kira's Story - Chapters 3+4

This story is now available as a Kindle book on Amazon. Only chapters 1+2 and 3+4 will remain on my blog as a preview. Please buy my book if you have Kindle :-) For the Love of Kira


Chapter 03

“Good morning boys. I hope everyone is well rested.” Kira joined her clients in the common room of the inn for breakfast.
“Are you in the mood to listen to what we have to say now?” The lord asked.
“Of course, my ears will have nothing better to do while I eat,” Kira replied.
“Good. In that case -”
“Kira Strongarm!” The head of the village guard burst into the common room. “You have lost me a bet, cost me a small fortune, and deprived me of the opportunity to lock you up!”
“Is that so?” Kira asked with laugh.
“Yes, I was one of the ones that bet you would kill our lord last night,” the head guard said.
“What can I say, his wife decided she can stand him a bit longer,” Kira shrugged.
The head guard invited himself to join them for breakfast.
The door to the inn opened to admit another man. “Kira Strongarm, I love you! You have made me a fortune! Thank you so much for not killing our lord. Let me buy you a drink.”
“Why thank you, kind sir.” Kira gave the man a kiss on the cheek, and allowed him to sit on her chair so she could sit on his lap.
“Kira Strongarm!” Several people cheered as they entered the inn.
Kira smiled and waved. Then, she leaned over to her lordly client, and whispered, “Hurry and pay the innkeeper what we owe so that we can leave before things get out of hand.”
She received a nod in reply.
The suddenly crowded inn held a combination of those who had won the bet over the lord’s death, and those that lost; the former greatly outnumbered by the latter.
Kira took the time to shake everybody’s hand, or kiss them on the cheek. This town loved her because she was famous, and she hadn’t caused any trouble here. Yet. That she was nice to them, and willing to laugh and joke with them helped enhance their good will for her.
Kira kept a sharp eye on her clients, and the moment their stay had been paid for, she called for everyone’s attention. “I regret that I must leave you so soon, but I have been hired to guide these fine gentlemen, and we are on a tight schedule. If we don’t leave now, we will not make it to the next town by nightfall.”
There was a loud groan of disappointment, but they all knew that it was in fact a full day’s journey to the next town.
Shortly after midday, they reached the bottom of the mountain, and the air was warm enough to remove some of their outer winter gear. They stopped to eat some sourdough rye bread and cheese.
“So, what is it you wished to tell me?” Kira asked.
The men all exchanged looks, and the lord took a deep breath. “You see, we -”
Kira held up a hand and stared intently at a spot in the trees to their left.
“Don’t shoot! I mean you no harm!” Came a shout that sounded as if it emanated from about two hundred feet away.
“I know that, you idiot, else I wouldn’t have let you get so close to us!” Kira shouted back. She stood, and dusted the crumbs off her clothes. This took long enough for the man to come into view.
“Kira!” He called out happily. Kira ran into his arms, wrapped her legs around him, and gave him a passionate kiss. He backed her into a tree for better leverage.
Kira braced herself against the tree, and kicked him at least ten feet away. She then used the tree to help her jump atop him, which she followed up with a hard punch across his jaw. “You bastard!”
She drew both short swords, and crossed them over his neck. “How dare you show your face to me after you betrayed me! Give me one good reason I shouldn’t behead you.”
“I need your help! I have a contract to fulfill, and I can’t get to him, he’s too well guarded,” the newcomer hastily explained.
“I still don’t hear a good reason not to behead you. You stole from me!”
“I brought it back!”
Kira sheathed her swords, and stepped off of the offender.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank the Gods!” He stood, and pulled her into a hug.
She punched him hard enough to send him back to the ground. “You lost the right to touch me when you betrayed my trust by stealing from me! Touch me again, and I will break your hand.”
“You really can’t blame me, you’re a thief too!”
“True, but I never stole from you,” Kira stated.
“Only because I never have anything worth stealing,” he remarked.
“Do you really want to argue with me?” Kira asked menacingly.
“Uh, no!”
“Well then, Scum, tell me about this contract of yours,” Kira said as she reseated herself next to her clients, who were regarding the two of them with barely concealed frustration.
“Are you sure that I should talk in front of them?” Scum indicated the group of men.
“I’d say it’s a bit late to worry about that, you already have. It’s them that I would caution not to speak in front of you,” Kira replied.
Scum evaluated his options, and decided to keep his mouth shut.
Kira studied him intently, and figured things out for herself. “Are you serious? Someone finally has the balls to have him killed?”
“Yep,” Scum confirmed.
Kira grinned, and tapped a finger against her lips as she thought this over. “I do happen to be traveling in that direction… It could prove to be an interesting diversion. How exactly do you think I would be able to get close to him if you can’t?”
“Easy, he wants to bed you,” Scum stated.
“Oh no, if I bed him, and then he dies, the whole country will be after my head!” Kira protested.
“Nah! Most everyone wants him dead; I think you’d be commended by whoever suc-” Scum stopped abruptly.
“Of course I’d be commended, and then I would be executed. No thank you. If I were to kill him, there could not be anyway to prove that it was done by my hand.” Kira mulled over the prospect. She shook or nodded her head as ideas ran through her head, depending on how likely they were to succeed.
“May I remind you that we require you not to break any laws while you are our guide,” the lord interrupted her thoughts.
“Implication by association, huh?” Kira uttered as her thought returned to the prospect.
“Something like that.”
Kira sighed.

