
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Amadea and the Divinity Blade - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

“Finally!” Zira exclaimed as they approached a village just thick with monsters. “After we seal this one – there’ll be just one left!”
Amadea looked around for the doorway, and her companions searched the village for anyone that needed help. While they did find some corpses, there wasn’t more than a handful, which made them hopeful that most of the villagers had escaped to safety.
“Imperial Majesty!” A soldier shouted to gain their attention. “We’ve been fighting the monsters as best we can, but there’re just too many of them. Now that you are here, we hope to finally clear up this area.”
Zephyr returned from surveying the area. He and Cirrus hovered about two feet above the ground. “I’m thankful that there is a full regiment of soldiers around, because this place is host to every type of demon imaginable! You name it, it’s here!”
Amadea paled. “You don’t suppose…” She shook her head, and made a sign to ward off evil.
Zephyr went to the commander, and gave him all the details about the monster population, and how to handle them. Meanwhile, Luna was electrocuting imps – since she knew that her magic was powerful against them. Notus decided it might be a good idea to test out his new talisman, and was purposely letting a golem punch him repeatedly.
“This is amazing!” He announced excitedly. “Amadea, thank you for this protection. I can barely feel these hits!”
Amadea waved his thanks away, her attention focused on something else. She saw Kyle and Boreus team up against a soul sucker out of the corner of her eye, but she ignored them. She closed her eyes, and barely dared to breathe as she listened intently.
It was faint, but she was almost certain it was there. Please let me be wrong!
Zephyr blew up something next to her with a spirit arrow. “Amadea! Wake up!” He shouted.
She held up her hand to stop him from shouting at her, and continued to track the noise with her eyes closed. Now that she knew it was there, the hardest part was doing something about it. She had to concentrate even harder.
Cumulus flew around her, attacking the monsters that tried to take advantage of her distraction. Even so, there was only so much the flying horse could do.
“AMADEA!” Zephyr screamed, jumping off his horse to defend his wife from a berserker intent on beheading her.
“There!” Amadea finally opened her eyes, and looked to where she pointed. Kyle and Boreus were back to back, and she quickly aimed a levitation spell at them. She purposely added more power than necessary to the spell in order to fling them high into the air. Had she been even one second later, the two of them would likely be dead.
“What is that?!” Luna shrieked, pointing at the giant worm-like monster confusedly searching for its missing meal.
Zephyr well remembered the last time he had seen one, and quickly shot it with a spirit arrow. Thankfully, the monster exploded, and he looked up to see if Amadea had released the spell on his brother and Kyle. The two were still floating, and Amadea had her eyes closed once more.
He glanced at the berserker he had managed to pin to the ground with a boulder. So far, the boulder was holding it down, but it had at least one companion headed this way.
“Oh Gods!” Amadea gasped. There were too many demon worms to track, and they all seemed close to choosing a victim. “Everyone! Get off the ground!
Cirrus was smart enough to offer Notus a lift, and Luna followed orders by levitating. They urged non-magic using soldiers to climb trees, and were relieved to see that at least half of the soldiers could levitate or float.
The worms all chose a monster as their victim, and snatched them. Amadea sensed one nearby, and prayed that they all had one nest; otherwise eradicating them was going to be nearly impossible. She jumped up and down to gain the monster’s attention, and Zephyr barely had time to gasp, “No!” before his wife was taken away.
He resisted the urge to run after her, and concentrated on shooting the ones that surfaced to seize a meal. Luna figured that if his spirit arrow was effective, then her lightning should be, and bravely landed to help. They stood back to back shooting as many of the humongous worms as they could.
“Please be safe,” Zephyr chanted a prayer. Meanwhile, Boreus and Kyle were wondering how to end Amadea’s levitation spell. They could do almost nothing from this height. Kyle soon discovered that he could manipulate the spell as if he had cast it, and quickly flew down to take a monster by surprise.
Amadea didn’t resist when the snake-like appendage pulled her into its stomach, and waited until the demon worm stopped moving. Then, she used her trusty Divinity Blade to rip it open. She inspected the nest, and discovered that there simply wasn’t room for all of the monsters, but it did look like quite a few of them shared this living space. Wanting to conserve as much strength as possible, she tried out several spells until she found the one that killed them using as little energy as possible.
She took the time to send the dead ones to Amethyst, and then explored the multitude of tunnels the monsters had created. It was pitch black, so she didn’t need to close her eyes to concentrate, but she did so anyway. She focused on the small noises the worms made, and hunted them until she was fairly certain she had gotten them all.
Time passed strangely. She stopped to rest whenever she was fairly certain she was safe, and as a result, she had no idea how long it actually took her to eradicate all of the demon worms. It felt like days went by, but at the same time, she was certain that only hours could have actually passed.
She also had no idea how far she traveled. The nests all seemed to be concentrated in one area, but as many times as she had to travel back and forth through the tunnels to be certain they were clear, she could have traveled miles. It was very disorienting, and she deeply appreciative that there seemed to be vents to keep her air supply plentiful.
At one point, she stalked a particularly nasty stench to a huge cavern. She was horrified to realize that the cavern was packed full of wriggling baby demon worms, and a gigantic mama worm. The Queen worm took offense to Amadea’s presence, and tried to bite her head off.
Amadea instinctively dodged, and wondered how to ensure that all of the monsters were destroyed without blowing up the ceiling of the cavern and trapping her. Deciding to rely on her Divinity Blade to shield her from their attempts to eat her – and her own impending action – she cast a spell to fill the cavern with water, and then made it boil the monsters until they couldn’t possibly be alive. The Queen worn actually screeched, and thrashed about as if in agony.
Even with her shield, Amadea started to feel overly hot, and used a spell to propel herself out of the cavern. She rested a bit, hoping that she hadn’t done any permanent damage to her body. This thought reminded her to cast a healing spell, then she resumed her hunt.
Eventually, she was reasonably sure that they were all dead, but then her blood ran cold as she realized that she had made a grave mistake! I’m so stupid! Why don’t I ever think these things through?!
Amadea cast a spell to create a tunnel straight up, relying on her shield to protect her from the debris. She crawled out of the ground, and rested for a few moments before looking around. She couldn’t see anyone or anything nearby. More importantly, she couldn’t hear anything either, which meant that her companions were not nearby.
