
Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Rusty Jug - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

At the end of the semester, there was a month long break before the next semester started. Lia was so relieved to have some time without homework that she spent two whole days sleeping as much as possible. Her body needed the rest, and she was grateful; she had been feeling a bit run down lately.
Lia planned to accept as many private party invitations as possible without overdoing it. She figured that 3 a week would be perfect. Any more than that would be a burden.
She dug out a business card a regular had given her a while back. She’d already given him several private dances, and had been delighted to learn how generous he was when she let him play with her once she was naked. A few hours with him earned her more than she made during two average stripping shifts.
Lia called his number, and said, “It’s Lia,” when he answered.
“Just who I was hoping it would be. I want you to spend a weekend with me. My wife will be out of town, and I want your company.” He didn’t have to mention payment; she knew he would give her money like it was water.
“A whole weekend… That’ll be hard to arrange…” Lia hesitated.
Not all of her private parties led to sex. Most of them did, but not all. Even so, she was always able to have them while Jin was asleep. She didn’t even have to order him to sleep most of the time.
He now knew she was stripping, but she didn’t think he suspected she was getting paid for sex too. It would be so hard to explain why someone would want her to strip for them for the entire weekend. Sex was really the only reason anyone would want her for that long.
“Let me… Let me think about it. I’ll call you back,” Lia promised.
She tried to think of a reasonable excuse to tell Jin, but still hadn’t come up with anything by the time he returned from the communal dorm showers. She was deep in thought, biting her lip in concentration. There has to be something I can tell him!
“What are you thinking about?” Jin asked as he saw the expression on her face.
“Jin… if I needed to go somewhere for a weekend… without you… would you let me?”
“Where?” Jin wanted to know.
“To earn money,” Lia replied softly.
Jin had come to recognize this tone as the one she used whenever she was doing something she thought he would consider bad. Right now, he figured that had to mean sex. He knew she had done it before, and he understood her reasons, but the thought still made him slightly queasy.
“Lia, we’ve got plenty of money, and I could easily magic us some more. Why do you need to do this?”
“Because there is no such thing as happily ever after! There never was a Cinderella. No one who has a tough life ever just wakes up one day and magically it’s all better!
“We make our lives what they are by doing whatever it takes to rise above the ashes of yesterday. That means… That means so what if we have enough money right now?! Who’s to say that something horrible won’t happen tomorrow to change that?
“What if I somehow lost the ability to earn money? We don’t have enough near enough to live off of for the rest of our lives,” Lia honestly  hadn’t realized she felt this way, but it was true, and she wasn’t going to take any of it back.
“You want to take care of us for the rest of our lives, and I understand that. I respect that, but what about me? Why won’t you let me take care of you for a change? Why not help me find a way I can earn money too?” Jin pulled Lia into his arms, and stroked her back.
“Take care of me?” Lia pushed him away, and turn her back to him. “Yeah, I know how that works… Taking care turns into not letting me do anything I want to until I can’t stand it anymore!
“You’ve told me that since we first met, Rick! You said, ‘Help me defeat our leader, and I’ll take care of you forever. I promise I won’t abuse you like he did.’ I trusted you, Rick, and you never did anything but hurt me!” Lia gasped, covered her mouth, and bowed her head in shame. She didn’t want him to see her fight the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.
“Trust…” Jin felt a distinct moment of clarity. He understood that she was affected by her past more than she generally let on, and while she really would let him do anything he wanted to – probably including murder – the moment he gained more control in their relationship was the moment she had to risk him destroying her trust.
In short, he could hurt her all he wanted, he just couldn’t control her life while he did so. It made sense. She had been at the mercy – or rather lack of mercy – of others for too many years to give up control over her life now that she finally had it.
Control… funny how that had been his goal for so long. Control over others… and she had been in someone else’s control for what must have felt like forever; yet now they were together, and both of their situations were reversed. Completely reversed!
“I’m sorry Jin. I – ”
“If it means that much to you, then go,” Jin stated.
“Irony, huh? I have no desire to control you. I only want to make you happy. If I could grant you a million wishes, I would. Nothing makes me happier than your smile. Your real smile, not the fake one you wear when you think you should smile rather than cry. So… so go. Do what you need to do.”
Lia still had her back to him, and when he placed his arms around her – pulling her close – she lost the battle not to cry. She cried for only the second time in over 10 years, and both had been in the safety of Jin’s arms. She turned and clung to him helplessly.
She sobbed into his chest for a long time, and he simply held her; stroking her back. Finally, he kissed her, and continued to give her kiss after kiss until she suddenly kissed him back. She kissed him as if her life depended on it!
Jin carried her to bed, and then made love to her until Lia forgot what she was crying about; and then they made love some more. Afterwards, once she had caught her breath, she laced her fingers through his, and savored the warmth of his embrace. Then, she reached for the cordless phone next to the bed.
“It’s Lia again. I can come for an entire weekend after all. When do you want me and where should I meet you?”
Those words nearly made Jin cry, but he wasn’t upset. Hurt but not upset. He performed a very Lia-like maneuver, and smiled rather than cry.


