
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shy Girl - Chapter 10 + 11

Chapter 10

The bell ending fourth period rang, and most of the students rushed out of the room. Danica and Brian smiled at each other. Neither had really talked to the other during the day, and both were still too shy to be lovey-dovey in public.
Erica ran into the room unexpectedly. “Okay, I know we haven’t had a chance to talk much since we got separate classes, and I joined the girls sports team, but what is going on? You look radiant for some reason!”
“I do?” Danica blushed. “Well, I’ve fallen in love.”
“You have?” Erica goggled.
Derek popped his head in the door.
“You ready to go, my little butterfly?” He had taken to calling her that because she was the only one who knew his secret, and it made him feel as free as a butterfly.
“Hey Derek, come here a minute,” Danica invited.
“Sure thing,” he pulled a stray chair up next to her.
“You mean you and Derek…?” Erica asked.
“Well, I do love Derek, but not like that,” Danica ruffled Derek’s hair.
“The feeling’s mutual,” Derek kissed her cheek.
“Then who?” Erica wondered.
Danica smiled at Brian, who grinned back at her. “Brian.”
Erica turned to look at him. “Brian?”
Brian pulled up another stray chair, and sat behind Danica. He wrapped his arms around her, and she kissed him.
“So it worked out, I’m happy for you,” Derek congratulated.
Erica looked at Derek. “If you’re really not going out with Danica, would you go out with me?”
Derek blushed, and looked at Danica in alarm.
Danica laughed. “Derek’s not ready for another relationship just yet.”
Derek chuckled. “No one could ever take your place.” He placed her hand on his heart, and his free hand on his head, and gave a melodramatic sigh.
Danica laughed. “Why, thank you kind sir!”
Brian chuckled, nuzzled her neck, and said. “I gotta go. My mom wants to talk about what happened last night, er – yesterday.”
“Will she be mad?”
“No, I think she’ll just want to make absolutely sure we were protected.”
“Oh no!” Danica blushed.
“What?” Brian asked.
“It’s still in me,” she replied softly.
Erica and Derek exchanged looks of dawning realization.
“Uh, what’s still in you?” Erica asked.
“My diaphragm,” Danica mumbled.
“Oh!” it was Erica’s turn to blush.
“I guess I’ve got to go home today too,” Danica said. She kissed Brian again. “Are you coming over and staying for dinner?”
“If I can, and if I can.” Brian returned her kiss.
The situation got really mushy after that.

Brian and his parents had an honest and in depth discussion about yesterday’s events.
“I’m just glad you were safe, and that neither of you were doing it just to do it,” his mom said.
“I think this calls for a celebration!” His dad patted him on the back. His parents were… different. He had grown up listening to them endlessly talk about sex, joke about sex, and make crude-yet-descriptive innuendos. That wasn’t the only thing that made them different, but you get the picture.
“You should really invite her over sometime,” his parents said at the same time.
“Really? Here?” Brian was surprised.
“Of course here!” His dad laughed.
“We promise we’ll behave,” his mom’s grin suggested anything but behaving.
“At least, we’ll try,” his dad amended a tad more honestly.
“Okay, I’ll ask,” Brian agreed.

Meanwhile, Danica had gone home, pulled out and washed her diaphragm, reapplied the spermicide, and put it back inside her.
Brian arrived shortly thereafter, and they disappeared into her room, locking the door. An hour and a half later, they were dressed, the bed was made, the door unlocked, and they were doing their homework while holding hands.
Her dad came in. “Are you staying for dinner, Brian?”
“Yes sir,” Brian said.
“Good. Listen, I know what you two are going through, and I just want you to be careful.”
“We are dad,” Danica reassured him.
“I know, but I want to tell you something important, and don’t interrupt me, okay?”
“Sure dad.”
“When your mother and I were 14, we got drunk at a party. We ended up having sex on a couch in front of everyone else. Admittedly, so were they, but anyway… Just after your mom turned 15, we found out she was pregnant. Thankfully, she miscarried that one, but it was really hard to deal with at the time. I don’t want either of you to have to go through that. Any of it, but I know I can’t stop you, so please just be safe.”
Danica stared in astonishment. “We… We will,” she promised.
“Very careful,” Brian added.
“Good, now, let’s go eat dinner,” he left the room.
“Did you know that?” Brian asked.
“I knew they were 14 their first time, but not the rest,” Danica replied.
“Hey listen, my parents want you to come to dinner tomorrow, but…” Brian faltered.
“But what?”
“Well, we’re different from most families.”
“Different? How?” Danica asked.
“Oh, this and that, but most importantly, we’re nudists. We have a lot of nudie pics on the walls,” Brian grinned.
“Graphic nudie pics?” Danica blushed.
“No, tasteful, artsy ones, and family photos.”
“I see,” Danica shrugged. “I can handle it, I think.”

Chapter 11

Danica nervously walked with Brian to his house after training with Derek the next day.
“Don’t worry, they’ll love you,” Brian assured her.
“I hope so. Will they expect me to…?”
“Get naked? No. Nudists never force others to be nude. They don’t have to,” Brian smiled.
“Okay,” Danica smiled.