“I must have traveled farther than I thought!” Amadea muttered to herself. No matter how far away she was, she was magically linked to her flying horse, so she called for Cumulous, and decided to nap as she waited.

Go To Chapter 26 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Birthday Present

I looked my husband in the eyes to determine if he was really serious. He had promised me that for my birthday, he would let me do whatever I wanted to do to him. Most people might find this promise normal or even cliché, but my husband knew I had some downright kinky things in mind… things he probably wouldn’t want to do even if someone paid him a huge sum of money. Therefore, his promise was deeply touching.
He nodded at me reassuringly, his eyes letting me know that he intended to keep his promise. I smiled in anticipation. We had sent our kids away for the night and so were home alone… or so he thought.
I fiddled with the rope in my hand. I had made it specially for tonight out of cotton so that it would be strong enough to tie him up without hurting him. He nodded again, but this time I could see the apprehension in his eyes. He trusted me not to hurt him… much.
I gestured for him to get on our bed, and then tied him so that his hands and feet were all tied to a different corner of the bed. Once I was satisfied that he was securely bound and couldn’t escape, I smiled encouragingly, and kissed him. Then, I wrapped a thick blindfold around his head to make sure he couldn’t see anything. I had made this myself as well, and had tested it to make sure it worked.
I chuckled softly; now the fun could begin! I walked to a table on the opposite side of the room and noisily grabbed my massage oil. I planned to thoroughly rub him everywhere but his groin – hoping to provoke a deep sense of sexual frustration.
I returned to my bed, and warmed the oil in my hands. It didn’t take long before my husband responded to my touch. He was pointing at the ceiling in an obvious signal that he was ready for sex.
I looked up to find my friend grinning at me. As arranged, he had stealthily and nakedly entered my room to help me have fun with my husband. I slid off the bed and walked around the room. A moment later, my friend climbed into bed, and started teasing my husband’s shaft with his breath.
Using one finger to tease my husband’s shaft, my friend grinned as my husband squirmed. My beloved groaned in anticipation, and I knew that he was still pretty sure that it was me playing with him. I carefully and silently settled myself into a chair, and checked the video camera sitting on a small dresser next to me. It had a good view, and was recording. It had a full battery, and plenty of memory. I quietly rubbed my hands together as I mentally cackled in glee. We can take our time!
My friend had progressed to licking the erect shaft, and holding it steady with one hand. I eagerly watched as he attempted to swallow it whole, and suppressed a moan. I didn’t want my husband to suspect that we weren’t alone… yet.
I slipped a finger between my lower set of lips, and rubbed my aching little bud slowly. My friend’s head bobbed up and down as he sucked on my husband vigorously. He noticed me out of the corner of his eye a few minutes later, and paused to grin at me. I returned the grin, and nodded permission for him to proceed.
He grabbed the bottle of oil that I had left on the bed, and lubricated my husband’s shaft thoroughly. Then, he rubbed a generous amount of oil on himself, and carefully stood over my husband. Holding his balls and shaft out of the way – so they wouldn’t touch my husband – my friend lowered himself on to the slightly quivering shaft.
My breathing increased, and I had to be very careful not to make any noise. Just watching them was having an intense effect on my body! I was so close to orgasming, and I didn’t want to do so just yet.
My friend bounced and shifted a couple of times, but eventually had my husband’s entire shaft buried deeply inside him. I was breathing fast and hard in excitement now! From this point on, if my husband figured out that there was someone else in the room, there wasn’t much he could do to stop things, so I was a little less careful about making noise, but even so, I tried to keep quiet.
My friend also made sure to keep his noises soft and breathy. Nearly soundless exhalations and pants. It was clear that he was utterly enjoying himself as well! I decided the time was right to wiggle my finger a bit faster, and immediately felt like I was about to melt from the pleasure.
I held my breath to suppress a squeal a moment later as my whole body shook. I felt waves of pleasure wash over me, and continued to rub myself until I just couldn’t handle any more. I quietly exhaled, and then rested for just a moment.
My friend gestured that he was close, and I nodded. Now was the time to let my hubby know that we were not alone. I climbed into bed in an area that I knew wasn’t blocking the camera, and opened my mouth. My friend and I had previously agreed that ejaculating all over my mildly homophobic husband would be completely disrespectful, so I wrapped my lips around my friend’s shaft in order to capture his cum in my mouth.
 He gushed copiously, and I swallowed it. Then, I turned my attention to my husband, raking his chest with my nails. I knew he knew that I had invited a friend by this point, but he didn’t say anything, and I think he was more than half afraid to find out who it was.
I licked my husband’s chest and bit his nipples as my friend continued to ride him. I used my nails to lightly scrap along his sides, and licked his lips. My husband was loudly moaning and groaning by now, and it was obvious that he was really close to cumming.
I leaned back to rub his chest and abdomen with my hands so I could watch his body buck and thrash about. He roared in pleasure – his body arching into a bow shape – and my friend held still – signaling to indicate that my husband was pumping him full.
I grinned, extremely grateful that I had gotten this on camera! This was one of my naughtiest fantasies, and having it come true was sheer bliss! I am so going to watch this video every chance I get!
I handed my friend a hand towel, and watched him savor the lingering pleasure for a moment before rising off my husband’s shaft. He held the towel between his legs to prevent any cum from dribbling out, and then nodded when I indicated that he should leave the room. I knew that he would go clean up in the bathroom, dress, and leave. He also took a moment to stop the camera and take it with him; I didn’t want my husband to demand that I erase the video once he found out what had happened.
I stroked my husband’s body for a few moments to sooth him. He still panted in the aftermath, and appeared to be drowsy. I wondered why he didn’t say anything. He must have questions! Maybe he figured that I wasn’t done with him yet.
I contemplated pulling out my toys and inserting them where I know my husband didn’t want them, but then decided against it. I had pushed him far enough already. Deeming it safe, I removed the blindfold, and kissed along my husband’s jaw line to his ear, up his cheek, and finished by kissing each of his eyes lightly. Finally, I stretched out next to him, and used his shoulder as a pillow.
I wasn’t sleepy at all, and my husband wasn’t quite ready for another round just yet, so I shifted to allow my finger access to my greedy bud once more. I closed my eyes, and relived the previous half an hour as I pleasured myself. My husband chuckled.
