
Friday, June 24, 2011

Shy Girl - Chapter 8 + 9

I noticed that chapter 8 was miniscule compared to my normal chapters, so I am including chapter 9 too, lol. It starts picking up in chapter 9 IMO :-)

Chapter 8

After school the next day, Brian waited for the class to empty so he could talk to Danica. They had both been too shy to announce their relationship to others.
Derek peaked into the room. “Are you ready, my little butterfly?”
“Actually, I can’t today,” Danica informed him. “I have a doctor’s appointment.”
“Anything wrong?” Derek asked.
The class was empty, so she would have told him, but she glanced at Brian, and blushed. “Uh, no, checkup.”
Derek knew she was lying, but didn’t say so. “Oh. Hey, are you going to the bonfire tonight?”
“I might,” she shrugged.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you if you do. You should come too, Brian.”
“Maybe,” Brian shrugged as well, and Derek left.
Danica and Brian gathered their belongings, and packed them up.
“So, am I coming over this afternoon?” He asked.
“I don’t know how long the appointment will take. Can we go to the bonfire instead?”
“I don’t know if I can, I have chores to do at home, but you go, and I’ll go if I can,” Brian said.
“Okay,” Danica smiled. She looked around to make sure there was nobody around, then walked up and kissed him. It was getting easier to do so without getting lost for five or ten minutes.

The doctor explained all of Danica’s options in a nonjudgmental way. Danica considered them all carefully.
“I think I’d like to try the diaphragm.”
“Okay. I have to fit you, so you’ll need to get undressed in a minute, but first, I want to make this clear. I understand your desire to avoid drugs, hormones, or chemicals, and do this naturally, so listen.
“Start keeping a calendar of your monthly cycle. Write down anything that comes out of your vagina. Once you know when your periods are, you can guess when you are ovulating. On those days, you will discharge a slippery mucus. After a while, you will know it well.
“Then, when you are ovulating, if you have sex, use the diaphragm, use the spermicide, and consider using a condom as well. On days when you are fairly sure that you are not ovulating, if you forget to use the spermicide and or a condom, you could still get pregnant, but the chances are much less. About the same as using a condom,” the doctor educated.
“I understand,” Danica stated.
“I recommend waiting until you know your cycle for sure before you do anything,” the doctor said as she stood to leave. “Knock when you’re ready.”
Danica stripped from the waist down, and took the hospital gown from her mother’s hands. Then, she sat on the table, and her mom knocked on the door.
“Ready? Okay. I have to do a pelvic exam first, and then I will insert the sizing diaphragm I think will fit best. This may hurt if your hymen is intact.”
“I understand,” Danica said.
The doctor was right, it did hurt a little, and it bled a little as well, but soon the correct fitting diaphragm was in place.
“I want you to insert your own fingers, and feel where it is.”
Danica blushed. “My… fingers?”
“Come now, who did you think was going to put it in and take it out?” The doctor asked with a chuckle.
Danica reached to feel the diaphragm. “It’s hard to reach, but I feel it.”
“Good, now hook your fingers behind the pubic bone, that’s the big bump, and under the diaphragm, and take it out,” the doctor instructed.
Danica had to try a few times before she got it. “I did it!”
“Good. Now, when you put it in, the spermicide goes in the cup side, and then you fold it in half, like this,” the doctor demonstrated, holding the sizing diaphragm in her gloved hand. “The cup faces up as you insert it all the way to the back, and “lock” it under the pubic bone. You try it.”
Danica did. The doctor checked her work.
“Very good… Here’s your prescription. Go have it filled in our pharmacy, and then you can go home. After you take that out and put it in the sink, that is.”
Danica complied, much less shy about it now.

For all the rest of January and February, Danica kept track of her cycle until she was certain she knew it. She waited until she ovulated, and then she gave it several days.
Brian came over every afternoon after school, and they kissed and made out, but managed to stop themselves from going any further. About once a week, Danica would catch her father’s eye on her, but he didn’t ask.
“Not yet,” she answered anyway.
He sighed, but had to admit that whatever she was doing made her extraordinarily happy.
Finally, she was ready.

