
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tsuki! - Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Hannah and Toshihiro joined Saki for an early breakfast the next morning, and Hannah smiled; certain that she had been right about Hikari.
“Good morning,” Saki greeted, and Toshihiro returned the greeting. “Hikari isn’t feeling very well this morning, so it’ll just be the three of us hiking today.”
Toshihiro nodded, and they ate breakfast. Soon, they were on their way to the hiking trail, and Saki chatted with Toshihiro about her previous hikes.
“This trail is actually not used very often, since not too many people who come here are interested in hiking. Most of the regular hikers come early in the morning or after dinner.”
The three of them hiked the trail until they came to a sun filled clearing, and ten-foot high cliff that turned out to be a flat mesa-like rock. Hannah immediately began to inspect the cliff wall. She discovered that it was pockmarked for easy climbing.
Hannah climbed up the cliff wall in about a minute flat, and stood looking around at the beautiful surroundings. She whooped happily, and basked in the warmth of the sun. This was a perfect place to sunbathe, and she looked to see if Toshihiro and Saki were following her.
Toshihiro was inspecting the wall, wondering how Hannah had climbed it so quickly and easily. He realized that there were plenty of hand and foot holes, but even so, it didn’t look very easy to climb. He decided to try it, and Saki followed him.
Hannah watched their progress, and chuckled that it took them longer to climb it than it had taken her. She leaned over, and gave Toshihiro a hand up. Toshihiro immediately turned, and helped Hannah help Saki up the last few feet.
Then Toshihiro and Saki took a look around.
“Wow! So beautiful!” Saki exclaimed.
“I agree,” Toshihiro said.
Neither noticed that Hannah stripped, and stretched out in the sun.
“Hana!” Toshihiro bust out laughing when he discovered what she had done.
Saki decided Hannah was right, this was the perfect place to bask in the sun, and stripped herself.
Toshihiro was momentarily caught off guard, but then he realized that Saki probably didn’t care if he saw her naked because they had already seen each other naked in the hotspring bath. He looked around once more, and shrugged.
Saki turned her face away from him, and grinned as Toshihiro undressed. She loved to look at his naked body. He didn’t have bulging muscles like someone who was athletically inclined, but neither was he too skinny. He looked like he had grown up somewhere where a little bit of strenuous daily activity was normal.
Toshihiro and Saki stretched out, and sighed in relaxation, then giggled that they had sighed at the same time.
Hannah stroked Toshihiro’s arm happily, her eyes closed so that she wasn’t staring at the sun.
“What would Hana-san do if I kissed you?” Saki asked suddenly.
Toshihiro nearly choked in response to the unexpected question. “I – uh – Why – uh – I don’t think she would do anything.”
Saki laughed. “Did I surprise you?”
Toshihiro nodded.
“It shouldn’t be such a surprise, it’s summer, the time for flings, and you’re gorgeous,” Saki informed him.
“Saki, I love my wife, and I’m not entirely sure I am comfortable with the idea of you kissing me –“
Saki cut him off by kissing him.
Toshihiro’s hand tightened on Hannah’s arm, and Hannah laughed softly. She stroked him arm some more to sooth him.
Saki extended the kiss as long as possible, and let her hands roam his body. Toshihiro didn’t do anything to encourage Saki, but neither did he do anything to stop her. Finally, Saki released his lips.
“Why is it that suddenly every girl I’m around wants to have sex with me?” Toshihiro asked himself.
“Because you are gorgeous, and your wife doesn’t mind,” Saki answered.
Toshihiro blushed at the compliment. “I don’t know if I would call myself gorgeous.”
Saki laughed, and kissed him again. She allowed one of her hands to brush against his groin, and discovered that he was hard. She groaned in delight.
Saki had previously had two boyfriends that she had been intimate with, and in addition to simply finding Toshihiro gorgeous, she wanted to have sex with one guy that she could not have a relationship with. A fling, or a one-night (day) stand to prove to herself that she was over her last boyfriend.
Plus, it had been so long since she last had sex!
Saki trailed kisses all up and down Toshihiro’s body, and stroked his chest with her hands. She noticed that Hannah was watching her with a grin, and thought, She really doesn’t mind if I have sex with her husband… In fact, I think she likes to watch!
A thought occurred to Toshihiro, and he stopped Saki just before she took his hardness into her mouth. “We can’t do this, we don’t have protection, and I don’t want to risk getting you pregnant.”
Saki looked very unhappy, Damn, he’s right!
Hannah sat up, and tilted her head in thought. Why did he stop her? She bit her lip in concentration, Oh! She rummaged through her pants pockets until she found what she was looking for, and tossed it to Toshihiro.
Toshihiro gave Hannah a confused look. This was the second time that she had given him a condom so that he could safely have sex with another woman. Why does Hannah carry condoms with her? Is she cheating on me somehow? Even that doesn’t make sense; she’s already pregnant. So, why does she carry condoms?
Hannah had a good idea of what he was thinking, but had no idea how to explain that she had bought some condoms when she realized that she was pregnant, and that she didn’t want to risk him impregnating anyone else. It had never occurred to her that there wouldn’t be an opportunity to use the condoms.
Saki smiled at the sight of the condom, and continued what she was doing prior to Toshihiro stopping her. She took his entire length into her mouth, and sucked on him eagerly.
Toshihiro sucked in his breath. “I wish you women would warn me when you’re about to do that!”
Saki tried to ask him why, but her mouth was full, and all that happened was humming, which caused Toshihiro to gasp. That, in turn, caused Saki to continue humming.
Saki sucked on him for several long minutes, until Hannah decided to slip a finger between her own labia, and Saki decided that she wanted to ride him.