“You know, if you untied at least one of my hands, I could help you out with that,” he suggested. I suddenly had a brilliant idea, and cackled deviously.
“Nuh-uh!” I vetoed and then sat up. I straddled him and shifted position until I was practically smothering him. I made sure that he could breathe, and then commanded him to, “Lick me!”
He complied, and used his tongue to reignite the fire in my blood. I moaned and cried out happily, and braced myself with the headboard so that I didn’t suffocate my beloved. His tongue is talented, and always has been. I just love the way he makes me squeal!
I quaked with pleasure, and forgot about safety for a moment as I ground my hips into my husband. “Oh God!” I shouted. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, and collapsed onto the bed next to him.
I recovered for a few minutes, and then decided that it was time to release my poor captive hubby. I’ll admit that the thought of torturing him all night was highly appealing, but I figured that he had probably had enough by now. He wasn’t really into the kinky stuff after all. He liked his sex to be varied in position, but pretty much normal. He would never have agreed to what I did to him if I had actually told him about it first!
Once he was free, he snatched me, and rolled me under him. He tried to kiss me, but I turned my head to the side. He knew I didn’t let him kiss me after he licked me off, so he didn’t question this, but in actuality, I didn’t think it was right for him to kiss me after I had swallowed another man’s cum. I would need to wash my mouth out first!
“I love you,” he whispered in my ear, and I purred in response.
“I love you too,” I replied huskily, already hoping that he planned to impale me and pound me into the bed.
“So… who was that?” He wondered curiously.
I smirked. “That’s a secret!”
“So I was right in that I probably don’t want to know, huh?”
I grinned and nodded.
He plunged inside me forcefully. “That’s punishment for being naughty!” He informed me. I nodded, and dutifully received my sentence. He chose a medium and powerful pace, and banged into me in a way that made me want to squeal. I whispered encouragement, and held him tight.
“Happy Birthday Honey,” he wished when he was done filling me up.
I sighed happily, purring again, and then grinned. “I can’t wait for next year!” I cackled slightly as I mentally rubbed my hands together, and made plans for what I could do to him next time.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Don’t think I’ll let you do this to me again,” he warned.
I tactfully did not say that it didn’t matter if he was willing. He cast me a curious glance.
“So… does this mean that you’ll do whatever I want for my birthday?” He inquired.
The thought of him tying me up and doing anything he wanted made me hot again. “Mmm-hmm!” I agreed.
It was his turn to cackle malevolently, and I snuggled into him. Too bad his birthday was 6 months away!
“We may need to send the kids away for the whole weekend!” He stated, and I grinned. “That way, you’ll have time to clean the entire house and do all the dishes!”
I gasped in faux outrage. “You bastard!” Leave it to my hubby to want a clean house for his birthday! I am so going to have him raped for my next birthday!
He laughed. “I’m imagining it now.” He squeezed me tightly, and I attempted to smack him. I was half laughing, and half trying to kill him for daring to suggest that I clean!
We played around in bed for a good hour after that, before finally deciding to take a nap. I smiled as I drifted off to sleep, thoroughly content.
“No seriously, who was that?”
I giggled softly, but refused to answer. If he still wants to know after our nap, I’ll tell him, but for now, it was better if he just continued to imagine that it was Angelina Jolie.

This particular story is based off of MY fantasies, my real ones. Yes, my hubby does know what I'd love to do to him, and he positively refuses, grr!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Selfish Desire

That guy was just so hot! I know I’m not the only girl who wants to go out with him, but there’s something strange about him. I mean it, he’s downright weird!
He’s probably 16 – the same as me – but he acts like an adult in a way. He never talks to anyone in school, no matter who tries to talk to him, but he gets texts and calls on his cell all the time. He almost gives off the aura of someone who runs a business, and believe me, I should know.
My mom recently married a new man. He’s got tons of money, and runs a large business. Just watching him talking with someone about work related things – almost constantly – gives me a headache! I have absolutely no desire to go into business someday, and that just makes me curious as to why this boy already acts this way. Dying of curiosity, in fact!
I revise my previous statement, I don’t actually want to go out with him, I really just want to get to know him, and maybe be his friend. If nothing else, thinking about him managed to get my mind off of other things for a few minutes. Things I really shouldn’t be thinking about anyway…
My entire conundrum started three months ago when my mom married her new husband, and we moved into his huge house. She told me straight out on her wedding day that she didn’t truly love him, and that she was just marrying him for his money. He apparently has no problem with this, and because she signed a generous prenuptial agreement, he’ll remain married to her for as long as she wants. He’s been married before, and doesn’t really expect her to stick it out too long.
“But mom!” I protested when I heard that. “How can you? That’s just wrong!”
My mom had smiled at me as if I would understand one day. “Don’t worry honey. I’ll be able to quit my job and live it up, and you… You’ll get to go to any college you want. He’ll pay for it.”
I was speechless! So, in essence, she was saying that we were both using this guy! I felt sick!
After they returned from their honeymoon, I wanted to apologize for my mother’s selfishness and greed, but the moment I got close to him, I grew strangely tongue-tied, and my heart started pounding. I felt like I was having a panic attack, but I haven’t had one of those since my father died!
It’s been months now, and I still can’t seem to get close to him or have any sort of conversation with him. It never fails, I always end up muttering like an idiot, and I think he has given up on trying to be nice to me. Now he mostly ignores me, and it’s sad because I can’t stop thinking about him!
School let out for the day, and I decided to walk to the mall. I had a large allowance now, and could actually shop if I wanted, but I couldn’t bring myself to waste money like that. My cell rang before I even got there.
“Hi mom,” I answered it.
“Hi Honey! I just got off the phone with your father –”
Step,” I insisted, and my mother sighed.
“Step-father, and he agreed with me. I think that you and I should go on a mini vacation. Your school is out for 5 days right, now until Tuesday?”
“Yeah,” I admitted. “We have Monday off, but return Tuesday.” I clarified, but then realized that she already knew that when she specified 5 days off.
“Great! So, let’s go to a posh resort with a spa and pamper ourselves!” My mom suggested excitedly.
