
Monday, April 25, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 31

Chapter 31

     When Chelindra stepped back into the human realm, she saw that Randy and Gabriel had gotten just slightly drunk. They were laughing, and she gathered that Randy had been telling Gabriel about the awkward days of his youth. She appreciated that it was to keep his mind off of the horror.
     “I’m back,” she announced.
     They looked at her, and stopped laughing, but wore matching grins. Randy stood, and got about six inches away from her.
     “I can tell you,” he briefly turned to look at Gabriel, “that if she had been around in my youth, before I was trained in military etiquette, I would not have let her escape visiting my bed at least once.”
     Apparently he’s drunker than I thought! Chelindra mused as he once again grabbed her and planted a kiss on her lips. She held up her hands in a silent message, hey this is all him!
     Gabriel stood when Randy’s fairly innocent and friendly kiss crossed the line into inappropriate as his hands roamed her back and cupped her buttocks.
     “That is my lover you’re groping!”
     Chelindra mentally sighed, and cursed her body for liking it that they fought over her. Wasn’t two loves in her life enough? Did she really need a third man rutting between her legs?
     That thought made her body go hot, and she was infinitely glad when Gabriel pulled Randy off of her. She was simply too strong for her own good, and had she pushed Randy away, he might have gotten seriously hurt.
     “I think it’s time you leave now,” Chelindra emphatically pointed to the door.
     “I agree,” Gabriel concurred as he slung one arm over Randy’s shoulders, and guided him to the door.
     “Yeah, I know,” Randy sighed.
     “Go find a woman to ease your loneliness,” Chelindra suggested.
     “That’s a good idea,” Randy perked up a bit. “I’m Second in Command! There’s bound to be at least one woman interested in warming my bed!” He left.
     Gabriel whispered in Chelindra’s ear, “He’s too drunk to do her any good even if he does find one.”
     Chelindra immediately knew that while Gabriel had consumed alcohol, he hadn’t allowed himself to get more than slightly intoxicated. Just enough to dull the pain?
     She hugged him tightly. “I missed you!”
     Gabriel smiled, and breathed in her scent as he locked his arms around her. “I wouldn’t be alive without you. Thoughts of you, and the things you would do to him when you… well they sustained me, even when I had nothing else to keep me going.
     They joined hands and walked to her bedroom. It was far quicker for each to undress themselves, and Chelindra didn’t even care that Gabriel hadn’t had the chance to clean up. The sweaty smell of him aroused her.
     They climbed in bed, and kissed. Chelindra kissed him as much as possible, hoping that her kisses could soothe his soul. Gabriel wrapped his arms around her once more, and pulled her half on top of him. He liked having her weight on him. She was solid, and as long as he could feel her, he knew he was safe.
     Chelindra felt no urgent need to progress. As far as she was concerned, kissing, cuddling, and reassuring the other that they were still both alive and together was vastly more important than possessing each other. She used her hands to explore his body, and suppressed a shudder when her hands encountered scars… lots of scars, and not the light ones she had given him.
     They kissed and caressed for at least an hour before Chelindra finally grew frustrated. “I want you inside of me,” she whispered.
     Gabriel was only about half erect. He had trouble maintaining an erection because every time he grew fully hard, images flashed through his mind of John putting a ring on him, and forcing him to eventually climax despite his torture. Inevitably, his manhood would shrink, and he was fine with not moving on to the next step.
     “I… don’t think I can,” he admitted.
     Chelindra was disappointed, but she didn’t push him. “I understand.”
     They settled into a comfortable cuddle, and Chelindra stroked his chest. An idea struck her, and she stoked her hand along his body until she had hold of his hand. She tugged his hand, pulling it to where she wanted it.
     Gabriel’s eyes were closed, and he relished her touch. When she guided his hand to her womanhood, and used his finger to pleasure herself, he was surprised but pleased at her actions. He opened his eyes so that he could watch her face while she rubbed his finger over her little pearl.
     Her face was beautiful! If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she was an angel sent to personally love and comfort him until he was fully healed from his trauma. She began to shiver, and he withdrew his hand. She groaned in disappointment, and quickly replaced him with her own hand.
