
Friday, April 22, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 30

Chapter 30

     “Finally! We’re alone,” Aeryc stated suggestively, noticing that she had brought them to their suite in the Elven Palace.
     “Oh Aeryc, please don’t ask that of me now.” Chelindra released his hand.
     “Why not? You’re going to do it with him the moment you’re alone, are you not? As your husband, why can’t I insist that I –“
     “No, you are right. Our Gods have joined us, and blessed us with their divine light. I would be insulting them if I refused you.” Chelindra gave a slight smile.
     Aeryc’s grin faded. “But you would not be happy.”
     Chelindra gave this some thought. “I would not be unhappy.”
     Aeryc sighed in defeat. “Let’s get cleaned up, and change our clothes so that we are suitable for an audience with the King.”
     Chelindra was grateful, and opened her mouth to agree, but then she felt something like a hand hit the back of her head, and a voice say, “Ungrateful! We provide you with the perfect mate, and you cast him aside! He has done everything you asked of him, and has been there when you needed him, and what thanks does he get?”
     She closed her mouth, nodded, and crossed the one step keeping them apart. Without a word, she pressed her body into his, and kissed him.
     Aeryc didn’t have to think twice, he wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her as if his life depended on it. Her kisses made him forget everything. When one ended, he immediately wanted another. He devoured her mouth greedily, and was delighted to hear her moan in response.
     Chelindra wanted to feel his bare skin beneath her fingers, and pushed his shirt up his back. Running her hands up his back made her want to run her hands down his back and cup his buttocks. She pulled his hips into her, and moaned again.
     When they had mated previously, Chelindra did so out of duty, but she had also liked it. This had surprised her, since she’d never considered the possibility that she would like mating… until she’d met Gabriel. Yet, she’d honestly had more sex with her husband than with Gabriel, and Aeryc had always made it fun for her.
     He showed her tenderness, consideration, and even passion. This was the first time she had taken the lead, and she was surprised how strongly her body reacted to him because of it. She wasn’t doing this because the Gods had shamed her into it; she was doing it because she wanted to. Feeling this way made her a bit guilty that she was betraying Gabriel, but ironically, he’d probably be the first one to understand.
     I want him! I want him now! Chelindra hardened her nails, and used them to shred his clothes. It wasn’t likely he was ever going to wear the dirty and slightly ragged garment again anyway. Once he was naked, she let her hands roam his body, and then pushed him onto their bed.
     “Now that’s more like it!” The disembodied voice cheered.
     Chelindra couldn’t find the desire to care if the Gods were watching her, and quickly shed her clothes. She climbed atop her husband, who had been watching her with a grin, and straddled him, not yet taking him inside her.
Aeryc used his elbows to push his body up so now his mouth was closer to hers, and moaned when he felt her fingers tangle in his hair as she leaned over to kiss him again. He seriously wondered why most elves found this to be distasteful. Did they know what they were missing?
     Whether it was the Gods that had put a spell on her, or some unknown hormone in her body – possibly from the child they had conceived – that made her want him so badly, but she couldn’t wait any longer. She shifted, and plunged onto his shaft.
     Aeryc felt so good that he could have released his juices right then and there, but he did not want this to be over so soon. He held her still a moment, until the feeling had passed, and was glad that she gave him that moment, for the next moment, she was grinding into him as if her life depended on it.
     Again, his need to fill her up came too soon, and he decided to flip her onto her back. He realized that she was always in command – always – and that because of this, she might really enjoy an elf who took that away from her. She wanted it fast and grinding bordering on rough, but he wondered what she’d do if he denied her this.
     He held her hands above her head, and slowed the pace. He chose a pace that allowed him to enjoy their lovemaking without the need to fill her too soon. He kept one hand holding her wrists, well aware that she could break free of his hold with very little effort, and used his other hand to help his mouth explore her breasts.
     His pace was driving her crazy! She wanted him to pound into her until she shuddered with climax. She wanted him to ravage and bite her! Her breasts felt incredibly soft and full right now, and she longed for him to stop sucking on her nipples and rake them with his teeth.
     Aeryc continued to deny her what he could sense she wanted, but he let go of her hands so that he could grab her hips as he thrust into her powerfully. One long thrust that would have shaken a less sturdy bed. He repeated his thrust, again, and again, and again.
     Oh… by the Gods… Chelindra thought, I’m almost there! Just a bit harder…
     Aeryc couldn’t accommodate her silent request, but even he was feeling the need for relief now. He sped up, trying to maintain most of the power of his thrusts, but sacrificing some of it for speed. Now he was grinding into her like she wanted, and he watched her breasts bounce and jiggle as a result of his actions. Her nipples seemed to grow darker, and just a bit larger, throbbing slightly as if daring him to bite them, so he did.
     Dear Gods! Chelindra mentally gasped just before she let out a long, low squeal. The squeal gained in pitch until it could be considered a proper scream, and she dug her nails into his back as she rode out the storm ravaging her body.
     Aeryc loved hearing her scream, it inspired him to thrust faster, sawing in and out of her so rapidly that he could have burned himself had she not been well lubricated. He felt his own release, and grunted. His hot juices filling her with what felt like gallons, but was probably a lot less than that. If she hadn’t already been pregnant, he was certain she would be now.