Saki took the condom from his clenched hands, opened the package it came in, and put it on him. Next, she straddled him, and guided him inside her.
Toshihiro looked over at Hannah, wondering why she really didn’t mind that he was having sex with another woman. He smiled to see her watching them, and pleasuring herself. She smiled at him, and moaned.
Saki rode him for at least an hour, changing paces as often as she wanted, and thoroughly enjoying herself, despite the fact that she didn’t come close to orgasming since there was no direct stimulation to her clitoris.
Toshihiro watched her ride him, and while the sensations were very pleasant, they just weren’t intense enough to make him spill his cum. He didn’t mind at all, for her breasts bounced in a way that made him grin, and almost mesmerized him.
In fact, the only one who was getting frustrated was Hannah, who had given herself three orgasms, and was getting impatient with their leisurely pace. She sat up abruptly, and made Saki change positions.
Toshihiro smiled knowingly as Hannah made Saki turn around so that she straddled him, but faced away. This has got to be one of Hana’s favorite positions.
Saki had never had a threesome before, nor had she ever experimented with women, so she didn’t know what to expect from Hannah’s actions. Both of her ex boyfriends were the type to climax quickly, and while she had given herself orgasms, she had never had one during sex. This was why she was content to simply ride Toshihiro for as long as he lasted, and was surprised that it was so long.
Saki watched Hannah look at her with a mysterious smile that made Saki slightly nervous. To tell the truth, she hadn’t actually anticipated having sex today. She had hoped, of course, but she figured Hannah would object. She hadn’t thought for one second that Hannah would let her, and want to participate.
Hannah held Saki open as wide as she could without hurting her, and used a finger to locate Saki’s clitoris. Once she found it, Hannah stimulated it with her tongue, and as Saki froze in shock, Toshihiro gently thrust his hips.
Saki opened her mouth to gasp, and found that she couldn’t breathe. Oh my god! The sensations are incredible!
Hannah wouldn’t let Saki get close to climax too soon, and skillfully prolonged the event for close to an hour. By this time, Saki was breathing erratically, and damn near crying.
Saki began to shudder as what could only be described as an earthquake racked her body. She had been fairly quiet in her vocalizations up to this point, but now she screamed.
Hannah chuckled because the scream almost sounded as if Saki were being attacked, and she wondered if someone would come running to see what was wrong.
The strong rippling of Saki’s muscles on his shaft made Toshihiro’s cum flow. He had also been wondering just how long his stamina would last before he either orgasmed, or became too exhausted to continue.
As soon as Saki’s heart stopped pounding so very hard, she laid down next to Toshihiro, and Hannah lay next to her; stroking her breast.
A few minutes later, they heard Toya and Hattori calling her name from somewhere along the trail. Saki groaned, and blushed.
The two calling her name grew closer; close enough to hear Saki as she called out, “I’m busy Toya, please go away!”
“You’re not hurt?” Toya couldn’t figure out where his sister was, but knew that she could hear him.
“I’m fine… In fact, I’m better than fine,” Saki informed him.
“Where are you?” Toya sounded like he was very close now, possibly next to the mesa they rested on.
Saki sighed. “Toya, I’m fine, please go away.”
Hannah stuck her head over the edge of the cliff to peak at them, and Hattori noticed her. He tugged on Toya’s sleeve, and pointed at Hannah. Hannah waved.
Toya blushed as he figured out what must have happened. “Saki! Do you have any idea how afraid I was when I heard your scream echoing all the way back to the hotspring?!”
Saki poked her head over the edge of the cliff, still right next to Hannah. She blushed redder than ever before. “Sorry.”
Even knowing what likely made her scream, Toya had to ask, just to be sure Saki wasn’t hurt after all. “What made you scream like that?”
“I – ah – um – well… Ha – Hana-chan um, she… She did this thing with her tongue, and…” Saki moved her head out of Toya’s view in embarrassment.
Toshihiro chuckled softly, and decided to come to Saki’s rescue. “It’s not nice to make your sister give details she’s uncomfortable talking about.”
“So you are up there, Toshihiro-kun. I realize that Saki has been… enjoying herself up there, but I just had to be sure you didn’t force yourself on her. The way the scream sounded from the hotspring… Well, it didn’t sound like pleasure.”
Hannah’s hand absently doodled on Saki’s stomach and breasts, since Saki had rolled back onto her back, and Saki was finding her body’s reaction surprising.
“Uh… T-Toya? Please go away, I’m not done… enjoying myself up here,” Saki nearly whispered the last couple of words.
“Saki!” Toya exclaimed in shock. “What would mother say?”
“I don’t particularly care at the moment!” Saki hesitantly placed a hand on Hannah’s buttocks. Then she gave it a gentle squeeze, and glided her hand up Hannah’s back.
Toshihiro watched Saki, and wondered something. “Hannah had never had sex with a man before me, and she seems to be able to attract women who never even considered having sex with a woman before. I wonder why that is?” He asked quietly, not realizing that the openness of the mesa, and the light wind combined to carry his words to Saki’s brother.
Saki answered him, “Well, I don’t know about other women, but for me, the interest lies in what she was able to do to me. I have never been able to or-or… you know,” Saki blushed again, “like that before. I want to see if she can do it again.”
Toya made several stunned noises, and finally decided to leave them alone. “I really didn’t want to know that,” he muttered as Hattori followed him.
“Have fun Saki!” Hattori bade. “And don’t worry, if we hear you screaming again, I’ll make sure that Toya doesn’t come to investigate.”
“Thank you Hattori!” Saki called after them.

Go To Chapter 16

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