
Friday, May 13, 2011

The Rusty Jug - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Jin’s eyes flew open in response to something he couldn’t remember. It was still completely dark in the room, and he focused on figuring out what had woken him. He felt mildly panicky, as if his mistress might be in trouble, but he could breathe easily, and so that couldn’t be it.
Lia whimpered in her sleep, and Jin realized that this was what had torn him from his slumber. He wondered what, if anything, he should do. Her whimpering grew in frequency and volume, and she began to thrash about.
“Lia!” Jin tried to lightly shake her awake, but he had no discernible effect.
Lia suddenly shouted in her sleep. “Why must you always hurt me like this? Why can’t you ever just kiss me and hold me tight?”
Jin knew that she wasn’t talking to him, but had no idea what to do to help her. Especially when she started banging her fists on his chest. He pulled her close, and kissed her. He figured that since she had shouted about wanting unhurtful kisses, this might just soothe her.
Lia immediately calmed down – proving him right. Jin cradled her in one arm, and stroked her back with his other hand as he kissed her some more. He concentrated on comforting her rather than molesting her as she slept.
Eventually, Lia sighed, and snuggled as close to him as possible. She settled back into a peaceful sleep, and Jin continued to hold her close. He hoped that by doing so, she would have peaceful sleep for the rest of the night.


Lia gradually became aware of a pleasant warmth. She cracked open one eye to discover Jin’s sleeping face close enough to hers to kiss. Small experimental wiggles informed her that she had wedged one of her legs between his, and that one arm was slung over his side, under his arm.
His one arm was under her neck, and his other was holding her close. Her garment was completely open, and bunched up behind her; though his pants were still in place. She reasoned that he hadn’t had sex with her while she was sleeping, and this was a bit rare for her. She had long ago grown accustomed to remaining asleep as someone banged her.
Lia knew she would never be able to extricate herself without waking him, and she realized that she felt safe here in his arms. Which was probably due to the fact that he had saved her more than once. She liked being in his arms, and smiled.
She decided to close her eyes, and try to go back to sleep, but her full bladder made her squirm without realizing that she did so. Her squirming called her attention to the hardness poking her through his pants. She forced herself to hold still, relax, and wait for him to wake up.
Her mind wandered for a few minutes, forming unpleasant scenes on the inside of her eyelids. Scenes that caused her to hold her breath and bite back screams – or any kind of reaction. I will not cry over memories when I never cried over the real thing!
Jin woke, wondering again why he felt mildly panicky. He was pleasantly surprised to discover her so intimately entwined with him, but the expression on her face was one of near horror. He realized at once that she was having nightmares again, and responded by kissing her until she calmed down once more.
Lia had never before experienced such an enjoyable kiss, and she instinctively tried to grind her hips into his in response. Jin groaned in pent up frustration, and squeezed her tightly to him. His manhood ached for relief.
Lia’s stomach growled, and her bladder demanded to be emptied; she wondered which bodily need – including lust – she would end up taking care of first. Jin’s rock hard proof that he was definitely male poked her bladder, and she decided that it was winning the battle. Unfortunately!
She broke contact with his lips, and turned her face away. “Jin, stop… please…”
Jin reluctantly withdrew all body contact. Despite the word please, it was phrased as an order, and he couldn’t fight it. He felt horrible for forcing himself on her, and hoped that she wasn’t angry with him.
Lia slid out of bed, and rushed to the bathroom. Afterwards, she called room service to ask for two orders of bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. As an afterthought, she added some hollandaise sauce, and orange juice to wash it all down with.
She rearranged the pillows, and sat on the bed while she waited. She drew her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around her knees, and rested her head atop them. She turned her head slightly to look at her bed partner.
“Jin, I…”
“I understand,” Jin interrupted when she hesitated. “You have been badly treated so many times that it must be difficult to wake up to me ravaging you.”
“No, it’s not that… I was going to say… thank you. That was the first time I’ve ever felt like I wanted to share my body. I’m sorry I stopped you, but my bladder was beginning to hurt from being so full… If you want, we can finish what we started,” Lia offered.
Jin wanted to immediately agree, but he wasn’t sure she was being completely honest with herself. “I can wait… I don’t want to rush you.” I wasn’t expecting you to offer your body at all! I’ve always had to coax a mistress into uncrossing her legs with pretty words and half truths.
There was a knock at the door, and a muffled announcement. “Room Service!”
