
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tsuki! - Chapter 2 + 3

Chapter 2

Hannah smiled a small smile as she walked along. Yesterday, when she had argued with her father, and demanded that their driver let her out of the car “This minute!” She’d had no idea that she was going to spend a few hours feeling sorry for herself in the rain, and then lose her virginity to a guy she didn’t even know.
Why did he try to save me from those punks? She wondered. It was so obvious that they could have kicked his ass!
She perused the selection of food in the outside market place just down the block from his apartment. Her clothes itched from drying in his bathroom, and they made her squirm. That, in turn, made her remember (again!) what had happened last night, and she blushed.
        I don’t even know his name! What made me continue what he started? He was obviously just as surprised as I was, and it was my fault for rolling atop him as he slept… So, why didn’t I stop him?
Hannah honestly didn’t know why she’d had sex with him, but it was sure worth it!
She found some delicious looking fish, and pulled out her credit card. “Do you accept visa?” She asked, holding out her card so that the vendor could see it.
He said something in Japanese. Crap, why did I come to Japan without bothering to learn the language? Oh yeah, because dad said this was only going to be a two week trip.
Hannah pointed to the fish she wanted, and some shrimp, and then back at the card again. The vendor nodded, wrapped up her selection, and took hold of her card. He charged the purchase, and handed her the receipt to sign.
Hannah was so happy that her father had told their bank that she would be shopping in Japan, and that they automatically converted to the correct currency. She already had a woven basket with what she was pretty sure were green beans inside it. She placed her seafood in the basket.
Hannah looked around, biting her lip in concentration. Where will I find a frying pan?
She had looked around the apartment before she left, but hadn’t found anything other than instant noodles. Not even a single piece of cookware! How does that poor guy hope to feed himself without the proper equipment?
She walked along until she saw a shop filled with house wares. She jumped a tiny jump of joy, and clapped her hands.
        Why am I acting like such a girl? A very girly girl at that?
She entered the store, and looked around. Japanese cookware is so different! She finally found a cast iron griddle, medium sized cast iron pot, and a large frying pan, also made of cast iron.
She brought them to the place where she was fairly certain the cashier stood. She placed them on the counter. “I don’t speak Japanese, and I hope you take visa.” She held out her card.
“You poor thing! Why are you in this neighborhood if you don’t speak Japanese? This is the poorer part of town, and not too many people around here bother to learn English,” the cashier said in thickly accented English.
“It just sort of happened,” Hannah shrugged. “Do you know where I can buy clothes?”
The cashier handed Hannah the receipt to sign, and shrugged. “There are plenty of good shops if you keep on going, and don’t worry, they take visa.”
“Thank you.” Hannah accepted the box with her purchases, and realized that it had been stupid to buy such heavy things before she finished her shopping. The cashier took pity on her, and wrapped twine around the box until it formed a harness that she could wear fairly comfortably, like a backpack.
Hannah smiled gratefully, and headed off to finish her shopping. She found a cute little boutique, and bought three summer dresses. They had spaghetti straps, and two came to her knees. The other was ankle length, and probably her favorite.
She also bought some panties, and a couple of new bras, and then decided that she had enough for now.
She had no idea where the Japanese guy had gone to this morning, or even when he would be back, but she thought it would be nice to make him dinner.
        I hope he doesn’t object to me staying for a few nights until I find somewhere else to go, or until I can figure out how to book a flight back to America.
On the way back to the apartment, Hannah bought some coconut oil from a vendor who squeezed it out of the coconut in front of his customers. This was needed to season the cast iron, and to cook with.
She also bought some milk from a vendor who could speak English, and assured her that the milk was directly from his farm, and that his cows were only pasture fed, and that he hadn’t tampered with the milk in any way. Hannah hoped that this wasn’t just a sales pitch, and bought some cream, and deep golden yellow butter as well.
Lastly, she sampled some delicious sourdough rye bread, and bought two loaves. It was more carbohydrates than she needed, but she had a weakness for sourdough rye.
Ooh! Kimchi! Hannah discovered that she must be hungry, for she was buying all kinds of food, even after she had decided to return to the apartment.
Finally, she was back, and provided that the clock on the wall meant the same thing that it did in America, even though it was in Japanese characters, it was still only about ten in the morning.
She immediately washed the dust off of the cast iron, and set it on the stove over medium high heat filled with coconut oil to season. As it did, she ate a couple of slices of sourdough bread slathered with butter, and stored all of the food in the fridge. She tossed her clothes into what she assumed was the dirty laundry hamper, and changed into one of her new dresses. The other two, she stored in the closet.
Doesn’t this guy own anything? She wondered as she saw his nearly empty closet. The entire apartment looked as if he had just moved in, and hadn’t had anything to bring with, or a chance to buy anything for his apartment. All he had was a dresser half filled with clothes, a futon, a hamper of dirty laundry, and lots of instant noodles.
It was hot, so Hannah opened a window, and then checked on her pot and pans. They looked ready to let sit until they cooled, and she placed them in the oven so that they would retain their heat a little longer as they cooled.
Hannah looked around, and thought that the box her cookware had come in looked huge in this tiny apartment, so she brought it out to the trash.
Sitting all alone in the apartment with nothing to do quickly became boring, and she decided to take a nap, but… She felt odd lying on a bare floor, and she didn’t feel like struggling with the futon again, so she decided to sleep on the blankets on the middle shelf of the closet. Once she had shut the closet door, it was really cozy, and she fell asleep almost instantly.

