
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chelindra fell onto her bed; she had been fighting for nearly two days straight, and was exhausted. Thankfully, she hadn’t lost more than 2-dozen men, and the seriously wounded comprised of only another 2 or 3-dozen. All in all they had been lucky.
She was so tired that by rights she should have fallen asleep the moment she hit the bed, but her thoughts dwelled on the lover who had abandoned her. She was uncomfortable, but didn’t want to move. She hadn’t even bothered to wash up or change into clean clothes.
“Anything else you need, General?” An attendant asked.
“Yes, in the morning, inform my senior officers,” Chelindra gave the attendant detailed orders assigning each officer a specific task. “And don’t let anyone disturb me!”
“Yes General!” The attendant saluted and left.
“Oh Gabriel…” Chelindra sighed forlornly. “Why did you leave me?”
The thought of him made her body ache and burn for him. She replayed every touch they had ever shared, and soon discovered that her hand was trying to pleasure her as Gabriel would. Mental images of him fueled the fire in her body.
She gasped and groaned softly as her juices flowed and her body felt such intense relief. She drifted to sleep, murmuring, “Gabriel…”


“We will reach the Imperial Palace tomorrow afternoon,” Ando remarked needlessly. He was sharing a meal with John at the sadist’s request. It was strange to him to be eating a rather lavish meal while Gabriel the slave sat naked, bound, and blindfolded next to him.
“I require your assistance,” John stated. “I assume you have interrogated an enemy soldier before?”
Ando nodded. A typical interrogation involved beatings, and Ando instantly understood that John wanted him to make Gabriel cry; possibly even scream and wail in agony.
After the two had eaten, John found a suitable place to hang a rope from the ceiling, and tied it as securely as possible. He dangled the free end to the floor, and hauled Gabriel to it.
Gabriel felt his arms being raised over his head, and knew he was about to experience another painful ordeal. He took a few deep breaths to calm his suddenly pounding heartbeat.
Gabriel gasped as his flaccid penis was gently sucked on. Thoughts of Chelindra crossed his blindfolded eyes, and he imagined her. He was infinitely grateful that he had a few wonderful memories of her to sustain him until she rescued him.
The Master mentally grinned an evil grin as Gabriel grew hard in his mouth. He signaled for Ando to start, and Ando silently apologized to the poor slave before punching him in the back. His goal was to cause pain without damaging the man.
Gabriel cried from the unexpected pain, and then gasped at the completely opposite sensation of having his balls fondled while his manhood was expertly sucked. He received another punch to the back, and knew that this was going to be even crazier than he could have imagined. His Master wanted to pleasure him and hurt him at the same time, and what was more confusing was that Gabriel could not go soft.
Satisfied that the ring around Gabriel’s shaft was tight enough to do its job, the sadistic Master signaled for Ando to really lay into the slave. Ando complied by using Gabriel as a punching bag. He punched every inch of Gabriel’s back and buttocks, and even the sides of his thighs. He especially liked punching the buttocks and thighs because if timed right, doing so caused Gabriel to thrust down his master’s throat. A little bit of turnabout seemed fair to Ando.
Despite Gabriel’s continued erection, there was no way he could orgasm during such violence. In fact, there was something that seemed to be biting into his shaft. He grunted and cried with every punch, withdrawing into his memories of Chelindra.
Time passed, and the Master grew bored. “Sodomize him.”
Ando stared at John in indecision. Saying no to the Emperor’s lover could be disastrous, but this poor man had already suffered so much. John gave him a pointed look, and he quickly decided complying was the more prudent course of action.
Gabriel was surprised that this time it didn’t hurt. In truth, it even felt a little good. He prayed that his thoughts of Chelindra protected him somehow.
Meanwhile, John located his whip, and began to whip Gabriel’s chest, abdomen, and groin. He purposely did not whip hard enough to wound and bleed him. His goal was to make the slave climax despite such conflicting sensations.
Ando knew he was rubbing Gabriel the right way since Gabriel shuddered and gasped in unexpected pleasure with every thrust, and some part of him was happy to do this. He felt a distinct tightening of his balls, and knew that the end was imminent.