“That was fast,” Lia remarked.


After breakfast, Lia decided to sight-see for a bit. After all, she had never seen anything but the city before. The prospect of watching people go about their days without having pick their pockets, mug them, or beat them up was such a novelty that she soon grew almost giddy.
Even Jin was looking around curiously; actually enjoying himself for the first time in quite a while. He noticed that most of the couples walking about were holding hands. He squeezed his hand into a fist to stop himself from reaching for Lia’s hand.
“Do you see that?” Lia grabbed Jin’s hand excitedly, and pointed towards the entrance to an elaborate flower garden. She dragged Jin into the garden, and avidly examined all of the different flowers along the path. Jin suppressed a groan; flowers were not interesting to him in the slightest!
Ten feet ahead of them was a couple who were arguing as quietly as possible. Jin watched them with mild interest, and noticed a few other patrons move away from them in annoyance. He stroked his chin in thought.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear!” The woman vowed.
“Don’t lie to me! I saw you kissing him!”
“A quick kiss between friends is all it was,” she defended.
“It sure didn’t look like ‘just friends!’” Her man asserted.
“But it’s true! Why don’t you believe me?”
“Because you could have examined his tonsils with your tongue as deeply as you were kissing him!” Their argument was not quite so quiet anymore.
“You did the same to that one chick, and I believed you when you said it was just a kiss between friends!” The woman pointed out.
“Exactly my point!” The man blurted without thinking his words through carefully. “I fucked her!”
“You what?! You bastard! How dare you accuse me when you’re the guilty one?!”
By now, the argument was loud enough for everyone to hear, and it was ruining everyone’s visit. Jin wanted to make them pay for the rude disregard for others. He wondered how to ask his mistress for permission without offending her.
“Make them stop,” Lia whispered to no one in particular as she covered her ears.
Jin took this as a direct order, and grinned. “With pleasure,” he said as he magically made both arguers start coughing each time they tried to speak.
Lia giggled, and continued on down the path. As they passed the near panicking coughing couple, she informed them, “You could always try apologizing.”
“I’m sorry!” The woman gasped desperately, grateful to breath normally again.
The man continued to cough and clutched his throat. Finally, he ground out, “Sorry!” His coughing miraculously cleared up as well.
“Perhaps you might consider finishing your argument in private,” Jin suggested as he followed Lia away from them. He realized that she still held his hand, and a brief smile crossed his lips.
A bit later on, Lia reflected that she had never had such a pleasant day before. Usually, her days always started or ended in fights; sometimes both, and then some. She hummed lightly in something close to happiness.
“I never knew that so many different kinds of flowers existed!” Lia exclaimed in awe.
Not even seeing how happy the flowers made her could turn Jin into a man that liked flowers, so he was thoroughly bored by this point. He solved the problem by causing problems for the rest of the patrons. Nothing too serious, just trips, sprains, or nosebleeds. He mostly focused his malevolent attention on those that deserved it in some way – in his opinion.
In one case, he caused one painfully shy young man to trip and crash into a girl he had been near stalking. Jin made him thoroughly grope her in the process, and added to his misery by causing the poor guy to land with his face in her panties. His nose suddenly gushed blood.
“Jin!” Lia fought to keep a straight face over the embarrassing incident. “Was that absolutely necessary?”
“Yes,” Jin answered with an unapologetic nod.
Lia rolled her eyes, and helped the highly flustered couple to their feet. Stopping a nosebleed was nearly second nature to her, and she did so as she asked, “Are you both okay?”
The guy was near tears, and the girl’s cheeks were as red as they could possibly get, but they both nodded in reply.
“Good,” Lia stated. Then she asked the girl, “Can you stay with him until his nose stops bleeding? Will you make sure he is all right?”
The girl nodded, and sat next to the guy, making absolutely certain that her skirt fully covered her panties.
“Take care,” Lia bade with a wave as she pulled Jin away from them.
“Perhaps we should find something a bit more interesting to you to do,” Lia suggested. Then she completely ruined the suggestion by pulling him into a boutique full of fashionable summer dresses.
Jin suppressed another groan as he sank into a chair outside the dressing rooms. He had had enough of the concept of shopping the other night when she had bought what they were currently wearing. This time there wasn’t even any clothes in the shop for men.