“You must be Danica. Brian has told us all about you,” his mother greeted her. “Brian, why don’t you show her around our house before you go to your room,” she suggested as she wiped her hands on the apron that was the only thing she was wearing.
“Sure mom.”
Danica’s cheeks were a lovely shade of pink as she looked at all of the art decorating the house. It really was all nudie pics.
“My dad’s an artist. He photographed and/or drew most of these.”
“Wow, he’s very talented,” Danica stated.
“I know. A couple of these are of my sister, by my sister, and a couple are drawn by me.”
“Really? Which ones are yours?” Danica wondered.
Brian pointed out a pic and a drawing of him spiking a volleyball, and one that looked like a scene from an anime.
Danica studied the volleyball photograph. “All of you are naked.”
“Yes, we have a nudist resort we go to several times a year. I’m actually a member of the junior nudist league. Anyway, I often play volleyball when we’re at the resort,” Brian said.
“It does look fun,” Danica admitted.
Brian showed her a door painted like it was permanently steamed, and dripping condensation. “I painted that door. It leads to the hot tub/mini indoor pool/tanning area.”
“What? No wonder you always look tan!” Danica opened the door. The whole house was unusual, but this oddly circular room with plenty of large windows, even covering the roof, and a southern exposure, filled Danica with awe. The view of the land was spectacular!
“You have an outdoor pool as well,” she pointed out.
“Yes. Nudists love to swim and suntan,” Brian chuckled.
“Do I see cows in the distance?”
“Actually yes. My mom is a firm believer in natural, whole, nutrient-dense, pasture-raised food. We have cows for milk, cheese, and meat, and a couple of goats and sheep, also for meat, and chickens for eggs. We’ll raise a couple of geese and turkey later on.”
“Wow, so when you said you had chores, you really meant it.”
“Yes. My mom’s a writer, but she also earns an income breeding dogs, but not like a puppy mill, and not to sell to pet shops,” Brian pointed to a cozy looking barn.
“Wow, your family is so cool,” Danica said.
“I guess,” he shrugged.
They went to his room, and shut the door.
“Is it in?” He asked.
“No, but I brought it with.”
“Can I help you put it in?”
“I guess,” Danica stripped, and told him how it was done. A thought occurred to her. “So, you’ve seen lots of girls naked.”
“Yes, but it’s not like you think. When you’ve seen naked bodies ever since birth, you grow up thinking they’re no big deal.”
“So, none of the girls turned you on?” Danica asked.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Brian admitted.
“Is seeing me naked no big deal?” Danica wondered.
“On one hand, it’s not, but on the other… I know what I get to do with you,” he wagged his eyebrows and grinned.
“Mmm,” Danica moaned in agreement.
Later on, they sat to do their homework, naked, on his bed. There was a knock at the door.
“You okay in there?” His mom asked through the closed door.
“Yeah mom,” Brian replied.
“Can I come in?”
“Do you mind?” Brian asked Danica.
“I actually don’t,” Danica made a sound like ‘huh, who’da thunk?’
“Yeah, you can come in,” Brian gave permission.
His mom was still wearing only a not-so-concealing apron. “I see you’re getting into the spirit of things. I was wondering if you want to take advantage of this gorgeous sun with me for a while.”
“But it’s winter!” Danica protested.
“True, but we can do it indoors,” his mom countered.
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” Danica blushed.
“So, will you be dining without clothes as well?” she asked Danica.
“I don’t know,” Danica shrugged.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to,” his mom left.
“Let’s go tan,” Danica said eagerly. “But I need to go to the bathroom first.”
“No problem.”
A few minutes later, they entered the hot tub/pool/tanning room for the second time. At his mom’s suggestion, Brian and Danica took a quick rinse under an open shower on one wall.
They tanned for about a half an hour on a sunny patch of floor, and were joined by Brian’s father at one point. Danica was flustered, but he was so nice, and didn’t stare at her nudity, that soon they were chatting amicably. She looked at his genitals several times, but soon found that her curiosity was sated, and it was no big deal.
Her stomach growled. “Sorry,” she apologized in embarrassment.
“Don’t apologize, we could all use some food,” Brian’s mom said. She stood up, and put her apron back on. “I have a sarong if you’d like to wear something, Danica.”
“Yes please.” Danica hadn’t planned to get naked in front of his parents, but now that she had, she was okay with it, but it was still strange and new. She accepted a beautiful blue sarong with a black and gold sun, moon, and stars pattern on it. She wrapped it around her waist, and followed everyone to the kitchen.
“I’ve had a couple legs of lamb cooking in the crock-pot all day. I’ve also got veggies, seasonings, and herbs in there. Do you like sauerkraut?” Brian’s mom asked.
“Sometimes,” Danica said. She would try it to be polite.
Dinner was delicious, and they all chatted like old friends. Danica felt as if she could talk to them about anything, same as she could with her own parents.
Soon, it was time for chores, which included milking the cows, and feeding the dogs. Danica could have played with them all night, but she was persuaded to go back into the house to play cards with Brian and his parents.
They played cards until it was very late, and Danica was invited to spend the night. So, she called her mom, and got permission, since it was a Friday.

Go To Chapter 12+13 

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