     He slid his finger down and inside her, and then slid another in to join it. He wiggled his fingers, and slid them in and out repeatedly, taking care to give his full attention to the little undulations her muscles made. She squeezed his fingers, and began to gasp, and he tickled her just a little bit longer.
     Finally, she went limp, and breathed slowly on purpose to calm her heartbeat. He slowly pulled his fingers out of her, and went to lick them off.
     “Do not!” She protested quickly.
     “Why not?” He wondered.
     “All of the fluids from my body… Well, see for yourself.” She pointed to his fingers.
     He watched as a thin layer of what looked like ice formed on his fingers. He tried to wiggled them, and they wouldn’t move. She used her magic to free his fingers from the diamond encasing.
     “Why hasn’t this happened in the past?” Gabriel asked.
     “It has, you just haven’t noticed it. We’ve only ever has sex once, well twice, and the first time I used my magic to prevent the fluid from hardening, and the next morning I gave you a cloth I had spelled to absorb the fluid without letting it dry,” she explained.
     “Oh… but I’ve drank from you,” he had no better way to describe the oral pleasure he had given her.
     “I know, and had I been thinking I wouldn’t have let you. All I can do is guess that if the liquid enters your body before it solidifies, then it will remain liquid. I sincerely hope!”
     Gabriel responded by pushing her onto her back, and burying his head between her legs before she realized what he was about to do. He licked some juice from her, and swished it around his mouth long enough that it should have changed, but it didn’t. He stuck his tongue out to show her.
     “Interesting,” Chelindra smiled.
     Gabriel decided that since he was down here, he might as well make use of the opportunity. He plunged his tongue into her, and she gasped. He realized that while he may not be able to have intercourse, that did not mean he could not please her. In fact, pleasing her might go a long way to healing his mind, and making him ready to have sex again.
     Much later, Chelindra begged him to stop. “Enough! I can’t bear any more!”
     Gabriel knew this was because he had done his job well, and he smiled, pleased that he could please her.
     Chelindra drifted off to sleep, and Gabriel wrapped himself around her, pulling one of her legs between his.
     The next morning, Chelindra woke before Gabriel, who was enjoying the best sleep he’d had in a long time. She noticed that he looked at peace. She took this as a good sign that her natural gift to guard sleep had worked wonders on him.
     She gently pulled herself free from his grasp – he clutched her like a child clutches a teddy bear, she grinned – and sat up. She wanted to do something nice for him. Something that repaid him for pleasuring her, but didn’t pressure him into having sex before he was ready.
     She stroked his back until he shifted. With him now lying on his back, she had access to the part of him that she longed to touch. She uncovered it, and stroked it with her hand. It began to rise, and she knew he liked her attention.
     She licked him, and flicked his velvety tip with her tongue. This caused his shaft to jump, and she giggled. She had honestly never done anything like this before, and she felt like a child who had just been given a brand new toy. She licked him some more, and then took his entire length into her mouth.
     Gabriel thought he was simply dreaming. With no nightmares to disturb him, he’d actually had a few erotic dreams, and at first this felt no different. When his shaft was nearly swallowed whole, he knew this was no dream, and his eyes flew open to observe the events occurring in his lap.
     Chelindra was so involved with sucking on him, and doing whatever it took to provoke a reaction from him, that she didn’t realize he was awake yet. She removed him from her mouth, giggled again, and wondered what it would be like to take him all the way into her mouth, and slowly pull back until he was free several times in a row.
     It was heaven! Gabriel thoroughly enjoyed what she was doing to him, and slightly thrust his hips to encourage her. She switched from using her mouth to long strokes from her tongue, and then sucking on his head just enough to make him want to grab the back of her head and push her farther onto his shaft.
     This thought made him wonder what it would be like to be her master. Master… Master… Images of his master sucking on him flooded him.
     Chelindra felt him stiffen slightly, and decided that a more direct assault might be better. She fondled his balls as she accepted his shaft into her mouth as much as possible. She used a hand to stroke the part of his shaft not in her mouth, and could have cried in triumph when he began producing drops of fluid. Her strokes got faster.