Chapter 04

Due to the amount of time they wasted at midday break, they arrived at the next town after dark. This town had a gated wall for protection.
Kira pounded on the door in the gate.
“You’re too late, go away!” A grumpy man replied through the tiny eye-level door in the door.
“If you turn me away, I promise your town will suffer,” Kira responded.
“Just who do you think you are?”
“She’s Kira Strongarm,” replied the man that had stolen from Kira.
“Kira Strongarm!” The grumpy man abruptly opened the door. “Please, forgive my rudeness!”
Kira just smiled at Grumpy as she entered the town. Ten feet inside, she stopped. Most towns in this country were built with the same basic pattern, making it easy to find your way around, and this town was no exception. The problem was that the bathhouse and the inn were in opposite directions from this point.
“Are we bathing tonight?” She asked.
“No,” Scum replied instantly.
Kira cuffed him, and pushed him in the direction of the bathhouse. “Yes, you are. I meant, are the rest of us?”
Every one of her clients shook his head. They had no wish to repeat the communal bathing experience just yet.
“As you wish,” Kira shrugged, and led them to the town inn.
Inside the inn, almost everyone had been drinking for about an hour, and the innkeeper was feeling harassed.
“What do you want?” The innkeeper barked.
“Food, drink, and rooms!” Kira barked right back.
“Find a seat, and I’ll be with you as soon as I can!” The innkeeper growled.
“Hey, you look a lot like Kira Strongarm! I met her once!” A man observed loudly.
The inn suddenly fell quiet.
“I don’t recall meeting you,” Kira glanced at the man, who promptly made room for her to sit next to him.
“It was before I moved here. You had come to our town to spend the night in our lord’s arms, and afterward, he threw a wondrous feast!”
Kira patted him on the shoulder, but declined the proffered seat. “May I ask some of you to make room for my companions to sit?” Kira requested.
Instantly, the table she was standing by was cleared of occupants, who roughly squeezed themselves into seats at other tables.
Kira waved her hand to indicate that her companions should sit. The lord noticed that there was no more room for her, and tried to stand once more, but was prevented from doing so as she sat on his lap.
The innkeeper, despite being so busy that he could barely think, already had a tray full of food and drink for them.
“Uh… Miss Strongarm, could you sit on his lap instead?” The lord pointed to henchman number one.
“No. I will only sit on your lap because you are the leader of the group,” Kira stated.
“Meaning you only play with those who have power, and money? Isn’t that a bit shallow?” The lord asked.
“Only idealists see it that way. Everyone else knows it to be normal and prudent,” Kira whispered in his ear.
“Miss Kira, may I buy you a drink?” A timid looking man asked.
“How sweet! Of course you may,” Kira smiled at him brightly, and kissed his cheek.
“I want to buy you a drink as well!” A handsome young man insisted.
“You’ll have to give me a few moments. Even I can’t drink two drinks at once!” Kira chuckled. She finished eating her meal quickly, and started drinking the drinks that every man insisted on buying her because she would reward him with a kiss.
A new man came into the inn common room. “It is true! Kira Strongarm, I would like to buy your company for the night.”
“I’m sorry, but my night has already been bought by this lord under me.” Kira gave the lord a passionate kiss to prove her point.
“I will out pay him,” the new man insisted.
“I’m very sorry, but I will not accept your offer no matter how much you raise your price for I have already accepted my lord here,” Kira informed him firmly.
The new man, the local lord, sighed in acceptance. “I understand. Let me buy you a drink. In fact, let me buy a round of drinks for everyone!”
This understandably evoked cheers from the patrons of the inn. Kira pulled the local lord down until he was face to face with her.
“How very generous of you,” she gave him a lingering kiss as a reward, until the lord whose lap she occupied cleared his throat in protest.
Kira let the recipient of her kiss go, and laughed. “Did I make you jealous, my lord? I apologize, it will not happen again,” Kira shifted on his lap so that she straddled and faced him. Then, she kissed him to demonstrate her sincerity, but he twisted his face away.
Privately, he knew that it was not his place to be kissing her, and doing so made him uncomfortable.
