
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Rusty Jug - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Thanks to Jin’s clock, they managed to get to the bus stop on time. Lia spent the entire four hour ride asleep. She cuddled up to Jin, resting her head on his chest.
Jin spent the time holding her, examining the necklaces she’d bought them, and thinking about her. He knew one thing for certain; unlike previous masters who had faded from his memory, he was going to remember her forever. My life will be horribly lonely after she’s made her third wish.
They arrived at their destination just before midnight, and Lia asked an attendant at the bus depot for directions to a nearby hotel, and a decent place to eat. At the restaurant, she ordered them each a plate of scrambled eggs with sausage, and Jin decided to say something he considered important.
“Mistress Lia, I have never met someone who deserved to have all her wishes come true more than you do. Why don’t you just wish for something that will make you happy?”
“Oh Jin,” Lia chuckled softly, and smiled. “That’s so sweet of you, but I don’t know what will make me happy, and I prefer to save my wishes for something truly important… Whatever that may be!”
“I understand… I think. Out of curiosity, you almost made a wish earlier… How were you going to finish that sentence?” Jin wondered.
“I was going to turn him into something… something with a short life span, and a good chance of being eaten by something else,” Lia admitted.
“That would have been a thoroughly satisfying wish to grant!” Jin informed her with a grin.
“Maybe,” Lia laughed, “but it wouldn’t have made me feel good as a person.”
“What made you decide to buy us somewhat matching necklaces?” Jin inquired, changing the subject.
“I really wanted… it might be hard to explain, but all my life I’ve seen – and sometimes stolen – necklaces that… are shared… between friends. For example, a heart pendant that says ‘Best Friends’ and is cut into two pieces. Each friend wears a piece, and I’ve always wanted someone to share such a necklace with… and now… I finally feel like I…” she trailed off with a slight blush.
“You feel like I’m your best friend?” Jin asked incredulously.
“Well yes, in a way I do. In a way, I feel like you’re the only friend I’ve ever had. You’re just so… so… easy to be around, and you make me feel safe,” Lia replied.
Jin felt more confused than ever, and she had confused him plenty in their short time together. He had never really had a friend before either, and he didn’t know what to make of this. He stroked his necklace thoughtfully.
After their food was eaten, they walked toward the hotel, but Lia felt energized. She had just had a nap after all, and besides, much of her gang activities occurred at night. She was used to staying up late.
“I have an idea,” she announced. “I think part of the reason Rick was able to track me so easily is that we’ve been going from bus stop to bus stop, and we’re pretty easy to remember. So, I think it would be best if we traveled in an untraceable manner for a while.”
Jin nodded that this made sense, and Lia led him to a middle-class neighborhood, searching until she found a newer looking car with its window open a bit. She selected a long thin branch, and slid it through the slightly open window. She figured that if they were quiet enough not to wake anyone, they’d have until morning before anyone noticed that the car was missing.
She used the branch to hit the power lock’s unlock button, and opened the door. She examined the area where she was taught how to hot wire a car, but was surprised to see a long key chain dangling from the ignition. She quickly surveyed the rest of the car, and discovered a man who reeked of alcohol slumbering in the backseat.
“Can you make sure he doesn’t wake up?” Lia asked Jin in a whisper.
“Of course.” Jin used his magic to ensure that the man would remain asleep unless that wanted him to wake up.
“Good.” Lia turned the keys just enough to power the car, but not enough to start it. She then shifted the car into neutral, and pushed it out of the driveway, and slightly down the block. After that, she felt she should be able to start the car without waking anyone.
Lia drove for hours, finally arriving in another big city around dawn. She quietly abandoned the car in the driveway of another middle-class house that looked very similar to the one they had stolen it from. These ‘cookie cutter’ homes really do all look alike!
Down the block, Lia told Jin, “He can wake up anytime he wants to now.”
Jin nodded, and released his magic. He followed her as she walked to a nearby gas station. She intended to ask for directions to the nearest hotel.
