
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Diamond Elf - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Gabriel started the next day following Chelindra as she prepared those of her men that were leaving with her. He also prepared the slaves that would be traveling with Chelindra’s troops. Unknowingly, they soon fell into a routine of Co-Operation, and delegation of tasks.
Chelindra marveled at how quickly and smoothly everyone made ready to leave. It seemed that every time a problem surfaced, Gabriel already had 3 possible solutions, and all Chelindra had to do was decide which one to use. The sun had been in view for barely a half an hour when their journey officially began, and already Gabriel had gained a reputation as a most valuable Chief Coordinating Officer. The journey would normally take 7-10 days, but with Gabriel’s help, Chelindra felt that it may take as little as 6 days.
Gabriel watched the Armintan solders, the way they treated the slaves, and what he saw surprised him. The soldiers did not treat them like they were dirty, or inferior. Instead, they helped and befriended the slaves, showing them what was probably the only kindness many had seen in a long time.
The soldiers told the slaves what choices the King would give them. Honestly, there weren’t that many, but most of the slaves loved King Collin already for he gave them the right to decide for themselves.
Days later, Chelindra was proven correct, for they did come within sight of the KingsSoul Palace and city at midmorning on 6th day.
“We will arrive shortly after noon,” she announced happily.
The slaves fell silent, and stared at the sparsely populated city once they were inside its gates. Chelindra led them to an airy, cheery spot on the Palace’s front lawn, where King Collin greeted them.
“My dear new subjects, I am ready to present you all with papers of freedom, and papers of citizenship. Anyone from a different country who wishes to return there will be granted safe passage. Everyone who chooses to become a citizen will be given a choice as to what occupation they would like to have.
“The population of my entire kingdom is very low, and each of you would be welcome anywhere in it that you wish to reside. Anyone who cannot decide what they want to do can ask to be assigned a place based upon where their skills will be needed the most.” The King finished with a welcoming smile.
Palace maids – who had been assigned to help the slaves – rushed forward to lead them to an empty barracks where they would be staying for the next few days. They were also followed by clerks that needed to learn their names to complete the needed emancipation documents.
Gabriel followed Chelindra out of habit.
“Chelindra, I know you often succeed where others fail, but frankly, even I am in awe of this miracle. How did you manage to retake QueensHeart castle, and return, in less than a fortnight?”
“Your Majesty wishes to hear my report right now?” Chelindra asked.
“Yes,” King Collin confirmed.
“Well, I sent a runner ahead to inform General Grey that I was on my solitary way to deliver a message from yourself, Sire,” Chelindra began.
“Tell me you did not do anything so foolish as to enter an enemy stronghold by yourself!” Collin roared.
“You’re Majesty wishes me to lie?” Chelindra questioned.
The King sighed in exasperated indulgence. “Continue.”
“I left my men with orders to arrive at midmorning the day after I left them, but they had to keep their distance until then. Once I was before General Grey, I warned him to surrender, or be killed. He laughed,” Chelindra finished.
“Allow me to guess the rest,” Colin said through clenched teeth. “He’s dead, as are at least half his men, and QueensHeart castle was retaken without the loss of even one of our men.”
“Is that not what You’re Majesty asked me to try to do?” Chelindra asked.
“Yes, but not at such an incredible risk to yourself.” Collin, who was in his fifties, placed a hand on her shoulder. “I think of you as my very own daughter, it would grieve me tremendously to lose you.”
“You must not worry so much about me, I will not be hurt, and I will not die until I am old and gray,” Chelindra assured him.
“You’re still young, and the young never fear death. But it can happen to anyone, even you,” the King advised sagely.
Chelindra wanted so badly to tell him that she couldn’t even be scratched; that she was an Elven Princess, but she couldn’t bear it if he rejected her after finding out her secret. She really couldn’t hide it from him too much longer; after all, she had fought for the King’s army for almost 15 years, and she didn’t look more than 23 years old.
Satisfied that Chelindra had understood his point, the King returned to the side of his Queen. Queen Haylee was half the King’s age, and had only been married to him for 3 years. She was a widow who had lost both her previous husband, and their only child to the war more than 5 years ago. The King had chosen to marry her because she could bear children, where his beloved first wife had been barren.
Queen Haylee had indeed presented King Collin with an heir to the throne, which she was currently holding. King Collin took his son from the Queen, gave him a large kiss on the forehead, and handed him to Princess Amara, who was the King’s only other child. She had been born of an affair the King had had a mere week before he’d married his first Queen.
For a long time, the King had wanted to make her his heir, but that was one law he could not change. The heir must be legitimately born to the King by his lawful Queen. Princess Amara, who was now 16, had consoled her father by saying that she did not want to be Queen, and that her destiny was to marry a great man, and bring peace to many kingdoms.
Currently, the Princess was waving at Chelindra, and casting shy but curious stares at Gabriel. Which recalled him to Chelindra’s attention.
“You really should be in the barracks with the others, but since you are technically one of my officers, I shall see to it that you are assigned a room in my suite of apartments. Don’t get too comfortable though, it’s only for a few days,” Chelindra informed him. He followed her into the palace, all the way to her suite.
“You’re lucky. I don’t have any maids, servants, or personal attendants of any kind, so you may choose to sleep in any room you like, excepting mine, of course.”
“You are far too generous, my Lady,” Gabriel stammered.
“I told you to call me Chelindra, damnit, and you still refuse. How about I state it this way, if you don’t call me by my name, I will break your arm,” she threatened.
“Yes, my Lady... Chelindra.”
“That’s better. Now, I see that the excellent housekeeper has remembered to prepare a bath for me, so I wish to be alone for a while. After you have chosen a room, and settled in, feel free to ring for a servant to show you to the baths,” Chelindra said.
Gabriel nodded, and did exactly that. The entire time he sat soaking in the baths, he puzzled over Chelindra. There was something about her that suggested she kept a secret about herself. By the time he was done, he felt as if the answer lay shrouded before him.