With only a week left before classes started up again, students were having as much fun as possible. Aside from Lia’s weekend with her client, and her other private parties, Jin was with her every moment of each day. Even when she stripped at the club. He had gotten used to the idea of her dancing naked for other men, and actually loved watching her do it.
She still made him go to sleep if she got a client willing to pay for sex. This was all well and good in Jin’s opinion since he would have lain awake waiting for her if she didn’t. With nothing to do in her absence, he would have imagined what she was doing, and brooding over it. Sleep was a definite blessing!
The frat house decided to host a huge party. It was open to everyone who wanted to attend, but Lia and Jin received special invitations. They weren’t from Ned either – who had found a girlfriend, and didn’t see Lia much these days – but rather the frat boys who often hired her for private parties.

“I don’t know, Jin,” Lia hesitated to accept. “A party like this can get pretty wild.”
“Sounds like it could be fun,” Jin remarked.
“Okay, if you want to go, we’ll go,” Lia agreed.
For the party, Lia decided not to wear her usual summer-style dresses – which she wore despite the fact that it was the middle of winter in an area where this meant chilly, but not cold weather, and no snow – and opted instead to wear a pair of tight, shiny, black pants. She paired it with a tight, bright-red, midriff baring tee shirt that said “SUPERBABE” across her breasts. The word had a feminine-looking superman emblem around it.
She also decided to wear a bra – a completely sheer, red, lacy, spandex bra – and her “Spank Me” panties. She brought both home from the club specifically to wear at the party. The panties had small elastic sides, and they curved around her hips in a way that was visible above her low riding pants. She hoped to entice a few more clients from the rich boys of the frat house.
Jin decided to somewhat match her, and wore a pair of lightly shimmering, low riding, black pants. He chose a dark-red, short-sleeved muscle shirt to go with it. The outfit did not bare his midriff, but the shirt did ride up slightly to expose a portion of his lower abdomen – which was normally covered by pants.
Lia moaned in appreciation. “However did I manage to find such a gorgeous man?”
Jin raised an eyebrow, and cast her a grin that said, ‘Hey, what can I say?’
They arrived at the party when it was already in full swing. The frat boys had paid for full bar service, which still cost money for most of the party goers, but the one in charge of the party ordered the bar staff to keep Lia’s glass full at no charge to her. He hoped that she would provide the kind of entertainment they wished to encourage from other party girls.
Lia had never really drank alcohol before, because Rick had insisted that the girls would make more money if they were sober. That, and he didn’t want to waste money on alcohol for them. She took a sip of the Long Island Iced Tea they served her, and smiled. Tastes pretty good!
Jin declined Lia’s offer to buy him a few drinks, figuring that if she was going to drink, he should stay sober to keep an eye on her. He doubted that his magic binding – to protect her at all costs – would let him get drunk anyhow. Any imbibing on his part could impair his ability to protect her if needed.
After two more “iced teas,” Lia felt like she just had to dance. So, she ran up to the bar, climbed atop it, and began to dance like a stripper. Except she kept her clothes on.
Everyone who had a drink on the bar immediately cleared it away, and then cheered her on. Lia began to sing along with the music, “Pour some sugar on me!” She couldn’t believe how much fun this was.
Men bought her a few shots of tequila, and everyone chanted, “Drink!” until she downed them. Soon after that, she felt so damn hot that she had no choice but to strip. She didn’t have a routine or time limit to follow, so she really played it up.
Once she was naked – she didn’t even care that her clothes completely disappeared – she jumped from the bar onto a nearby table. She wiggled her ass at the guys sitting around the table, inviting them to spank her. They complied happily, thoroughly groping her in the process.
The noise was a constant loud roar from the cheers, and Lia jumped from table to table to dance and be spanked. Even some of the girls spanked her, and she loved it! She ignored the girls who glared at her.
Jin watched her, half amused half exasperated by her actions, but really, it wasn’t so different than the strip club. Except that here everyone was allowed to touch, spank, and grope her. Jin could breathe, so she wasn’t in any danger.
The head frat boy caught Lia’s attention, and flashed a hundred dollar bill at her. She responded by jumping from table to table until she reached him. She jumped into his arms, and wrapped her legs around his waist.
He squeezed her ass cheeks tightly, and carried her to the bathroom. Jin suddenly found himself between them and the bathroom door. He realized that he was not compelled to be there by his order to protect her, but rather something that felt a lot like jealousy.
“Don’t try to stop me, Jin,” Lia giggled drunkenly, and then told the guy carrying her to, “Give the money to Jin.”
Jin stood there feeling helpless as he accepted the money. He decided that it would be over soon, and then he would magic Lia straight back to their dorm room. Then he noticed a line form, and realized that it was made up of guys counting whatever cash they had with them.
Jin closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. His magic considered Lia’s order still in effect, and he couldn’t do anything to stop this. He plastered a fake smile on his face, and held up the hundred dollar bill. He snapped it twice to drive the point home that he wouldn’t accept anything less than that amount. About half of the guys groaned in disappointment, and left the line.
When the third guy went to take his turn, the fourth guy handed Jin his money, and pushed his way into the bathroom as well. He left the door slightly open, and Jin stopped himself from looking at the scene he could already hear clearly. He really didn’t want to see it too.
The pushy guy inserted himself into Lia’s mouth, and shot his load a mere minute later. After that he left, and guy number five was more than happy to replace him. Jin tested the magic binding, but still couldn’t do anything to stop this.
Having two guys take their turn at once sped the line up considerably. Soon, Jin was holding close to 2000 dollars, and barely half an hour had passed. The line is almost clear!
The very last guy in line decided that he didn’t want to wait for the two that just entered the bathroom to finish. He handed over his money, and suggested a position that allowed all three of them access to a hole. The other two were happy to comply.
When they were done, Lia tried to stand, wobbled drunkenly, giggled, and looked like she was going to pass out. Jin caught her and shut the door to give them privacy. Then he magicked them directly into his bottle.
Lia giggled a bit more, and then passed out, and Jin set her down for a moment while he undressed. He gathered her up again, and brought her into the tub. He made absolutely certain that he washed every iota of guck off of her body.
He was essentially alone, and frequently wiped tears from his face. He did not make any noise as he cried, and would not admit to himself that he even was crying. Being forced to watch her sell her body broke his heart.