They heard the car door open, and turned to look at it. They stopped to watch without really intending to. The drunk climbed out of the car, and grabbed his keys out of the ignition.
He walked up to the door, and tried to unlock it with his house key. It didn’t work, so he examined his keys to make sure he had the right one, and then he tried again. It still didn’t work.
“What the hell!” He wondered out loud, and started banging on the door. “Hey Cindi! Let me in!”
A window opened, and a head leaned out. “Hey dumbass! This isn’t your house!”
“Who are you?!” The drunk demanded. “Are you screwing my wife?”
“Listen carefully, dumbass!” Apparently the half sleeping man couldn’t think of a different insult. “This is NOT your house!”
“If you’re slipping it to my wife… wait a minute!” The drunk noticed the numbers on the front of the house. He examined them closely, rubbing his eyes a couple of time to make sure he was reading them correctly. “This ain’t my house!”
“No shit Sherlock! Now go home before I call the police and have you arrested!” The resident of the house threatened.
“Yeah yeah, I’m going!” The drunk promised as he staggered back to his car.
Lia chuckled, but did not feel too bad for the poor drunk. She hadn’t hurt him, and he had probably been sleeping it off in the car because he had pissed his wife off anyway. This way, he’d likely be completely sober by the time he got home, and have plenty of time to think about his life on the way. Maybe this incident would scare him into changing his life for the better.
Turning to resume her walk to the gas station, she spotted a hotel, and changed her course. The car they’d borrowed passed them as they walked, and Lia waved to the driver. He stopped, and rolled down his window.
“Hey, can you tell me where I am?”
“Um… I think,” Lia wasn’t entirely certain, so she gave him the general location of the city. “Perhaps you should ask for directions at the gas station.”
“I’ll do that. There’s no way I can be in the city! It’s hours from where I live, and I don’t remember driving here!” He scratched his head, and continued on his way. Lia was relieved to hear that he sounded a lot less drunk than he had just moments ago. The shock must have sobered him up!
Inside the hotel, Lia paid extra for an early check in, thankful that there was a room available. Better yet, the continental breakfast was ready and waiting. She greedily gathered up as much as she wanted, and brought it to their room. Then, she devoured it as Jin sedately consumed his own breakfast. After she was finished, she crawled into the bed, and promptly fell asleep.
Jin had slept during the car ride, so he decided to explore the room, and figure out how to work things like the fireless torches. He came across two books in a drawer. One said ‘bible’ – “Eh, I’ve read it already in several languages,” – and the other said ‘The world according to Dr. Who.’
Jin chose to read the second, and conjured up a much more comfortable chair to lounge in as he perused the book. This book made it clear that this Doctor fellow was a fictional character, but it also explained his fantasy world in a way that made it all sound very real and believable. Jin wondered what it would be like if someone wrote a book about his life.
Lia woke a couple of hours later, and decided to take advantage of Jin’s distraction. She admired his nude body – he had undressed when she did just before she crawled into bed – and stealthily got close to him. She drew a piece of his anatomy into her mouth, and sucked on it until it was rock hard and ready to go.
Jin gasped in surprise, and stared at her in fascination. The book was completely forgotten as it dropped to the floor.  Does this feel so much better than the last time it happened because it has been over 500 years, or it because of her? He made up his mind to carry her back to bed so that he could use the hardness that she had created.
As if she had read his mind, Lia looked up at him just then, and said, “Don’t try to stop me.”
Jin groaned in frustration. His need to enter her was so strong that he had to force himself not to cry because of her order. Her little command made it impossible for him to move because his binding figured that any movement on his part might stop her.
Lia continued her oral assault until Jin was shaking almost violently, and then continued until he filled her mouth with his hot salty ‘milk.’ After that, she sucked on him just a bit more to ensure that he would remain hard. I am so ready to have him inside me!
She climbed atop him and impaled herself on his rigid shaft. Riding him was so much fun that she decided to do so for as long as possible, and covered his face, neck, and chest with kisses as she bounced up and down. She was happy to take her time; the feel of him inside her was nearly bliss!