     Gabriel fought to get memories of his master and Ando out of his mind. This was too much too soon. “No!”
     Chelindra paused, her mouth fully sucking on him, and her hand still rapidly stroking him. Gabriel moaned, and she took this as a sign that he wanted her to continue, as in No! Don’t stop!
     She twisted her head as she sucked on him, and he moaned again.
     Gabriel was about to fill her mouth, and he knew it. In his mind, it was a different mouth on him, and he could feel the bite of the whip as he moaned and grunted. “No, please no.”
     Chelindra froze, that was definitely not a phrase of encouragement, and she slowly pulled her head back. It was too late, Gabriel spurted and grunted, and she figured it would be an insult to remove her mouth and spit it on him at this exact moment. She swallowed, and waited until he was finished.
     “I’m sorry,” she uttered softly. “I meant to please you.”
     Gabriel turned onto his side. “I know.” He wasn’t angry with her. He really wasn’t… He appreciated her eagerness, but he just wasn’t ready.
     Chelindra had no idea what to do. Should she comfort him? Should she leave him alone?
     She stroked his back, and though he did a good job of not shuddering, she knew that he did not want to be touched at all right now. She bit back a sigh, and was surprised to find herself near tears. She silently inhaled and exhaled a few times.
     When she was certain her voice would not betray her, she said, “I am going to have a servant fetch us some food, and bathwater.”
     She thought she did an excellent job of sounding normal, but her breath caught, and she had to stop breathing altogether for a moment to prevent a small sob from escaping.
     Gabriel had been trained from birth to detect every small nuance. It was his job to know what his master was not saying as much as what he was, and he knew that Chelindra was near tears. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her!
     “Hey,” he whispered soothingly as he sat up and gathered her in his arms. “You did nothing wrong.”
     Chelindra snuggled into him as he stroked her back, and continued to breathe slowly. She couldn’t talk for fear of crying. A saying occurred to her, beware the pregnant elf!
     It was an old saying that had come about because pregnant elves were the ones most likely to feel an emotion they couldn’t explain, and without meditation several times daily, they often took their emotions out on other unsuspecting elves. Chelindra hadn’t meditated once since she’d gotten pregnant. Frankly, she hadn’t believed the saying, but here she was, on the verge of tears for the second time in her life!
     The couple simply held each other. They both realized that what they needed the most right now was just being together. Holding onto this moment for as long as possible.
     Later on, after they had eaten and bathed, they answered a summons from the King, who presented them with his completed armistice documents. He told Chelindra and Gabriel that they could stay as long as they wanted before they left to deliver the documents, but even he sensed that they would not stay long.
     Princess Amara asked to speak to Gabriel alone, and led him far enough away – out into the garden and down a path to a private bower – that Chelindra could not overhear them unless she actively tried. She took a deep breath, and calmed her pounding heart.
     “I know that you are not ready for marriage, and that you have doubts about, um, your capacity to… heal. Please understand that if your father agrees to our marriage, I will not expect you to… to…” She blushed. She was not supposed to say such things aloud. “Visit my bed, until you are ready.”
     Gabriel smiled. She was charming at nearly 18, and he was in his 30’s. He really felt too old for her, but then he thought about the age difference between him and Chelindra, and after that, he didn’t feel so much like he was robbing the cradle.
     “Thank you, I appreciate that… but know this; I will not go through with the marriage unless I am sure that we will be… productive. I would not want to burden you with such a dismal life,” Gabriel responded delicately.
     Amara blushed, rose up onto her tip toes – she was a short little thing – and brushed his lips with hers. She felt a small jolt of electricity run from her lips to her groin, and lowered herself back onto her feet. She saw a responding flash in his eyes, and looked down. Pretending shame at her boldness, she spun around, and smiled. She knew that given time, things would work out between them.
     She rushed away to somewhere private so she could giggle that she had stolen her first kiss.