I sighed. “Mom, I have way too much homework,” I lied. “And besides, I’m sure you’ll have more fun without me. You know I don’t get into that kind of stuff.”
It was my mom’s turn to sigh, again. “Please, just this once… I already told your father that we’re on our way.”
“STEP,” I ground out angrily. “And no! I don’t want to go!”
“Ok, then I guess I’ll see you Monday night,” mom replied in sad defeat.
“See you then,” I responded civilly, and hung up my phone.
It took me another block and a half before the full impact of this situation hit me. I’m going to be home alone with my step-father! Oh my God! I should call my mom back and tell her I’ll go after all, but I wasn’t lying when I said I really didn’t want to. Instead, I wasted time at the mall, and treated myself to dinner at a spendy restaurant.
I finally returned home, and immediately hid in my room. It was after 7 now, and I was certain that my step-father wouldn’t emerge from his office or bedroom either. I don’t know why I freaked out earlier. It’s not like we were even going to see each other during the next couple of days.
I lay on my bed trying not to think of anything at all, when suddenly, the entirely much too loud doorbell rang. I frowned, and opened my door a crack. From here, I had a good view of the stairs, the main entryway, and an area where people could get comfortable while waiting. To me it looked like a living room, but apparently it was too “small” to be a proper living room – such as the huge room closer to the dining room, oi!
My step-father opened the door just when I thought no one else was home after all, and was about to go see who it was myself. I was astonished to see the weird boy from my school! What’s he doing here?
“Hello Mister,” the boy greeted with a strange – overly innocent – grin and tone of voice. “I’m Julian, and I’m here to serve you tonight.”
I noticed that he was carrying a black duffle bag, and wore clothes that someone half his age might wear. What the hell is going on here?! I scratched my head.
“Excellent! My wife and her daughter are out of town for the next few days, so I hope you’ll be willing to stay for the weekend at least,” my step father said after directing the boy – Julian – to the not living room and shutting the door.
“Sure, no problem!” Julian grinned, and once again I was struck by how different his expression was from what I had seen at school. I surreptitiously used my cell phone camera – which was top of the line and good quality – to take a picture of him. Maybe I could use this picture as a bargaining chip to get him to talk to me in school next week.
“So, I specified what I wanted. Are you sure you can handle it?” My step-father asked.
“Oh yeah! I’ve get this request a lot,” Julian assured him, and I was dying to know what they were talking about.
Julian unzipped the duffle bag. “I have everything you’ll need right here.”
My step-father bent to inspect the contents of the bag, and then cackled. What the???
“Get undressed,” he ordered.
“You sure? You don’t want to tear my clothes off me?” Julian wondered calmly.
“No… I just want to watch you, but I also want you to act like you are shy and this is your first time.”
“Got it!” Julian agreed immediately, and began to remove his clothes.
I was in shock, but for some reason, rather than gather up the courage to protest, I held up my cell phone, and started capturing a video clip. I had enough memory that they could do whatever they were doing for over an hour before it ran out, but I sincerely hoped that they wouldn’t take that long! In fact, I rather hoped that this would turn out to be some kind of joke!
“Don’t look Mister! It’s embarrassing!” Julian pretended to protest. His face was actually a lovely shade of red – from what I could tell.
Once he was naked, my step-father pulled a long rope out of the bag, and leered at my classmate. Just what does he plan to do with that?
“No Mister! Anything but that!” The boy’s acting ability was good, but his lines were too cheesy to be believable! I took as good of a look as I could of his naked body. It was the first time I had seen one that wasn’t on TV. Not that I could see him well from here.
Hey! What do you know? I can zoom in on this video! I did that, and found that I could see things much more clearly now.
My step-father tied the boy up in a way that looked highly uncomfortable. His hands were bound to his ankles – which were wide apart – and the rope was wrapped around his chest as well, which made it impossible for Julian to move. The more I see, the more this looks like some perverted sex scene from a porno!
If I didn’t already know he was at least 16, I’d swear right now that Julian was only 12 or 13. This made me frown. He had arrived wearing younger clothes, and acted like a shy little boy. Was this really what my step-father was into???
Both of them had their profile to me, and that was actually perfect. I could see everything in detail. Even when my step-father unzipped his pants, and exposed his hard – Oh my God, oh my God! He just stuck it in that boy’s mouth!
I could hear sounds of protest, but I could also clearly see that Julian knew how to suck on a dick. So not fair! I want to be the one in Julian’s place right now!
I did not just think that!
I shifted from one foot to the other, and squirmed uncomfortably. I was incredibly hot right now, and my underwear was uncomfortably wet. Had I peed without realizing it?
Something strange happened a few minutes later. Julian’s cheeks suddenly puffed out a bit, and something dribbled out of his mouth. I had to think this over carefully, but then I felt my cheeks go red when I realized what had just happened. Strangely… I still wanted to be in Julian’s place.
“Shall I touch you here?” My step-father taunted, tracing Julian’s hardness with his finger.
Julian was panting in excitement. “No Mister! Anywhere but there!”
“Is that so? Then, what about here?”
I saw him insert a finger tip inside Julian’s butt, and I crossed my legs and tried to hold the camera steady. I zoomed in just a bit more.
“Not there!” Julian cried out, and my step-father laughed almost evilly.
“I think that is the perfect spot.”
I watched my step-father squirt a couple drops of oil or something on Julian’s butt, and then work his dick inside the boy. I couldn’t help but think of Julian as a boy at this point since he had taken great care to pretend to be one. Watching him be used like this was… exciting!
I really wish I had listened to my friends when they all suggested that I order a “toy” from a website! After they were done here, I am so going to have to figure out how to get rid of this feeling. This burning, aching, desperately needy feeling!
Time passed, and I was about to abandon my camera work in order to dive into my bed, when I heard my step-father groan loudly. I squinted at the camera, and realized that Julian had produced a small fountain of creamy goo, and my step-father was now buried as far inside him as possible. Oh! I get it!
I watched them pant and lay in a heap for a few moments, and then stopped recording them. It seems that the fun was probably over now. I’m going to have to go online and find something to watch to show me how to take care of my own situation now, because damn! I am on fire with the desire to have sex right now!