Jin’s eyes were closed as he enjoyed her movement on his shaft, but her pace is driving me crazy! He had been on the edge of climax for so long now that he wanted to scream in aggravation! She wasn’t going near fast enough to send him over the edge.
Finally, one word escaped him. “Please.”
Lia smiled, and whispered in his ear. “Go ahead.”
Jin stood, careful to remain inside her, and carried her to the bed. In his enthusiasm, they landed on the bed with an extra deep thrust, and Jin began to seek his relief as fast and hard as he could. He merrily hammered into her in his need for satisfaction.
Lia was suddenly reminded of more than one member of her gang pounding into her, and went as limp as possible to avoid getting hurt. She closed her eyes, and concentrated on keeping a pleased look on her face. She was nearly an expert at smiling when she really didn’t want to.
Jin filled her, and kissed her happily in the aftermath. He brushed a hand along her cheek. Something’s wrong. Her eyes were closed just a bit too tightly, and she wore a fake smile.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked, and took her silence as confirmation. “I’m so sorry, Mis – Lia… I didn’t mean to!”
“Jin…” Lia murmured. She opened her eyes, and gave him a real smile. “No, you didn’t hurt me. I’m the one who’s sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” He demanded.
“Because you aren’t like that, and I couldn’t stop myself from thinking you were for a moment.” Lia answered cryptically.
Jin looked her straight in the eyes so she could see he was being honest. “Lia… You have nothing to apologize for. You have been badly mistreated, and it has to be only natural for you to… uh… react this way.”
Lia closed her eyes before he could see the tears welling up. She pulled him close to her, and held him so tightly that he couldn’t see the tears escape her eyelids. Despite her uncontrollable emotions, she savored the feel of him still inside her.
“No…” She disagreed vaguely. “I’m fine. I’ve learned to deal with that, and it doesn’t hurt me anymore.”


Lia waited until Jin was asleep, and then called the Sheriff. He answered the phone with, “Sheriff Hobbs speaking. How may I help you?”
“Sheriff… I’m the one who was raped at the festival… I… I just want to know if he has been released yet?”
“No. He has to be brought before a judge, and convicted. Even without a documented medical examination of you, there is enough testimonial evidence to convict him of rape.”
“I see, thank you.”
“Don’t hang up yet. He won’t tell us your name, but he verbally abuses you every chance he gets. I’m worried that he will come after you the moment he does get out of jail. The only way he’ll truly be forced to leave you alone is if you testify that he’s a gang leader.”
“I…I… quit the gang, and I don’t want anything more to do with them,” Lia exclaimed.
“Perhaps not, but aren’t there other girls that deserve to be freed from him?”
Lia bit her lip. “No one betrays the gang leader…”
“Call me back if you change your mind.”
Lia hung up the phone, and stashed his card in her backpack once more.


Lia and Jin traveled ever closer to their destination, kissing, making out, and sightseeing the whole way. Jin created havoc wherever they went; causing minor accidents and embarrassing mishaps. For the most part, Lia let him, because they made her laugh. Afterwards, she would do her best to help the victims.
After two weeks, they were approaching Lia’s chosen college. Jin caused the bus to break down in the middle of nowhere about a half an hour before their final stop. He had a sudden urge to be alone with her.
“Sorry for the delay, folks,” the driver apologized. “I’m sure it’s something easy to fix, so why don’t you all take a moment to stretch your legs while I fix the bus.”
Jin grinned at Lia, and led her into the woods. “I thought it would be a shame to just pass such a beautiful place by.” He pressed her into a tree, and kissed her.
Lia chuckled. “I love the way you think!”
Twenty minutes later, they were back on the bus, and the driver was baffled when it suddenly started after he had unsuccessfully tried everything he could think of. He waited for all of the passengers to re-board the bus, and continued on his route. He called into dispatch to report his ETA and to schedule maintenance.

Go To Chapter 7

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