     Meanwhile, Chelindra had followed them. Not enough that she was spying on them, or even listening to them, just enough to be near him when they were done. She saw Amara rush away, and looked into the bower.
     Gabriel had the middle and pointer finger of his right hand resting on his lips, and a look of amazement on his face, and she knew something momentous had occurred. She knew that he needed time to sort this out for himself, and decided to wait for him on a bench a little farther down the path.
     Gabriel appeared a few minutes later, saw Chelindra, and knew she had a pretty good idea about what had happened.
     “Where did she go?” He inquired.
     Chelindra pointed.
     “Wait here, I need to see something,” Gabriel insisted.
     Chelindra merely nodded.
     Gabriel located Amara a few moments later. She was with the Queen, but he couldn’t let that stop him.
     “You’re highness,” Gabriel asked for her attention. “May I ask a favor?”
     Amara stepped closer to him. “Yes?”
     He pulled her close, and kissed her. Sure enough, he also felt a jolt of electricity travel from his lips to his groin. He pulled his head back to look at her. “I don’t understand.”
     Amara knew that her stepmother would allow this chaperoned kiss, whereas her father wouldn’t, and took advantage of this by snuggling closer to him. “What don’t you understand?”
     “This,” Gabriel replied, and kissed her again. She held him to her tightly, and eagerly accepted it when he parted her lips with his tongue. A moment passed, then two.
     “Ahem!” Queen Haylee cleared her throat loudly. “This is a bit much, especially since it is not certain that the two of you will be engaged.”
     Gabriel and Amara stopped trying to crawl inside each other’s skin, but continued to press their lips together for a moment more. Slowly, they separated their mouths.
     “Wow!” Amara grinned and couldn’t wait to kiss him again.
     “I don’t understand,” Gabriel repeated.
     “Is it possible to love more than one person?” Amara asked. “Is that what you don’t understand?”
     Gabriel nodded.
     “I think it is. For example, my father loved my mother, but then he married the first Queen. He says he loved her too. Now he is married to Haylee, and I know he loves her. I wonder what would have happened if he had all three of them in his life at the same time. I think he still would have loved them all.” Amara liked that Gabriel had not let her go.
     Gabriel nodded slowly, this made sense when he thought of Chelindra, and how she loved him, and then how she had seemed to have feelings for Aeryc.
     “You and I were meant to be together, I have seen it in my visions for years. I had no idea who you actually were, beyond the fact that you were the Emperor’s son, and I had no idea if we would be happy, but I think we will be.” Amara rested her cheek on his chest.
     Gabriel looked to the sky as he thought this information over. He hoped she was right, because a happy future with her meant that he really would recover from his abuse. He looked down when he felt her head lift from his chest. She was looking at him intently.
     Please kiss me again! Amara silently begged, then decided not to wait for him. She plantarflexed her feet, and licked his lips invitingly. He chuckled.
     “Amara!” Queen Haylee gasped, mildly shocked, mildly amused.
     “Please,” Amara begged. “Just one more?”
     Gabriel wasn’t sure if she was asking him, her mother, or both, but he took it upon himself to answer her with a kiss to remember.
     Queen Haylee knew that this was important to both of them, so covered her mouth to keep from protesting, until she saw her husband walking powerfully in their direction.
     “Here comes the King,” she announced.
     Gabriel and Amara separated their lips, but were reluctant to break their hold on each other.
     “What is the meaning of this?” Collin demanded.
     “Oh father!” Amara admonished. “My soon to be fiancé is simply giving me a kiss goodbye before he leaves to complete the treaty.”
     “A simple kiss, eh?” Collin stared pointedly at their continued embrace.
     Amara giggled. “You are going to have to let go of me, I don’t think I can make myself let go of you.”
     “The task is proving strangely difficult for me as well,” Gabriel admitted.
     Collin was more than willing to help them out, and stepped close enough to push them apart. He held onto Amara’s arm as Gabriel walked away, her other arm attempted to leave with him.
     Gabriel was astonished that kissing Amara had been so wonderful. He rejoined Chelindra, and they set off on their journey to the Imperial Palace.

Go To Chapter 32

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