
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tsuki! - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The two couples sat next to each other during dinner, and the group of college students sat across from them.
“Toshihiro-san, we didn’t see you at all today, what were you doing?”
Toshihiro blushed and glanced at Hannah.
One of the college girls lightly pushed the guy that asked the question with her shoulder. “They’re newlyweds, what do you think they were doing?”
The college guy grinned. “Oh right.”
If you only knew! Toshihiro thought. “So, are the four of you two couples?”
The college students exchanged glances, and laughed. “No, we’re just friends,” the one guy that kept asking Toshihiro what he was doing said.
“Well,” the girl that had nudged him added. “This is my older brother, and that is his… special friend. This girl is my best friend since grade school.”
Toshihiro nodded as the girl’s brother nudged her.
“You didn’t have to tell him that, Saki-chan!”
“Oh stop! You two are the only ones who think no one will accept it!” Saki stated.
“Really, I have no problem with it,” Toshihiro assured them. “My mind has recently been opened very wide.”
“What does that mean?” The other guy asked.
Toshihiro made a sound that indicated he was thinking. “Well, it means that Hana has given me quite an education recently.”
She was your first?!” Saki asked in disbelief.
Toshihiro blushed and nodded. He told them how he had met Hannah, and when.
Saki was incredulous. “Let me get this straight; you married her even though you’ve only known her four months?”
“Yes, it didn’t take much for me to know I wanted to marry her. All it took was the possibility of loosing her, and I knew I’d rather die,” Toshihiro informed them. He squeezed Hannah’s hand, and Hannah turned to face him.
Hannah stroked his face with her hand, and offered her lips to him. He kissed them as if he hadn’t kissed her yet today.
Hannah pointed at the left over food on Toshihiro plate, and he offered it to her. Hannah giggled as she accepted the food he held out for her.
Saki frowned in thought. “You know, she doesn’t talk to you much, though she has been chattering away to her American friends in English. That seems rather rude.”
“No, Hana can’t speak Japanese.”
Saki’s brother, Toya, exclaimed, “That’s got to be hard! Living in Japan without knowing the language.”
Meanwhile, Darla gained Hannah’s attention by placing a hand on her shoulder. “Joe and I are going to catch some sleep. We have to leave very early tomorrow morning, and we don’t want to be tired.”
“That’s too bad! It would have been interesting if you could have stayed a few more days,” Hannah replied.
“Well, at least I got to fulfill one of my fantasies.” Darla looked around the dinning area. It was mostly empty, since everyone but them and the college students had left. “If you ever come to Texas, you have to stay at our resort. We own a nudist resort, and would love to have you visit.”
Hannah hugged Darla happily. “I’m just going to have to take you up on that!” She gave Darla a fairly short but deep kiss goodbye.
Hannah turned to Toshihiro, pointed to Darla and Joe, had two fingers of her right hand walk onto her left hand, and then moved her hand as if it was an airplane leaving.
Toshihiro nodded, and stood. He helped Darla to her feet, and gave her a hug. Darla gave him a kiss, and Joe stood and helped Hannah to her feet. Hannah gave Joe a hug and a kiss, and turned to hug and kiss Darla again as the two men shook hands. Joe patted Toshihiro on the back in a friendly southern gesture, and Toshihiro waved goodbye to him. Finally, Joe and Darla left.
Hannah - the only person still eating a bite here and there - reseated herself, and Toshihiro did the same.
“Do you know those Americans? They were here before you, are they related to Hana-san?” Toya asked.
Toshihiro blushed. “Uh no. I have never met them before yesterday. Hana?” Toshihiro pointed in the direction Darla and Joe had gone, and tapped Hannah’s head. Did you know them? He gestured over his shoulder to indicate in the past.
Hannah shook her head, and then tilted it to the side. Why?
Toshihiro looked at Toya once again. “No, Hana didn’t know them either.”
Saki wore an expression that indicated she had figured out a puzzle. “We didn’t see that couple all day either. Don’t tell me that you and your wife spent the entire day enjoying the company of people you don’t even know.”
Toshihiro blushed, and looked down, not in shame, but out of unwillingness to kiss and tell. Would they think I was bragging? Lying? Not in love with Hana after all?
Hannah noticed Toshihiro’s demeanor, and gave a sharp look to Saki. She tapped Toshihiro on the arm, and pointed to Saki, then she made two punch-like motions. Do you want me to beat her up for you?
Toshihiro chuckled, and shook his head. Hannah gave him a questioning look. What did she say?
Toshihiro pointed to himself, pointed to Hannah, and then pointed in the direction of Darla and Joe’s exit. Then he blushed, and tilted his head side to side. You know what she said.
Hannah grinned, and gave Saki an appraising look. Then she looked at Toshihiro, and tilted her head in Saki’s direction. Do you want her?
Toshihiro blushed again, and shrugged. He wasn’t going to answer that in front of Saki.
Toya narrowed his eyes. “I’m not sure I followed all of that, though it’s surprising how well you two communicate without saying anything at all, but I could swear she just asked you if you wanted my sister.”
Toshihiro looked at Toya. “She did.”
“So I was right! You were with that American couple all day!” Saki said triumphantly.
“Why do you care?” Toshihiro asked.
Saki shrugged. “I don’t care, I just find it interesting. The way you two look at each other… It’s as if there isn’t anybody else in the whole world, and then you… Well, you’ve only been married a day, and you already share each other so unjealously. That’s a strong relationship, I think.”
“I disagree,” Toya’s boyfriend said. “I would feel very betrayed if Toya had sex with someone else. I don’t think I would want to go on living.”
Toya blushed slightly. “Hattori, that’s rather sweet.”
Toshihiro waved his hand as if shaking his head no. “I’m not trying to say that my relationship is stronger than yours.”
“No, Saki-chan said that,” Hattori stated.
“I wasn’t saying their relationship was stronger, just that they have a strong relationship.” Saki turned to Toshihiro. “So… what is your reply?”
“Reply to what?” Toshihiro asked.
“You said your wife asked if you wanted me, do you?” Saki asked.
Toshihiro bit his lip in thought. “Let’s just say that I don’t think I should answer that question right now.” I hadn’t really given it any thought. Both of the girls are cute, but… I’m married now; I can’t just have sex with every cute girl I meet!
“Why not?” Saki pressed.
“I’m exhausted,” Toshihiro replied.
“Oh, right,” Saki tried to decide if this meant he did want her, or if he was just politely avoiding the question.
Hannah drew the rough outline of the hotspring on the table with her finger, and then wiggled her fingers above it to signify hot. Do you want to go sit in the hotspring for a while? Then, she put her hands together, and rested her head on them as if she were sleeping. Or do you want to go to bed?
Toshihiro tapped on his lips in thought, then he stretched and yawned. Hannah nodded, and laced her fingers through his. Toshihiro stood and helped Hannah to her feet, and the background music changed to something with a light beat.
Hannah bounced a little, clasped her hands together, and gave Toshihiro a begging pout. Can we dance?
Toshihiro sighed; I don’t know how to dance! He turned to the college students. “Do any of you know how to dance?”
“Hikari-chan dances pretty well,” Saki replied. Hikari - the other girl in the group of four - blushed, and Saki nudged her to her feet.
Hikari approached Toshihiro and Hannah hesitantly, and Hannah happily grabbed hold of Hikari and led her in a sensual dance around the room. After the song was finished, Hannah curtseyed exaggeratedly, and kissed Hikari’s hand. Then, she and Toshihiro went to their room.

Go To Chapter 14

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