“Here, let me untie you, and then we’ll go to my spare bedroom and rest for a bit before starting over,” my step-father informed him. I wanted to cry at how unfair it is that this boy got to do all these things instead of me!
“Sure, but first, I need my payment. I need to call in that I have received it, and then let them know that I’ll be staying for a while,” Julian explained.
“No problem.”
My jaw hung open as I watched him hand Julian a thick wad of cash. I’d be willing to bet there was at least 5000 dollars there! No wonder Julian seemed like an adultish businessman! He pretty much is!
Soon enough, the two of them disappeared, and I was left alone to think about what had just happened. I stripped, climbed in bed, and played the approximately half hour long video clip. My hand gravitated towards the spot that ached the most, and I found that rubbing it felt insanely good.
Mom… do you know what kind of man you married? This is probably why none of his previous marriages lasted. His ex-wives probably found out that he like to pay teenaged boys to have sex with him. Right now… I kind of wish I was a boy…
Ok, so I admit it! I’ve had the hots for him since he married my mom, but can you blame me? The man is in his 40’s sure, but he is very good looking and he smells incredible! I like to stand behind him just to breathe in his wonderful scent. I can’t get him out of my mind, and now that I’ve seen him have sex, I just want him even more!
Never having touched myself before, I wasn’t sure what to do or when to stop, but I think I probably watched that video 3 times before I got too sensitive to go on. Thankfully, I fell asleep!
In the morning, I woke up while it was still dark out – which is unusual for me. I rolled over to go back to sleep, but had to go to the bathroom. Aha, so that’s why I am awake! I did my business, and then noticed a light on as I returned to my room.
I softly snuck up on the light, and found Julian in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge. I squeezed my cell phone, and then realized that I was one of those girls that even brought my phone to the bathroom with me in the middle of the night. When had I turned into that kind of girl?
I was wearing a robe, so I knew I wasn’t showing anything inappropriate, and maybe that made me bold. I knew I had seen him naked, but he wouldn’t see me. I don’t know exactly why I gained confidence, but I do know that I went temporarily insane.
“Hi,” I greeted, entering the kitchen.
He squeaked. “I was told no one else was home.”
“I’m not supposed to be home, but I am,” I replied with a shrug.
“You’re taking the discovery of a strange guy in your home rather well,” he remarked.
“I knew you were here,” I informed him with a grin.
“Ah… so you saw…”
I nodded, and then took a deep breath. Here goes! “I even caught it on camera… I want you to do me a favor.”
I could tell by the look on his face that he was angry and smart enough to at least hear me out. I waited for him to ask me what I wanted, but his expression changed.
“I know you! You’re in one of my classes!”
“Yep,” I replied with a grin. “And unless you want me to show this to the people at school, you’ll do what I want.” I played a bit of the video for him.
“Okay… So… what do you want?”
I paused to try to calm my pounding heart. “I want to take your place.”
“What?” He asked, slightly shaking his head as if he didn’t think he’d heard me right.
“My mother married him for all the wrong reasons, and ever since then, I… Well, anyway, I want to take your place. Not just that, I need your help. I don’t want him to know it’s me.” This last part I grumbled a bit shyly.
“O…kay…” It was clear he hadn’t expected me to say that. He snorted a soft laugh. “You’re in luck. I tied him up and blindfolded him, and then told him to wait for me. It heightens the anticipation… Anyway, he won’t know who is doing him unless you do something to prove you’re a girl.”
“Which room is he in?” I demanded in excitement.
Julian pointed and I rushed back to my room to load the contents of my phone onto my computer. Now that the memory was clear, I changed the settings for night vision, and then entered the right room. I looked around for the best spot, and then set the cellphone/camera up so that it had a clear view. Then I discarded my robe, and started it recording video.
I had a pretty good idea of what to do thanks to what I had seen earlier, and then what I had imagined, so I decided to just do it before I lost my nerve. I crawled into the bed, and was glad that it was dark enough that I couldn’t clearly see him.
“About time you returned.”
I wanted to gasp in surprise, but I suppressed it. Knowing that he’s awake made this seem all the more real. I took a deep breath, and bent to take him in my mouth. He tasted clean, and I was grateful that they had apparently made use of the jaccuzzi in the corner of the room.
Imaging what to do and doing it are two completely different things. I thought I would be good at this, but in actuality, my mouth started to hurt pretty quickly. At least he responded by getting hard before I gave up. I admired how well he was tied, and shifted so that I straddled him. Even if he figured out who I was, there was no way he could stop me now!
I was strangely wet between my legs again, and used this fact to slide down his shaft. There was a sharp pain, and I gasped and paused, but then it was gone.
“Who are you?” He asked, since I obviously wasn’t Julian. I opted not to answer.
I carefully slid up and down a few times to see how well I could, and then wondered how to ride him so that he felt good. I let my body take over, and concentrated on rubbing myself as I bounced. This felt pretty damn good!
He started moaning, and struggled against his bonds a little. “So tight! So good! I wish I could grab your hips and pound into you!”
That made me smile, but he wouldn’t shut up about it, so I leaned forward a bit, and covered his mouth with my free hand. Better! I already knew I was close to orgasming – thank God I had practiced that earlier! – but I couldn’t tell how close he was. He was bucking under me in a way that made it hard for me to actually move, but also helped us both climax.
I cried out in pleasure as he grunted – almost shouted really. Then, I collapsed onto his body, and rested for a minute. Oh his smell! It drives me crazy! I inhaled it deeply, and then licked his neck. He chuckled, and I realized I had to leave the room before he demanded I untie him.
I kissed him quickly and lightly on his lips, un-impaled myself, grabbed my robe and cell phone, and rushed out of the room. I grinned at Julian – who was waiting in the hall.
I whispered to him. “Thank you! You can go in now. Please don’t tell him who I am. Pretend you don’t know. I’m just some girl who blackmailed you for this favor, okay?”
“Sure thing,” he shrugged. I ran back to my room.
I did it! I jumped up in triumph, and congratulated myself. No matter what happens now, he will always be the first man I had sex with. That’s enough for me. I loaded the video onto my computer, and watched it.
“Hmm…” I murmured to myself. “My video looks pretty boring compared to Julian’s…”
Even so, it made me hot again, and I quickly turned my computer off so that I could dive into bed. I thankfully ran out of energy fairly quickly, and fell back to sleep.
