
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shy Girl - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

On the first day back from the break, the whole class silently noticed, and speculated on Danica’s missing ring.
Brian felt a new hope in his heart. Had they broken up?
After their fourth period, Danica lingered as everyone left the room. She was finishing up her homework for the class. Brian pretended to do the same.
“Danica, my sweet, my little butterfly, shall we go?” Derek popped his head into the room.
Danica giggled happily. The three other students still in the room - and Brian - cast Danica astonished looks.
“I’ll meet you there in 10 or 15 minutes. I’m having trouble with my homework, and may need help,” she smiled.
“I understand, and while I’d love to help…” Derek spread his hands in front of him as if to show he had nothing to help with.
“Your grades suck?” Danica offered.
“Exactly!” Derek agreed, then laughed. Danica laughed as well.
“I think they really did it!” A boy whispered to a girl near Brian, who responded by quietly leaving the room.

The next day, the whole school was wondering what was up with Danica. She was much more lively than usual. Cheery too!
Brian left the second the last bell rang, not wanting to see the happy couple.
The following morning, Danica searched for him in the library. She knew that if she wanted to go out with Brian, she would have to gather her courage, and ask him out.
She walked straight up to his table, and sat down. Luckily, there wasn’t anyone else in the library yet this morning.
“Did you come here to gloat?” Brian asked grumpily.
“Gloat?” Danica asked in confusion.
“Everyone’s talking about how you and Derek finally did it.”
Danica laughed. “Well, everyone’s wrong. We broke up. We’re just friends. Best friends, actually, but definitely not sexual partners.”
“You… you did? Why?” Brian asked.
“Because, we both think we’re in love with someone else,” Danica smiled.
“You mean…?”
“Yes, I would like to go out with you,” Danica replied. She leaned over and kissed him. She felt as if the sun had just suddenly appeared on a drizzly day. She would have gasped at the intensity and pulled away, but he put his arms around her, and held her close, kissing her back happily.
She finally pushed him away. They both panted for a few moments.
“After school, I still plan to train with Derek, but after that I’m all yours to do with what you will.” Danica realized what she just said, and blushed. “Except that!”
“Okay, so what did you have in mind?” Brian asked.
“Come over and help me study?” Danica suggested.
“Sure,” Brian agreed. He kissed her again. This time he pushed away, and looked away. “How do you do this to me? Affect me so much?”
Danica glanced at a certain hard bulge, blushed, and looked away herself. “I could ask the same,” she smiled, stood, and left.

“Brian! Lovely to see you again. Danica’s in her room. The twins are going to be practicing their wrestling out here, so don’t be concerned by the noise,” her mom chatted.
Both of them?” Brian asked.
“Oh yes, she loves wrestling more than he does!”
Brian shook his head in amusement, and went to Danica’s room.
Danica had planned to actually do her homework, and talk afterwards, but the second the door shut; she was kissing him as if her life depended on it. They must have stood there holding and kissing each other for at least a half an hour.
“Oh god, we gotta stop!” Brian gasped.
Danica took a step back, and tried to catch her breath.
“Let’s sit down,” she suggested.
“Good idea.”
They sat quietly staring at each other, and holding hands until they decided the temptation was too strong. They put a few inches between them, and began to do their homework.
A little while later, Danica’s dad opened the door. “Dinner’s in – oh! Hey Brian, I didn’t know you were here. Are you staying for dinner?” His eyes scanned her bed for signs of use, found none, and noted that they were properly spaced apart, and innocently doing their homework.
“Uh… not tonight. Thanks for asking though,” Brian replied.
“Oh, well, as I was saying, dinner’s in 10-15.”
“Thanks dad,” Danica smiled.

At dinner, Danica’s father studied her closely. “You seem really happy.”
“I am,” she grinned.
“Why?” He asked suspiciously.
“It’s because Derek and I broke up, like I told you the other night, and now I’m going out with Brian,” Danica explained.
Her father let the conversation drop until after dinner. It was Danica’s night to wash the dishes, and the twins immediately rushed outside to play, despite the cold.
“Has Brian kissed you yet?” He asked his daughter.
Danica blushed. “Yes.”
“I see. I don’t like the two of you alone in your room with the door closed. Have you had sex yet?” He asked abruptly.
“No,” Danica looked him in the eye to convey her honesty, then looked away in embarrassment.
“Honey!” Her mother chided. “You are jumping to conclusions! Need I remind you that we had this conversation, and since there are literally hundreds of spots for teens to sneak off to around here, we agreed to trust Danica!”
“Just look at her, it’s obvious she wants to!” Her father countered. Danica flinched.
“So. We still have to trust her to decide what is right for her. Now, I’m not saying I want her to start having sex, but if she does, I’d much rather she’s doing it safely than unprotected and carelessly in a teen make out spot!”
Danica’s father sighed. “I can agree with that.”
“Fine, then you must promise to stop asking her if she’s had sex, and I really think I should take her to the doctor to get on birth control,” her mother said.
“Fine!” Her father agreed unhappily.
“Now who’s jumping to conclusions?!” Danica demanded.
“Your father’s right about one thing. It is obvious that you want to.”
“Want, maybe, but that doesn’t mean that I will!” Danica protested.
Her father sighed. “You may not intend to, but things can happen unexpectedly.”
“But I really don’t want to go on hormonal birth control,” Danica whined.
“So we ask the doctor for other options,” her mother replied.

Go To Chapters 8+9 

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