
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tsuki! - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

     Toshihiro had not realized that they were boarding a private jet until they were aboard, and it was obvious that the jet was designed to provide a small group of people with luxurious comfort.
     When they arrived in America, they were helped into the back of a huge limo, and Hannah muttered, “Show off!” She knew her father could have sent a driver with one of their smaller vehicles, and that this was probably an attempt to intimidate Toshihiro.
     They arrived at Hannah’s house about a half an hour later, and at first, Toshihiro thought that they had arrived at an apartment building. He realized his mistake when a half dozen people came out to greet them, and they were all wearing nothing except matching bowties.
     Uniforms… They’re servants! This huge house is where Hannah is supposed to live, waited on by these servants… What is she doing with me?
     Hannah shook hands with each one of the servants in greeting, and a couple of them took Hannah and Toshihiro’s luggage to Hannah’s room. She briefly chitchatted with the head servant for a moment, remarking on the gorgeous weather. The remaining servants nodded and smiled in agreement.
     “It’s so warm out none of us have had to wear a stitch of clothing in weeks!” It was only natural that as a nudist household, they had hired nudist servants.
     “Are those new bowties?” Hannah asked.
     “Yes, aren’t they cute?”
     “Very!” Hannah agreed, and then entered the huge house.
     Toshihiro followed Hannah, and watched as she hugged her naked father happily. Her father then shook Toshihiro’s hand in welcome, and said something to Hannah, making a sweeping gesture with his free arm.
     Hannah began to strip as she mimed eating to Toshihiro, and he realized that he was hungry, so he nodded his head. He slowly began to strip as well, and they were soon seated at a large table. Servants brought them food as if they were at a fancy restaurant.
     Toshihiro listened as Hannah and her father chatted, and wished he knew what they were saying.
     Hannah’s father treated this like he treated almost everything in his life; like a business luncheon. “And so we had a two percent increase in our profits last quarter. Do you plan to come to work with me while you are here? Several of our employees miss you, and hope to see you while you are here.”
     “Why not? I miss everyone as well,” Hannah replied.
     “Have you given any thought to what you would like to do with your life while in Japan?”
     “Not really. I like the idea of being a stay at home mother while Hero takes care of us,” Hannah shrugged.
     “I have no problem with stay at home mothers, it was one of the things I admired about your mom, but I also know how much she felt stuck at times, and I really don’t think that staying at home all of the time would suit you either. Maybe you should consider doing something that would allow you to work part time, and bring your children along if you’d like,” Hannah’s father suggested.
     “Like what?” Hannah asked with interest.
     “Oh, whatever interests you. I’m sure you could turn any hobby into a profitable business.”
     “That’s a good point. I could arrange to start up a business in Japan and make it so that I could work only the hours I have free, and I could bring the baby… I’ve almost learned the language, and being able to speak it with others on a daily basis would help, I’m sure,” Hannah mused.
     “That’s my girl. You could also consider starting up a Japanese branch of our family bank. Banks are easy to run, once you have hired trustworthy people, and they always make money, so long as you take care not to do anything stupid with the customers’ money.”
     “True, and I have been taught how to run a bank,” Hannah admitted.
Soon, their lunch was over, and Hannah informed her father that she and her husband wanted to rest a bit to hopefully avoid jet lag. She then led Toshihiro to her bedroom, and left him to explore it a bit as she went into her private bathroom to fill the tub.
     Toshihiro could not believe the size of the room they were in. It looked like a large apartment, complete with a living room, bedroom, a closet that was at least as big as his apartment back in Japan, a huge bathroom, and a room Toshihiro had no idea what the purpose of it was. Toshihiro thought of them as rooms, but really they were all part of one huge room, except for the bathroom and closet, and were maybe better described as areas.
     Toshihiro looked through Hannah’s closet for at least ten minutes, wondering how anybody could ever own so many clothes, shoes, and accessories, and still call herself a nudist!
     Hannah came looking for him once the bath was ready, and found him staring at her clothes in bewilderment. She laughed at him. It was true that she wore very different clothing in Japan than she had worn her entire life prior to that.
     “Hero?” She held her hand out to him, and he put his in hers. She led him to the bathtub, and he decided it was convenient that they were already naked.
     They bathed, and then fell asleep in her bed for a couple of hours.

     Hannah and Toshihiro walked hand in hand the next day as they followed her father into his bank. There weren’t any customers, being the time of day when it was usually slow, and the employees greeted Hannah as if she was their beloved sister.
     They had an impromptu meeting, and Toshihiro got the impression that Hannah was running the meeting. Not only that, but she seemed to know what she was doing.
     The meeting was adjourned when a couple of customers entered the bank, and Hannah led Hero to her favorite all natural foods café for lunch. It was a leisurely walk from the bank, and had been funded by the bank so that Hannah and her father would have an excellent place to eat during their lunch breaks, and some dinners after work.
     The café employees also treated Hannah like a beloved sister, and Toshihiro began to get depressed. Hannah had a wonderful life here, and being with him meant that she was missing everything she should be doing.
Hell, for all Toshihiro had known, she could have been a college student just like him. By staying with him, she was sacrificing her future.
     This made Toshihiro even more depressed, since he would probably never be able to provide for her in the manner that she was accustomed to. The best he was likely to do was a nice little home somewhere affordable, paid for by a lower middle class office job.
     After lunch, Hannah ran into some of her friends, who were shopping nearby in a specialty boutique. They squealed happily, hugged Hannah as if they hadn’t seen her in years, and immediately began to tell her about everything she had missed. They talked so fast that Toshihiro wouldn’t have been able to understand them even if he could speak the language.
     “So, Hannah, what have you been up to? Last we saw you, you were going to Japan for a couple of weeks.”
     “Oh, well, if you want to know everything that has happened to me over the past few months, you should read my blog, but the short version is that I fell in love and got married.” Hannah slipped her arm through Toshihiro’s, pulled him closer, and gave him one of those looks that made Toshihiro feel as if the whole world had just received a shiny new coat of paint.
     “Married? To a guy?” Her friends exclaimed incredulously.
     “Yes,” Hannah sighed happily. “Hero is just so wonderful that I think I fell in love with him the first day we met.” She gave him a kiss.
     This made Toshihiro’s depression go into remission, but only until he remembered that she belonged here. She belonged to this world of business meetings, huge mansions, and numerous friends. What is she doing with me?
     Hannah sensed Toshihiro’s mood, and exchanged contact information with her friends so she could get in touch with them later. She waved goodbye to them, and led her husband back to her bank so that their driver could bring them home.
     Once home, the couple spent a few hours in Hannah’s bed making love.

Go to Chapter 19 

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