Lia opened her eyes, and stretched. She felt wonderful, and she wasn’t quite sure why. Oh yeah! The alcohol! Some first time drinkers still feel euphoric the next day.
She yelped in surprise. Jin had roughly tossed a stack of money at her. It hit her with a stinging thunk, then exploded into a mini tornado of swirling bills.
“Are you happy now?” He demanded.
Lia sorted through the pile of hundred dollar bills. “Wow, there’s almost as much as I make in a week! What did I… Oh… Oh, I remember…” Lia uttered softly, and then looked at Jin; ready to apologize for making him go through that.
“I’m done, Lia! I’ve had enough; I don’t want to do this anymore!”
“Jin! Jin I’m sorry! I was drunk or I never would have – ”
“Would have what? Huh? Had sex with other men? Yes you would have, and don’t even bother trying to deny it!”
“I never would have made you watch me do it!” Lia finished her sentence.
“What difference does it make? I still know about it. Some of them… Some of them didn’t bother me – like Mr. Hanover – but some of them… The ones you have sex with for no other reason than money… It bothers me, and I hate it!” Jin took a step back.
He shook his head. “I can’t change you, and I don’t want to control your life, but I can’t stand this anymore! So… I’m going to return to my bottle… Permanently.”
Lia covered her mouth with both hands, and bit back a wail of, “Don’t leave me!” Instead, she begged, ‘Please… Please… no…” She was having a hard time saying anything that wasn’t an order. She did not want to bind him against his will with an order, so she pressed her hands to her mouth as hard as she could. She curled into a ball, and sobbed into the bed.
Jin considered staying to comfort her, but he felt too raw, and he couldn’t stand to be around her at the moment. He entered his bottle, and allowed himself to cry into his pillow. Life without her was going to hurt, but not nearly as much as life with her did.

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