“Chelindra?” Gabriel asked hesitantly.
“Yes?” Chelindra responded. Gabriel noted that, once again, her skin looked oddly dirty for just having been washed.
“Why don’t you have any servants in your quarters?” He wondered.
“I like my privacy,” Chelindra answered curtly.
“I see, and why don’t you fear being wounded?”
“Because, no one has ever managed to wound me.” Chelindra frowned over at Gabriel’s invasion of her privacy.
“How old are you?” Gabriel asked his most daring question, which he felt held the key to the puzzle of her.
“Why are you asking me these questions?” Chelindra demanded. The fire flared suddenly behind her.
“Well, you look to be in your early 20’s, yet you defeated the Emperor’s most trusted General 10 years ago. I doubt that you were only 10 or 12 at the time,” Gabriel reasoned.
Chelindra merely shrugged.
Gabriel continued. “You told me that you like to look feminine, yet you allow yourself to appear dirty, even after your bath.”
Again, Chelindra merely shrugged.
“Chelindra,” Gabriel gained confidence by Chelindra’s willingness to let him have his say. “You said you trust me, and I’m telling you now, you will hold my loyalty forever for freeing me. Will you please tell me what you are hiding?”
Chelindra sighed. “You have no right to ask me that,” she replied softly.
Gabriel continued to push. “Are you immortal?”
Chelindra laughed. “No, as I said, I will die of old age.”
Gabriel sighed in dejection. “I was so sure that was the answer.”
“Listen, I do trust you, and you’re not entirely wrong, but I need to adjust to the idea of sharing my secret before I do so. Give me the time I need,” Chelindra pleaded.
“Take all the time you need, I am content to wait upon you,” Gabriel replied. Just then there was a knock on the main door to the suite, and a page entered.
“King Collin would like to see you.”

Go To Chapter 4 

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