Chapter 9

Danica ended her kickboxing with Derek 15 minutes early so that she could race home and prepare.
Brian saw her running from the library window, and wondered what was wrong. He normally left the library to “pick her up,” and walk her home, in a couple of minutes. He gathered his things, and rushed after her.
Danica’s mother answered the door.
“Is something wrong with Danica?”
She bit back the urge to tell him yes, she’s sick, go home. “Ah no. I imagine she simply had a female emergency.”
Brian blushed. “I see. I have an older sister. I’m 16, she’s 18, and lives in the cities in order to go to college.”
Danica’s mom laughed. “Go on, and maybe you’ll stay for dinner.”
Brian shrugged. He didn’t notice her mom gather up the twins and leave.
Danica was hiding behind her door when he entered. She shut and locked it behind him.
“Danica! You – What are you wearing?” Brian laughed in surprise. She wasn’t wearing anything naughty, but she was wearing a knee-length summer dress that nearly matched her room, despite the cold weather outside.
“Do you like it?” She asked.
They kissed, and Danica guided him to her bed. This was new, as they usually took care to avoid her bed, and its temptation. Brian didn’t say anything because he figured that they were only going to make out.
After at least a half an hour of kissing and petting, Brian discovered that Danica wasn’t wearing any underwear, and suddenly a few things made sense.
“I… I don’t have a condom,” he confessed.
“I do, but I’m wearing a birth control method, so we won’t need a condom,” she confessed in turn.
He gave her a doubtful look.
“St- Stick your fingers inside me. You’ll feel it,” Danica gave permission.
“But your parents -!”
“Aren’t home. My mom took the twins shopping. If I don’t call her by a certain time, she’s going to call and tell my father to meet them at a restaurant,” Danica explained.
Brian blushed redder than he ever had before. “Oh.”
Danica stroked his cheek with her cool to the touch hand.
“I… I want to… but I’ve… never…” Brian stammered.
“Me neither, but we don’t have to. Let’s just do what we were doing,” Danica said.
“And see what happens?” Brian grinned.
Danica nodded.
With no pressure either way, the couple took their time to really explore one another. They were still doing that when Danica’s prearranged time came and went, and her mom invited her dad to dinner at a restaurant.
Ultimately, they did go all the way, but not before asking each other several times if they were sure. They were.

“Where’s Danica?” Her father asked.
“At home,” her mother replied.
He didn’t suspect anything, and sat down to order. It hit him as he took his first bite. “She wouldn’t!”
“We’ll just have to wait and see,” his wife commented.
“We should go home right now, and stop her.”
“It’s probably too late. Need I remind you that I’d rather she not be like us. 14, unprotected, on a couch at a party. At 15, me nearly having a -”
“Yes, yes, I remember. That’s why I’m not ready for this. I don’t want her to go through that,” he sighed. “What’s next?”
Danica called her mom’s cell in the middle of their third game.
“You can come home now. I’m incredibly sleepy – we’re both incredibly sleepy. If his mom says it’s okay, can he spend the night?” Danica asked.
“Uh… okay,” her mom said.

“Hi mom,” Brian greeted and yawned. “Can I spend the night at Danica’s?”
“Do you have protection?” She asked her son.
“Do her parents agree to you spending the night?”
“I suppose, but we need to talk tomorrow after school.”
“Okay mom, love you.”
“Love you too.”

Danica lay remembering for quite some time the next morning. She finally heard her father leave for work. She kissed Brian until he opened his eyes.
“Good morning,” she smiled.
“Very good morning,” he agreed.
“Come on, let’s get going before the twins get up.”
A few minutes later, they entered the kitchen.
“Good morning you two. I made you some bacon and egg sandwiches to eat on the way to school.”
“Thanks mom,” Danica hugged her mom, grinning. She meant for yesterday as well.
Her mom understood. “You’re welcome. Oh! Your dad wants Brian to stay for dinner tonight.”
“I’ll ask my mom,” Brian blushed as he accepted his sandwich.
“Oh go on already! You two are blinding me with your glow!”
Danica chuckled. “Bye mom.”
“Bye,” Brian echoed.
“Have a good day at school.”

I wanted to explain why Danica's parents are being so permissive. They are overcompensating in response to their own youth. I do not think that most modern parents would be quite so accommodating and willing to let their teens have sex. As I said, this story is aimed at teens, so while the characters do have sex, I don't describe it in detail, sorry if this disappoints anyone.

Go To Chapter 10+11 

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