Lia didn’t want to spend a lot of money on clothes because everything she owned had to fit in her backpack, but the urge to buy a cute knee-length summer dress was too strong to ignore. She chose three dresses to try on; a yellow one, a blue one, and a red one. She decided – with the aid of the dressing room mirror – that the red one looked the best on her.
She emerged from the dressing room to seek Jin’s opinion, and twirled as she asked, “Do you like it?”
Jin noticed immediately that she still hadn’t bought any panties. He only knew of them because of the incident with the shy boy in the flower garden, and he wondered if women normally wore them to preserve their modesty, or if most women went without, like Lia was currently. He looked around to see if anyone else had noticed this, hoping that their reaction would give him some clue. Seeing no one, he replied, “Yes… it looks very good on you.”
“Thank you,” Lia replied softly. She left the dressing room door open as she went in it, and bent over to collect her backpack, shirt, and jeans. Jin suppressed yet another groan, and shifted to allow more room in his suddenly uncomfortable groin area.
“Mistress Lia,” he whispered urgently. “You really shouldn’t bend over like that.’
Lia looked at her reflection in that mirror, and realized that she was giving Jin a full view of her “private” parts. She laughed, and straightened up now that she had her belongings in hand. She walked over to Jin, sat on his lap, and whispered in his ear.
“Why Jin, have you forgotten? You’ve already seen it before.”
Jin shifted her so that she wasn’t putting her weight directly on his trapped shaft. “Perhaps, but these little peek-a-boos are driving me crazy!” He whispered.
“Is that so? Should we go take care of your… craziness?” Lia asked. Part of her wondered why she was lusting after him so badly, and the rest of her hoped that he could show her why most women found sex so enjoyable.
Jin couldn’t suppress this groan, and leaned in to kiss her.
“Ma’am, Sir… Have you found everything you need?” A sales woman asked, interrupting them. She would have let them be, except they were in front of the store window, and she didn’t want to get into trouble for not stopping their amorous display.
Lia laughed. “Yes, I was just about to buy this dress and wear it out of the store.”
“Right this way then.” The sales woman led Lia to the cash register.
Outside the store, Lia took hold of Jin’s hand once more, and asked, “What would you like to do?”
Jin grinned as several things sprang to mind. He withdrew his hand from hers to run it up inside her skirt. He stopped as her stomach growled loudly, and mentally sighed. “How about we get something to eat?”
“I am fairly hungry,” Lia admitted. The two debated the merits of the each of the handful of choices in town for a few moments as the sun turned orange. It was setting for the night, and made the sky look gorgeous. This caught Lia’s attention, and she realized that it was later than she thought. They hadn’t eaten since breakfast. No wonder I’m so hungry! She turned her attention to a small group of drunks that flowed out of the bar they were passing.
“Get a load of this!” One drunk goaded. “This guy’s prettier than this chick! In fact, other than her dress, you almost can’t tell she’s a girl!”
“Just ignore them Jin,” Lia muttered. “I’ve decided we should try that place.”
“Hey bitch! Don’t you ignore me!” The drunk demanded.
“Hey asshole!” Lia replied. “Don’t you mess with me!”
“Did you hear what she just called me?”
His friends heckled him until he decided to take a swing at her.
Jin stood in place, unable to breathe because he was supposed to protect her, and yet unable to protect her because she had just ordered him to ignore them. This was frustrating to him, and he concentrated on trying to convince his magical binding that the first order was more important than the second. He was unsuccessful.
Lia easily blocked the punch, and pushed him away. Why do my days always involve fights? She may have suffered abuse at the hands of her own gang members, but that was because she was expected to submit to them. She was also expected to help defend her gang from other gangs, and she had plenty of skill from fighting with other gangs over turf and feuds.
“You want to brawl? Let’s brawl!” Lia invited. The drunks rushed her, and she did an excellent job of fending them off.
Jin still couldn’t breathe or move, but finally managed to say, “M-mis – Lia… Let me help…”
Lia finally remembered he was standing there, and beckoned him to her. “Well come on, Jin, help me!”
Jin sighed in relief, and used his magic to make them see huge imaginary snake closing in for the kill. Suddenly, the drunks began to scream and run for their lives.
Lia panted from exertion, and breathed slowly on purpose to calm herself. Then, she turned to Jin, and said, “Now I’m starving! Shall we go?”
Jin stared at her incredulously, and began to chuckle. “Yes Mistress… Lia, as you wish.”

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