     They simply held each other, and panted with the aftermath of their glorious sex. Unexpectedly, Aeryc began to laugh.
     “Are you ready to wash up and dress now?” He asked.
     She laughed too. “I don’t know what came over me!”
     “Well, whatever it was is welcome to come back anytime,” he assured her.
     Chelindra grinned, and heard, “Don’t worry, we will.”
     The couple bathed, dressed, and left their room to go find Chehiro. Aeryc’s partner in guarding their King was loitering outside their door. Chelindra gave him a look that plainly stated, what do you want?
     “Aeryc… we heard… uh noises and I am here to see if all is well?”
     “All is most certainly well. All is better than well. All is-“
     “Oh he gets the point Aeryc!” Chelindra laughed. “Why not announce it for everyone to hear?!”
     Aeryc grinned at her in a way that made her certain he was about to do just that. She quickly covered his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. She removed her hand, and smiled as he kissed her.
     His partner made a sound like, huh, and softly uttered. “The legends are true. Such love is possible among elves.”
     Chelindra stared at her husband thoughtfully. His eyes were hopeful, and definitely shined with his love for her. A certainty filled her, and this time there was no mistake about it. It was all her and in no way a spell from the Gods.
     She nodded. “Yes… love is possible among elves.”
     Hand in hand, they walked to the throne room, assuming that Chehiro would be there. He was.
     “Chelindra, finally! I was beginning to wonder if you and Aeryc would ever return,” Chehiro stated with a hint of relief.
     “Brother, I have good news. I have negotiated a temporary truce among the humans. The time draws near when we can reopen the borders,” she announced.
     “While I am delighted to hear of the truce,“ Chehiro replied dryly. Had he not been an elf, Chelindra would have accused him of being unhappy at this outcome, “I will not consider reopening the borders until I feel confident that the humans can be trusted not to start fighting once more… Perhaps in a hundred years…”
     “A hundred years!” Chelindra exclaimed. “That’s excessive!”
     “I do not see it thusly, human lives are short, and one generation can easily forget the lessons of its ancestors. If the humans can refrain from fighting for a hundred years, we elves will consider them trustworthy once more.”
     Chelindra sighed and shook her head, but did not argue; there wasn’t any point.
     “Now that I have your attention,” Chehiro continued. “I wish to inform you that I plan to unofficially retire, which means that unless you return permanently, young Aeryc here will be in charge… for the most part. He may not decide to reopen the borders either.”
     Chelindra merely nodded. Aeryc couldn’t even if he wanted to. She basically ignored that remark, and asked, “Retire? Why?”
     “I’m… ill, you could say. I do not feel like an elf of only 607 years. I feel… tired… all the time. I wish to restrict my duties to only those in which it is vital I perform them,” Chehiro answered.
     Chelindra nodded, and knew that he referred to the ritual bloodletting that occurred once a year on the Summer Solstice. It was not merely symbolic of the ruler and the land being bound even by blood, it was literal. So long as the Elven ruler bled on the land once a year, it was magically protected, and more so, all the elves who dwelled here were protected too. It was said that if a ruler did not perform this sacred duty, all of the Elven magic would be lost.
Chelindra had no idea how she would accomplish the task when it came time for her to do it!
     She looked at her husband. “I trust Aeryc. I have faith that he will be able to unofficially rule in your stead until I return for good.”
     “And when might that be?” Chehiro wanted to know.
     Chelindra thought about Gabriel’s more than likely pending marriage to Amara, and how it would be bad for them if she was around. “I can see it happening sometime in the next year or two.”
     Aeryc knew what she thought, and squeezed her hand. He knew that being insanely happy to hear that he only had to endure a year or two more without her – rather than Gabriel’s entire lifetime – would not endear him to her at the moment. He turned he head away from her until he could suppress his sudden smile.
     Chehiro watched them with interest. “Aeryc, did you know that your grandfather’s mother was human?”
     “What?” Aeryc was stunned. This news did not make him feel angry or upset, merely taken aback. “She was?”
     “Yes,” Chehiro confirmed. “This was back… what? 720 year ago? Humans were peaceful and lovely back then, and more than one elf thought it was fashionable to mate with them. My father later married a human because his best friend had always seemed so happy married to his wife.”
     Chehiro paused to look at Chelindra, and decided not to continue that particular bit of information. Moving on, he said, “The war between the humans had already been ongoing for over a century by the time you were born, and it was decided that it was better not to tell you.”
     Aeryc absently nodded as he thought back over all of the times he had snuck in to read the old human texts, and his fascination with humans now made sense. He was 7/8ths elf, but he must have something left from his human great grandmother.
     Chelindra knew exactly what human qualities he possessed. The capacity to love, but also humor, loyalty, and compassion. In short, he possessed the remnants of human emotion.
     This was perfect for her in that he had enough human in him to understand her, and more than enough elf to rule by her side. Their child would be more elf than human, which was important to the royal line, but together, the three of them would be unlike any elf before, and probably since. The Gods really had made him for her.
     Which immediately made her wonder if the Gods had a hand in creating her too. The fact that they suddenly seemed to want to talk to her made her think it likely, but she couldn’t imagine why.

Go To Chapter 31

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