“My lord, I do not understand,” Kira remarked a bit too innocently. “Have you engaged my services for tonight, or shall I go elsewhere after all?”
The lord glanced at the local lord, then returned his gaze to Kira. A shrewd expression formed on his face as he grasped the situation. He thanked his lucky stars that he was a diplomat, and used to rapidly thinking of the right thing to say. “I merely sought to illustrate my disapproval of you kissing another man while sitting on my lap. You will not do so again.”
“As my lord wishes,” Kira demurred with a smile.
Kira may not have been able to reward her admirers with a kiss any longer, but that did not stop them from bringing her drink after drink. Kira became gigglier and more flirtatious the more she drank, and soon, henchman number one was glaring at the lord she was sitting on. The lord instantly got the point, and blushed.
“Kira, I forbid you to drink any more tonight. In fact, I think it’s time we retire.”
“Of course, my lord, but I fear you will have to carry me up the stairs,” Kira laughed drunkenly. “I don’t think my legs will be able to function properly at the moment.”
The men in the bar began to cheer, and make lewd comments. Kira laughed at the comments, and waved to the crowd as the lord carried her up the stairs. The innkeeper preceded them to show them to their rooms.
Henchmen numbers one through four followed them, glaring at everyone, and threatening anyone who interrupted their lord. Insults were traded back and forth good-naturedly, and soon, the party was alone in their suite.
“You can put me down now,” Kira stated as soon as the door was shut.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, and if you don’t, I will end up pissing on you.” The drunken glow that had surrounded Kira in the common room had disappeared.
Kira was gently set on her feet. She located the chamber pot, and began to strip the clothes off her lower half in order to use it. The men abruptly turned their backs to her, which caused her to laugh.
“I appreciate the gesture boys, but I do believe you have already seen me naked,” she replied.
“So, you are not drunk after all?” The lord asked.
“Yes, and no. It would take a lot more than that to get me drunk, but at the same time, I am pleasantly… fuzzy.”
“Is now a good time to talk?” Henchman number one asked.
“In a few minutes, perhaps.” Kira finished her business, finished stripping, and slipped into a robe provided by the inn. This was solely to soothe her companions. “First, the common room has gotten very quiet. They are waiting to hear certain sounds. Come my lord.”
“No!” The lord and henchman number one protested.
“No? I don’t understand; you would pass up this opportunity?” Kira asked.
“Uh, yes. I only played along down stairs to keep you from accepting that other offer. In reality, I am married, and I will not betray my wife,” the lord said.
“Really? Then you should know, I only intended for us to fake the sounds. Surely, that would not be betraying your wife,” Kira reasoned.
“I feel it would be,” the lord stated firmly.
Kira studied the henchmen for a few moments. They all shook their heads, except for henchman number one. Kira sighed. “I suppose you will do, but you had best remember that this is fake, and if you try to make it real, I will hurt you.” She took hold of his hand, and led him to one of the rooms. He shut the door behind them.
“I am going to lay on the bed, and make loud noises, your job is to lay atop me, and shake the bed enough to get it to bang into the wall,” Kira instructed.
“May I ask why you are going to all of this trouble?”
“I have a reputation to uphold. Plus, if we don’t give those down stairs just a little bit of a show, they will assume your lord is weak, and has no stamina, so we are upholding his reputation as well.” Kira spread out on the bed comfortably.
Henchman number one cautiously climbed atop her. He vividly remembered what she did the last time he touched her without permission.
“This won’t take long, we only need to do this for a few minutes, then the noise levels will resume downstairs, and we can stop,” Kira informed him, then began to moan loudly.
She kicked the henchman when all he did was stare at her in bemusement. This prompted him to start shaking the bed. This also had the effect of bouncing her up to his body, and shaking her robe loose.