“Are you awake?” Julian asked.
I moaned, and stretched. My motion inadvertently exposed my breasts, but I didn’t think to care. “I’m awake now,” I mumbled.
“He’s left to do some business – a meeting or something – and won’t be back until tonight. He told me to stay here and entertain myself, but I’m bored,” Julian confessed.
I yawned and sat up, half remembering to hold my blanket to me. “Bored? What do you want me to do about it?”
“I figured we could talk,” Julian explained.
“About…?” I wondered, a bit more awake now.
“To be honest, I’m dying to know why you want your step-dad so bad,” Julian stated.
I shrugged. “When I figure that out, I let you know.”
“That was your first time, wasn’t it?” Julian inquired.
I blushed and looked away as I whispered. “Yeah.”
“I figured, otherwise I’m sure you could have found another way to do what you wanted. He doesn’t seem like the type to turn down sex from anyone,” Julian mused.
It made sense when he said it, so I simply nodded. “What about you? Why are you having sex with him?” I wondered curiously.
He hesitated, obviously considering what to say. “A few months ago, my parents were in an accident, and my dad died. Meanwhile, my mom is in the hospital on life support. Her medical bills are enormous, and our insurance only pays about 80% of them. Throw in my father’s funeral expense, and the fact that I need to support myself and figure out a way to pay for college someday…” He shrugged as if to say what else can I do?
I felt just plain horrible now! Here I was griping at my mom for marrying for money rather than love, and lusting after my own step-father, and all the while I was oblivious to the fact that some people have real problems. I felt a tear slide down my cheek.
“Don’t feel too bad for me,” he warned. “I’m lucky because I have looks and I actually enjoy my work. I think I would have gotten into this field sooner or later anyway.”
“Okay,” I agreed to appease him, and wiped the tears from my eyes. I took a breath to banish new ones from falling. “You hungry?”
“Actually, I made breakfast for the both of us. It’s not anything fancy – just bacon and eggs.”
I smiled. “That’s actually my favorite.”
I pretty much abandoned all sense of modesty at that point, and threw my blanket aside so I could get out of bed.
“Well that was unexpected,” Julian muttered. “I am still a guy, you know.”
“Says the boy that didn’t seem interested in the slightest when I stretched and flashed my tits. I guess it doesn’t really matter because 1: I saw you naked, and 2: I don’t have the kind of money you’d earn, so sex is out of the question anyway, right?” I reasoned.
“Both technically true, but that doesn’t seem to matter to certain parts of my anatomy,” he replied, and then decided to look somewhere other than at me. I kind of liked that he found my body attractive.
I dressed in the first pair of yoga pants and cami that I could find. I didn’t put on a pair of underwear because I was suddenly too embarrassed to think that he might see my drawer full of plain white, not sexy at all, cotton undies. Note to self: buy some panties from Victoria’s Secret!
I realized that he was not wearing what he arrived in yesterday, but instead, he wore a black muscle tee – or was it called a wife beater? – and a pair of lounge pants that looked like full-length plaid boxers. I need to browse the men’s clothing section one of these days so that I know what the hell these things are called!
We walked to the kitchen, both agreeing that it would be ridiculous to eat in the huge dining room when it’s just the two of us. We sat at the small table normally reserved for the small staff of servants. They weren’t here today, and I guessed they all had the weekend off so that they wouldn’t find out about Julian.
A thought occurred to me as I noisily enjoyed my bacon. “Wait, didn’t the state want to remove you from your home?” I’d always heard that anyone under the age of 18 had to be looked after, either by relatives or the state.
“Well yes, but my mom’s sister took legal responsibility for me. So long as I don’t do anything wrong – that she knows of – I get to live in my house, and visit my mom whenever I want, rather than move in with her. She’s in a different state, and I don’t want to abandon my mom…”
I nodded. “It’s good that she’s willing to help you like that.”
“Yes,” he agreed. “But there’s only so much she can do. It’s not like she’s rich.”
I felt guilty again. “I’m not rich either, or at least I wasn’t. This money isn’t mine, it’s his…”
Julian grinned. “Lucky you!”
I looked at my plate, my face clearly expressing my sadness. “Yeah, lucky me… but what about him? It can’t feel good to know that the woman you married only wants to be with you because of money. I was so mad at my mom when she told me that!”
“Even so, at least he’s not alone,” Julian stated, and I realized he was right. Maybe I like feeling bad for people or something because I keep doing it even though there’s probably no need.
Julian and I finished our breakfast, washed the dishes, and migrated to the room dedicated to entertainment. It had a huge TV, a stereo, an X-box, a PS3, and a Wii, among other things. I had never really come in this room before, but it seemed like the best way to waste time.
My mom called to chat for a bit, and I assured her I was fine. She told me that she had completely forgotten to call her husband, and would I please tell him that she’s having fun. I agreed without any intention of complying, and then told her not to worry about us.
Eventually, my step-father called Julian’s cell to inform the boy that he’d be home soon. I listened to the short conversation, and felt the wheels in my mind start to turn. As soon as Julian hung up, I grinned at him.
“What?” Julian wondered.
“When did he say he’ll be home?”
“In 10 minutes,” Julian answered.
“Come with me!” I dragged him after me to the room they had occupied last night. It still smelled of sex, and I got more excited than ever. “Tie me up!”
What?!” Julian demanded incredulously.
“I have a mask that I’ll go get. Then I want you to tie me up like you were,” I stated.
“You’re messing with my job here,” Julian informed me almost angrily. “If he comes home and doesn’t like what he finds, I could get into serious trouble!”
“You said it yourself, he’s not the type to turn down sex from anyone, so why would he get mad. He may even think that it’s an extra service or something. Please,” I begged.
Julian chuckled and shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re talking me into this! I actually did tell him that you were a new girl thrown in by the service for free so that you could practice on some clients before taking your own. He might buy that again…”
“Thank you!” I squealed happily, and raced to get my mask. It was one of those that only covered the top half of my face, but it also covered my hair. It had a bad blond wig attached, but I didn’t need to look good wearing it.
When I returned, Julian was holding the rope. “We don’t have much time left.”
“I know,” I agreed, and stripped, kicking my clothes under the bed.