In chapter 3, Toshihiro pronounces Hannah's name with a Japanese accent. In American we say Hanna so that the first a sounds like the one in hand, but in Japanese both a's are pronounced as ah, so when he says Hannah it sounds more like honnah. Just FYI.

Chapter 3

Toshihiro gave his friends a grumpy look. They had insisted that everyone go to his house to study as usual, since, ironically, he had the most room. They all had so much stuff cluttering up their apartments that gathering at any of their homes was near impossible.
“Hey, Hiro-kun, you act like you don’t want us to go to your apartment, why is that?”
Because I have an American goddess at home that I don’t want you to know about! “No reason,” Toshihiro shrugged.
They climbed the steps to his apartment, and Toshihiro braced himself for the questions his friends would have about the girl. I hope they don’t make her feel uncomfortable.
He opened his door, and other than the faint scent of coconut, his apartment was empty. Had she paid for her stay with her body, and then left? Toshihiro thought in horror. Why did I think she’d still be here? He wondered sadly.
His friends all got comfortable, each pulling snacks out of their bags for they all knew that he didn’t have anything other than instant noodles. Toshihiro sighed in sudden depression, and threw himself into his studies.
“Excuse me Hiro-chan, why does it smell like coconuts in here?” Sakura asked. She was a pretty, shy girl who always spent at least twice as much time studying as the rest of them.
“I don’t know,” Toshihiro shrugged.
“I love coconuts!” The other girl said. “Especially when the milk is mixed with alcohol.”
Toshihiro’s two guy friends laughed. Everyone knew that Yuki loved to drink, much more than she liked to study.
Toshihiro sat quietly doing his homework.
“Hiro-kun, why are you so quiet?” Keichi asked. “You seemed so cheerful most of the day.”
“I’m probably just hungry,” Toshihiro replied.
Yuki tossed him a bag of chips, and the five of them finished their studying within an hour. This was a record, but Toshihiro’s friends sensed that he wanted to be alone for some reason.
Toshihiro waved goodbye to his friends, and stared morosely around his empty apartment. Why had she gone so soon? If she had someone to call, why had she spent the night in the first place?
It was only about dinnertime, but he had no appetite, so he decided to go to sleep early. He opened his closet to pull out his futon.
Toshihiro stood gaping in shock. What was she doing in his closet? She turned to face him.
Hannah had been silently wondering if he had hoped to show her off to his friends. Had he bragged about me? About having had sex with me?
The look on his face made her thoughts turn about completely. He’s shocked to see me! Oh no! He hoped he didn’t have to deal with me anymore!
Hannah climbed out of the closet, and walked to the stove. If he really didn’t want her there, she would just make him dinner as a thank you for getting her out of the rain, and then she would leave. She pulled the frying pan out of the oven, set it on the burner to heat up, and retrieved the fish and green beans from the fridge.
Toshihiro watched her in astonishment. Where did she get the food? And the pan?
Hannah frowned at the cooking meal. Oh crap, I forgot dishes! What are we going to eat off of? She remembered seeing a couple of paper plates in the cupboard, and grabbed them.
Now that she thought about it, there wasn’t even a table to eat at. Oh well, at least I tried to make a decent meal.
Hannah gasped as she felt Toshihiro wrap his arms around her. “Arigatou gozaimasu,” he said, and she wondered, What does that mean?
Toshihiro held her close, and thanked her again. He was so grateful that she was still here, and so touched that he was almost speechless that she made him dinner. He hadn’t really had a meal made with actual food since he started college almost a year ago.
She turned to face him, and he kissed her.
“Arigatou,” he thanked her again.
“Is that your name?” Hannah asked.
I really wish I spoke English, damnit! He thought. “I don’t know what you’re saying,” he shook his head.
I really wish I spoke Japanese, damnit!
They both leaned in to kiss the other at the same time, and Hannah wondered again why she was acting so girly. Normally, she would punch a guy rather than kiss him, and those rare few she had let kiss her never made her feel like this.
After kissing for a few minutes, Hannah decided that their food must be getting cold, so she handed him a plate, and searched in his drawer for something to eat it with.
Toshihiro flushed in embarrassment. Why do I only have one pair of chopsticks? He picked them up, and handed them to her, just as she realized that was all he had. He indicated that she could use them, and she sighed.
I know how to use chopsticks, but I’m not very good, she thought.
They sat to eat, and Hannah decided to share the chopsticks with him. She was happy to find that even though all she’d had to season the food with was the coconut oil, and some authentically “dirty” looking sea salt, it turned out really good.