The henchman groaned at the response this provoked from his fully clothed anatomy. He figured that he might as well take advantage of the situation, since his own body needed to move against hers in order to shake the bed. He deliberately brushed against her each time she bounced up towards him.
Her moans, while still loud, suddenly began to sound more real. She looked at him intently until he looked into her eyes. “Bang on the wall!” She insisted between moans.
He complied by putting more effort into shaking the bed. This finally caused the bed to hit the wall, but had the side effect of making their bodies grind together even harder.
If he had thought to ask, Kira would have violently denied it, but she was not faking her moans and shouts of pleasure. In fact, she was close to a real orgasm, and was glad that the cheering from down stairs had finally subsided into regular levels of noise. She was about to tell him to stop when she suddenly found herself unable to speak. She was too busy gasping with climax.
Figuring that it was time to stop hitting the bed into the wall anyway, the henchman took advantage of her distraction to slide his hands inside her robe, which was hanging open enough to expose her already.
She let him do this for a few moments, because it felt wonderful. He progressed to kissing her body, keeping one eye on her to see if she was getting ready to punish him.
Oh, he would be punished, she mentally confirmed, but not just yet.
He continued to kiss and caress her body as he removed his clothing, and soon, he was lying naked atop her. He began to kiss her mouth as he reached down to position himself for entry. That’s when things went wrong in his opinion.
Quick as lightening, she was sitting up, and he was face down on the bed. “I warned you, but don’t worry. You have created your own punishment, so I don’t have to get violent with you.”
She instantly ripped the sheet into strips, and used them to bind his hands and feet to the left side of the bed, very securely.
She then lay back down on the right side of the bed, and regarded him seriously. “I don’t like you. I don’t know why, but something about you has rubbed me the wrong way since I first met you.”
“Please untie me. I-”
Kira stuffed some extra scraps of the sheet into his mouth. “Remember, this is a punishment.”
She sat up, and tapped a fingernail against her teeth in thought for a few moments, before deciding on a fitting punishment. She lightly ran her hands up and down his body, caressing him everywhere but the rigid shaft he so obviously wanted her to touch. He struggled against his restraints to no avail, and glared at her murderously.
She laughed impishly, and stopped touching his body. Instead, she touched her own. Slowly, she caressed her way down to fiddle with her tiny bud of pleasure.
She continued to fiddle with it, growing louder as she did so, until she brought herself to glorious climax. She arched her body to ride out the waves of pleasure, until she collapsed into a heaving pile of satisfaction.
After a few moments of recuperation, she shifted into a more comfortable position, and went to sleep. The henchman continued to glare at her until her deep, even breathing left no doubt that she was asleep. Then, he growled in frustration at both his bondage, and his intense lingering need for relief. He couldn’t even free his hand in order to relieve his throbbing shaft!
His frustration continued to grow as the night progressed, for even after he had finally been able to concentrate on going soft, he still couldn’t get comfortable enough to sleep. Plus, he was being driven crazy by an itch that kept jumping to new spots he couldn’t scratch.
Finally, finally he was able to calm down enough to drift off to sleep. He was hovering on the threshold between sleep and awareness when Kira began to moan. Instantly, he was wide-awake again, and focused on her.
“Oh Lee!” Kira moaned. “Lee! By the Goddess!” Kira inhaled sharply.
She continued to moan for several minutes, obviously in the midst of an erotic dream. Suddenly, she grew rigid. “Oh Gods, Lee! I love you!”
Finally, she melted back into quiet sleep, and her bedmate glared at her, trying to determine if she was doing this to him on purpose.
For the rest of the night, whenever he was about to fall asleep, Kira would start to moan, and confess her love for Lee. It really grated on the henchman’s nerves, but he couldn’t do anything about it.
Finally, he fell asleep.

Go To Chapters 5+6 

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