“You are so weird!” Julian remarked, probably because I was pretty much asking a boy I don’t really know to tie me up while naked.
“I thought the same about you,” I admitted.
He merely nodded and then got to work. It was easier for me to withstand while on the soft bed, but still… Having my wrists tied to my ankles and then a rope wrapped around my chest – in a way that exposed my breasts… It was the strangest thing I have ever done!
We heard my step-father come home, and Julian quickly made sure my mask was in place.
“Turn my cell phone on to record, and then set it over there!” I insisted in an urgent whisper, and he rushed to comply. We were out of time now, and Julian had to dive under the bed to hide.
“Well well! If it isn’t the bonus from last night… I know just what to do with you.”
His voice was almost sinister, and it made me shiver in anticipation. I whimpered. He undressed, and climbed into bed.
The first thing he did was to bite both my nipples, causing me to squirm in protest. Then, he plunged right in, and I am so glad that I was prepared for him. I think that would have hurt had I not been so wet and ready. Even so, it was a bit strange that I was literally helpless, and all he was doing to me was basic intercourse.
I moaned, and struggled against my bonds. I now knew exactly what he meant last night when he said he wished he was free to hold on, because I longed to dig my nails into his back. His thrusts started to feel incredible, and I sounded like I was half crying.
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” I panted softly, trying to be quiet. I didn’t want to risk him recognizing my voice. For an older man, he sure took his time! After a while, I began to fear that the memory on my phone would run out!
He randomly bit my nipples, or pinched my hips, and it all combined to drive me crazy! I started almost screaming as I felt my inner muscles ripple around his shaft. I desperately wanted to be able to shove my hands in my mouth to muffle the sound coming from me.
He announced his own orgasm, and I felt the hot wetness fill me up. I tried to relax in as much as I could while on my back, my arms at my sides, my legs bent and wide apart so that my ankles and wrists were together, and a rope wrapped around part of my arms and chest. I wondered if he would automatically untie me now, or if I would have to wait for him to fall asleep, and have Julian stealthily do it.
Oh God! Julian was still under the bed, and had heard all that! I could just die of embarrassment!
My step-father settled himself atop me, still partially inside me, and kissed my lips. I wanted to melt into a puddle of happiness right then and there! Before I realized what he was doing, he gently brushed the mask off with one of his hands. I turned my head to the side, breaking free from his kiss.
“No! Don’t look!” I insisted.
Shyanne?!” He blurted out my name incredulously. Ah crap! It was clearly not dark enough in the room to hide my identity.
“No,” I lied, my voice shaking unconvincingly. “You must have me confused with someone else.”
“Right,” he stated in a way that made it obvious he didn’t believe me. “Please tell me that you aren’t actually a new girl in that service.”
“I’m not,” I confessed honestly.
“Then what is going on?” He wondered.
“I didn’t want to go with mom, and when I saw what happened yesterday… I wanted so badly to do it too, so I insisted that that boy let me have a turn. I wasn’t going to tell you!” I ended with a promise. I really hadn’t intended to complicate his life with this.
“O…kay… but why?”
I didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know… I just wanted you to be the fir…” I couldn’t actually say that out loud, and blushed.
“Aha! So I was right about that!” He grinned as if I had just confirmed his suspicions. I noticed that for all his shock, he was taking this news rather well. In fact, I think he was hard again. He definitely felt bigger inside me than he had a minute ago.
“Um…” I murmured hesitantly. “If you’re going to do it again, can you please untie me? It’s fun, but I’m starting to hurt.”
“Oh… so you mean that I don’t get to do whatever I want to you all night after all,” he remarked with a grin.
I blushed even harder. “You… can… but…” Please untie me first! I didn’t say that because I figured that doing anything he wanted implied that he could keep me exactly the way I am if he liked.
“It’s ok. I’ll untie you,” he told me, and then did as promised, managing to do so without pulling out of me. I sighed in relief, and stretched out under him.
“Once more, and then I am going to take a shower. After that, I want to spend the rest of the night with the boy I paid for.”
I nodded. This time, I got to wrap my arms around him, and breathe in his scent. He moved in and out of me in a way that seemed almost… loving… I cherished every moment of it. I also got him to kiss me some more, and explored his mouth with my tongue.
This time, when we cried out together, I felt like the whole world was shaking. I held him to me as we rested for a few moments, and then he got out of bed completely.
“Like I said, I’m going to go take a shower,” he reiterated. I nodded in response, and watched him leave the room.
Julian emerged from under the bed. “Finally!”
“Sorry,” I apologized softly, and accepted the clothes he held out for me. I wish I had my robe instead, but got dressed anyway.
“Are you okay?” Julian asked.
“Yeah, I’m just incredibly tired,” I answered, and grabbed my phone. It flashed a warning that it was low on memory, but still recorded, so I guess the whole thing had lasted just over an hour. It had seemed like much longer.
“To him, it’s just sex,” Julian warned, sensing my disappointment that I was told to leave them alone for the night. “Don’t get too attached to him.”
“It’s far too late for that,” I whispered.
“Go on,” Julian gestured towards the door with his head. “We’ll talk more later.”
I nodded, went to my room, and fell right to sleep. This was good since it kept me from imagining what they were doing, and rubbing myself raw.
The next morning, I woke to find Julian sleeping on the lazy boy recliner next to my bed. I yawned loudly, and stretched. Man! My body is sore!
Julian woke, and yawned too. “Sorry, I didn’t meant to fall asleep in your room, but I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“I can imagine,” I replied with a wry grin.
“Anyway, he left for a couple of hours to play golf or something, and he asked me to be gone when he gets back, so I guess this is good-bye.”
I frowned. “Wait; at least eat breakfast before you go. I’ll make ham and sausage omelets,” I offered.
“Sounds good,” he accepted with a grin.
I grabbed my cell phone from the charger. “Can I have your number?”
He hesitated, and then replied, “Sure.”
I typed it in my phone as he recited it, and then texted him so that he had my number on his phone.
“I want to sit with you during lunch on Tuesday,” I informed him, and he gave me a funny look.
“Well, we’re friends now, aren’t we?” I pointed out. He smiled.
“Yeah, I guess we are. I haven’t really had a friend in quite some time,” Julian admitted.