Gabriel quite honestly didn’t want to sully his thoughts of Chelindra with what was happening, and so forced her out of his mind. He was surprised to find that the whip strokes across his shaft still felt good even when he wasn’t pretending it was Chelindra licking him. Why? Why?! Why does this feel good???
        John waited for Ando to finish grunting his release, and then ordered him to move to the front. Ando found he didn’t mind, and took Gabriel’s shaft in hand. It was more engorged than it normally would be due to the ring, and Ando tried to be tender as he stroked and sucked it.
John was not so tender, having no qualms about reopening the wounds on Gabriel’s back. Gabriel screamed because of the whipping, and wondered why he was on the verge of climax. He soon filled Ando’s mouth even as he sobbed from the pain.
John loosened the rope so that he could drag the slave over to the table. He positioned him so that his upper half was face down on the table, and his lower half dangled to the floor. Gabriel’s shaft had no choice but to poke the underside of the table.
“Ando,” the master said as he prepared to enter his slave. “Go get your men. They will all be allowed a turn when I am done.”
Ando nodded, feeling pity for the slave. He knew that John was doing all of this to torture and humiliate Gabriel, and it almost broke his heart, but there was nothing he could do to help the poor man.
John slammed into his slave, and Gabriel felt no pleasure this time. In addition to the pain from the sodomy, his shaft banged into the table with every thrust, and Gabriel began to fear it might fall off before they were done. His throat was raw from screaming.
What could have been hours but was probably only a few minutes passed. John watched the men as they watched him.
“Anyone want to have a turn?” John asked. He knew they would all do as they were told out of fear that he might tell the Emperor to take away their freedom and then they would be his slaves too.
        A man volunteered, and John stepped aside. He watched the man roughly enter Gabriel, and walked to Gabriel’s head. “Open up,” he commanded, and Gabriel complied.
Anything to get this over with as soon as possible.
Each man had time to find their release, and Gabriel thanked the gods they weren’t as cruel as his master since with his mouth full there was no way he could scream. His master seemed determined to choke him this time anyway. An actual hour later, the sadistic Master finally spewed into Gabriel’s mouth, and Gabriel knew his ordeal was almost over. The last thing was swallowing his ration of “water.”
All of the men had left after their turn, and Ando stayed out of inexplicable curiosity. “Shall I untie him and put him with this prisoner?”
Gabriel wondered what prisoner he referred to.
“No, putting the two of them together might give them the courage to plot their escape,” John replied. “He can stay there for all I care, or you can toss him on the floor.”
Ando untied the rope secured to the ceiling, and loosened the original binding on Gabriel’s swollen hands. Then, he lifted Gabriel off the table, and John laughed evilly.
“Why, one might think you cared about this miserable slave!” John punched Gabriel in the abdomen in a spot that caused him to vomit instantly. The recently deposited contents of his stomach tasted twice as vile coming back up. “There, he can use that as a pillow.”
Ando instinctively knew that the rest of the sentence was, “So drop him there or it will be you using it as a pillow.” He let Gabriel fall to the floor.
“Are we going to torture the prisoner?” Ando asked.
“No…” John sighed longingly. Clearly he wished to torture the prisoner. “This prisoner is too valuable to the Emperor, and I am certain that He will want to torture him Himself.”
“Who is he anyway?” Ando wondered, as he had ever since they’d caught the man leading a group of enemy soldiers across their territory. The soldiers had escaped, but only because this man ordered them to retreat as he stayed to fight.
“He is Second in Command to enemy General Chelindra,” John replied, and then dismissed Ando.
Gabriel had to hold his breath so that he didn’t gasp and give away his sudden hope. Doing so would certainly provoke his master into hurting him more.
John stared at the prisoner. He was tied so well that he could barely wiggle like a worm, but he had been awake and able to see everything that had occurred. The sadist chuckled. “Don’t worry, when the Emperor tortures you, I will be there to help, and trust me when I say that nothing you have seen here tonight can prepare you for what is going to happen to you.”
Laughing evilly, John climbed into the soft bed provided for guests who could afford the best room. Being well known and easily recognizable as the Emperor’s favorite lover certainly had its perks.

Go To Chapter 17

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