
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Worst Day of the Year, So Far

Last night, I stayed up writing on my story until 5AM, and so today started out normal. My boys started trying to wake me long before I was ready to get up, and so I was a bit cranky, but I got on my computer to do my internet chores, and my mood improved.
Then, I opened a document a friend sent. Previously, despite there being a difference in our programs, the documents she's sent me have opened in my program just fine. Today, it opened it in her program (I do have both on my computer), and I thought nothing of this, but as I was reading through her story, I realized that my open document was no longer open. It had closed out when the other program opened. Again I thought nothing of this because I know my computer automatically saves documents when fubars occur. So, I went to reopen my story, and that's where things went wrong.
My story is now missing the last 6 chapters I wrote over the last couple of days, and even though I know there is some form of temp file on my computer that contains the lost information, I cannot get it to restore it. I got so angry with my computer that I considered stomping on it.
Thankfully, my temper is a short lived phenomenon, and the urge passed quickly. It quickly turned into the urge to cry, which also passed quickly, but not before I had utterly scared my boys. They are not used to seeing mommy actually upset. Normal for me is to act upset when I have to punish them because usually I don't really care what they did, but I have to be consistent, you know? Anyway, they heard me go, "Ahhh-waaa!" and came to comfort me, only to retreat when I pounded on the table and uttered every swear word I know... well, just the ones in English. I was too strapped for time to run through EVERY swear word I know, heh heh.
At this point, I had made us late for swim class, so I packed the boys up, and got us out the door. Halfway to the YMCA, I realized that I forgot my purse, so I didn't have my Y ID or even my actual ID. Grr! But hopefully they'll let us in just this once. Then I realized that I didn't even have my cell phone S-O-B!
Sigh... I get to the Y, and explain that I am having a bad day, and that the boys need to get to swim class which started 10 minutes ago. The Lady lets me in, thank the gods for small favors.
We rush to change, and then I drop Gryffin at his class, we are actually just on time for Phoenix's class. I walk in, and realize that the classes are being... organized, which only happens the first day of each class, and yep! You guessed it, I had forgotten to sign them up, oi!
So, I go to the front desk, and explain, "As I said when I arrived, I'm having a bad day, I just got my boys in the pool for swim lessons, and then realized that I hadn't signed them up for this month. Can we do that now?"
"Sure, no problem."
I am so totally happy FOR ONE SECOND... "Oh crap, our membership actually expired yesterday, and we are working with the coordinator to get it reopened." I tell them man helping me.

He replies, "Oh yeah, I talked to your husband yesterday. You're one of the low income families, right?" Actually, he said scholarship, but I figured that no one would know what I was talking about if I wrote that. "I'm going to need to figure out how to give you the discount until the membership is reinstated."
He consults with a person a bit higher up on the food chain than he is, and they try to figure out what to do. The higher up leaves to talk with someone else, and he says, "I tell you what, I am just going to do it if I can."

"Ok, great," I smile, but then remember that I forgot my purse, duh! "Um... can we do this, and I call to pay when I get home? I forgot my purse today." It's actually the third time in the last week or so that I have forgotten my purse, and I am ready to sew the dam thing to my hoodie!

The higher up comes back, and announces, "Change of plans, we are just going to let the boys have tonight's lesson, and then we will expedite your reapplication, and have it done by Thursday so that you can sign up by then."
"Awesome, excellent, great!" I gush, and go back to the boys who are swimming, and Phoenix is turning into a little fish, SO PROUD!

I guess I had better remember to get the reapplication filled out and turned in by tomorrow huh? sigh...


  1. :( I feel so bad...if was my document you opened :( I'm sorry! (think of the old commercial for Tide or bleach or something)

  2. I've found (with situations like at the Y) that people are normally happy to work something out to help, as long as you stay respectful, etc. I wish a certain partner-who-will-remain-nameless would realise that.

  3. Ugh, I've had days like that before. I hope tomorrow goes much better for you!!! I wish I could afford the Y, but even with a scholarship it's out of my reach.

  4. Thank you for the commiseration, I actually feel really silly, I mean this really was my worst day of this year, and when all is said and done, I am alive, my family is alive. I didn't need to spend money I don't have on something like a ticket or an accident, and no one had to go to the hospital. Everything is going to be fine, it's just going to take me time to recover...


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