“This is fantastic!” Toshihiro exclaimed honestly. They say that the food your girlfriend makes you tastes the best, but I had no idea! He blushed. She’s not my girlfriend, no matter how much I wish she was. She’s eventually going to have to return to America, probably sooner rather than later.
After they had passed the chopsticks back and forth for a few minutes in silence, Hannah stared at Toshihiro intently. She put a hand to her chest, and said, “Hannah.” Then, she pointed at him expectantly.
Toshihiro looked at her in confusion for a moment, and then realized that she must have said her name. He tried it out, “Hana.”
Hannah laughed, “Close enough!” She kissed him, and then gently jabbed him in the chest.
She wants to know my name! Toshihiro thought happily. He grinned, and said, “Toshihiro.”
Hannah frowned, and tried to say his name. “Toe…she… hero.”
He laughed, and said, “Close enough.” Then he looked at her and thought, Why not? “Hiro,” he told her his nickname. In actuality, he didn’t mention any honorifics, as he didn’t want to confuse her. Besides, would she consider him close enough to call chan, which could possibly indicate that she thought of him as either a child, or a boyfriend? Or kun, which meant a male friend, or even san, which was a general term of respect.
No, he just avoided it. Not to mention, he didn’t mind at all if she just called him by name, which implied intimacy. In fact, he rather liked it.
“Hero.” Hannah repeated. How appropriate, since he was willing to be my hero.
“Hana,” Toshihiro uttered softly, just to feel her name on his tongue. They both set their food aside, and occupied themselves making out. Their making out led them to remove each other’s clothes, which led to a complete exploration of each other’s body.
Why am I about to have sex with him again? Hannah wondered. I’m usually the dominant partner in a lesbian relationship. I may look like a girl, with my long blonde hair and blue eyes, but most girls consider me to be the “butch.” Why does he feel so good? Why do I want him so much?
Meanwhile, Toshihiro was thinking, I am so lucky; so very, very lucky. I have always been too dedicated to going to college to enter into a relationship. If I had found a girlfriend, I wouldn’t be able to kiss Hana right now.
They eventually decided the time was right, and Toshihiro entered Hannah carefully. He didn’t want to risk hurting her again.
Hannah enjoyed his gentle thrusting immensely, but her dominant nature took over, and she rolled atop him. She rode him hard until he was gasping, and then she slowed way down. Once he had calmed down, she rode him hard again, then slow, and repeated her actions several times, until he was almost frustrated.
Why does she slow down like that every time I’m close? He wondered. It finally got to the point where he couldn’t stand it any longer. It felt wonderful, but the need to cum was so intense, he felt like he was going to start crying if she stopped him one more time.
He grabbed her, reversed their positions, and ground into her with a raging intensity. He felt her grow tense, and then she began to shake almost violently just as his cum filled her.
Oh god, have I hurt her again? He worried, but she gave him a demanding kiss that would indicate she wasn’t hurt. She wouldn’t kiss me if I hurt her, would she?
She pulled him close, locking her legs so that he couldn’t leave her, and made him rest his head on her shoulder. They were actually the same height; so in this position, his head was slightly lower than hers.
This has got to be heaven! Both thought.
A while later, Toshihiro grew uncomfortable, and figured that if he was, she had to be. He gently extracted himself from her, and went to get his futon from the closet.
He laid the futon out, and turned his head to look at her. She was eating the last of her dinner, and the tiny bit he had left on his plate. “Hana?”
She looked at him, and he patted the futon. She smiled, and he quickly looked away. Why does her smile make me so damn happy? He noticed some blood on the sheet covering his futon.
Blood? “Hana?” He looked at her in concern. She had come to stand beside him. He pointed at the blood. “Hana?”
Hannah blushed. They say you bleed the first time, and apparently none of my girlfriends ever popped my cherry. Probably because I never let them use a vibrator or a dildo on me. She pointed to her vagina, and then held up one finger.
Her first time? HER FIRST TIME??? Why did she… Oh my god, I stole her virginity! Toshihiro knew a girl felt her first time to be the most special one of all, and here her first had been taken while she was sleeping, and couldn’t say no.
To be fair, it was his first time too, but there was no way she would know that, and he had been a little embarrassed to admit it, not that she would understand what he was saying. Should I apologize? No, if she were upset, she wouldn’t have done it a second time. Hell, she wouldn’t still be here.
        He blushed, pointed to himself, and held one of his fingers.
HIS FIRST TIME! But he’s so gorgeous! Why hasn’t some pretty little Asian chick jumped him yet? Hannah practically jumped into his arms, and decided that they would have sex for their third time. They say that third time’s the charm, I wonder if that applies to sex as well?

Go To Chapter 4

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