“I can imagine,” I smirked, understanding how it would be hard to have friends when he was probably too afraid that they would find out about his secret – highly illegal – job.
“You know what? You can even pretend to be my girlfriend,” he suggested. “People are going to assume that anyway, and then we can have fun being all flirty in school.”
I laughed. “I think I’d like that! All of my girlfriends are going to just hate me for managing to snag you!”
We ate breakfast, and then hung out playing video games for a while, but soon he had to leave. I took the opportunity to shower, and was completely surprised when my step-father joined me. Good timing, I guess!
He stood behind me, and wrapped his arms around my chest. He lightly sucked on my neck, and I was ready to melt and be washed down the drain! I felt him poking into me, and shifted to make it easier for him to enter me.
“You know,” he murmured thrusting into me slowly. “I’ve been married 3 times – prior to your mother – and not one of them could understand my strange sexual appetites. You, on the other hand, don’t seem to mind at all.”
“Maybe it’s because I must have strange sexual preferences myself,” I replied. “I am totally hot for a man more than twice my age after all.”
He chuckled. “True!” I was pressed into the wall at this point, and found it hard to concentrate on what he was saying. Oh yes! Harder!
“You probably don’t know this, but I have made all my wives get on some form of birth control. It occurred to me that you probably aren’t,” he said. His tone was far too sexy for what he was discussing, so it took me a moment to process it.
“OH MY GOD!” I burst out when it hit me. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about that!”
He laughed, still thrusting into me. In fact, he was doing so faster, and it felt wonderful! I wondered how he could concentrate on sex and a conversation!
“I actually don’t mind. I rather like the thought of getting you pregnant.”
I felt entirely mixed emotions about that, but it was too late to dwell on them now. He had already cum inside me several times, and judging by his grunting, was doing so again. I was shocked to find my body responding to him so easily – I orgasmed just because he had!
“What do we do now?” I wondered when I could think again.
He started sucking on my neck again. “I think it’s best to wait and see what happens… Or are you talking about going to bed and getting dirty?”
I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. I was dazed by the possibilities for several moments, but finally managed to get my mind back on the topic at hand. “Um… both?” Okay, so I wasn’t thinking clearly yet!
“I like the way you think!” He grinned, turned the shower off, and carried me to bed.
By the time that my mom came home on Monday, I had literally had so much sex that it was no longer new to me. I could manage to keep a straight face, and pretend like nothing was out of the ordinary. My mom knew something was up anyway.
“What’s with you? You’re glowing!” She remarked as we ate dinner.
“I’m really happy,” I grinned. “I found a boyfriend!”
“That’s wonderful honey!” My mom gushed. “Tell me all about him.”
“He’s in my class, and I’ve been interested in him for a while. We met up this weekend unexpectedly, and we found we had a lot in common.” Wow! I was actually kind of good at this lying thing!
My step-father frowned. “I didn’t know you went to school with that boy.”
“You met him? That’s good, it means that she wasn’t here alone with him,” my mom remarked.
I blushed in total embarrassment. “Mom!” I growled. She laughed.
“It’s okay, honey, I was young once too.”
I decided to stop her from droning on and on about the passion of youth, by being embarrassingly honest. “Mom, seriously, I did not have sex with Julian, and I’m not planning to, so you can just stop talking about it right now.”
“If you say so,” my mom smirked, obviously of the opinion that things might happen whether I plan them to or not.
I exhaled in relief that I managed to dodge that bullet. I was half certain that my mom would say, “Oh really, but your body looks like you had sex, so who was it with?”
Guilt guilt guilt! I finished eating as quickly as possible, and excused myself. “I have homework to do.”
The next day – as I walked to school – I found Julian waiting for me. “I figured you’d walk this way,” he informed me.
“Good morning,” I smiled at him. We had texted back and forth all weekend after he left, so he knew that my mom was home – among other things – and I knew that he had been assigned a different client for the rest of the weekend.
He pulled my arm through his, and even offered to carry my bag as we walked. He must have really meant it when he said we’d be all flirty! I laughed.
“None of my clients are female,” he stated unexpectedly.
“Why not?” I wondered.
“I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s because I look young for my age. Women go for good-looking college aged guys who work out. Men go for the ones that look like me,” he explained.
“So you’ve never…?”
“Nope, not with a woman anyway. As much as I enjoy my job, and get paid an insane amount of money for doing it, I’ve always been attracted to girls – not guys.”
“Then why do it?” I questioned. “It has to be hard to let someone you’re not even attracted to do that…” I opted not to go into detail in case someone was listening.
“Surprisingly no,” Julian replied with a shrug.
“You do know that just about every girl in school would love to get in your pants, right?” I pointed out.
“Maybe, but I am not in the right career for a serious relationship, and I get enough at work that I don’t want to have a girlfriend just for sex, if you know what I mean.”
“That makes sense,” I nodded.
“Even so, I wonder what it would be like…” he trailed off suggestively.
“Oh no!” I nipped that in the bud immediately. “I don’t mind flirting or even making out, but I am not going to have sex with anyone else just yet.”
“That’s an interesting way to say it,” he laughed. “Makes it sound like you plan to do so in the future.”
“Plan? No. I am just trying to be realistic. I doubt I’ll be wife number 5, and he doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to divorce my mom so that we can be in an official relationship, so… I guess that it’s probably over now. In any case, I don’t want to cheat on him until I know for certain that he doesn’t want me anymore.”
Julian shook his head, and rolled his eyes. “For someone willing to blackmail a guy to get what she wants, you sure are meek and accepting.”
“I know,” I murmured. We were at school now, and people were staring at us. Even I had to admit that we were an unlikely couple. Julian brushed his hand along my cheek.
 I knew his reasons for wanting a pretend relationship, but I hadn’t told him that I used him as an excuse for acting all love-struck around my mom. This pretend relationship was highly beneficial to me too. He was the only one that new my secret, and I knew his. He had been right to suggest that we play it up at school!
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yep,” I stated. He pulled me close and kissed me. It was enjoyable, and lasted at least a full minute, but didn’t make me lose track of time or see stars.
“See you at lunch,” he said, smirking. I watched him walk away with a secret smile.
My posse of friends mobbed me a moment later. “You’re going out with Julian?!” They demanded.
I nodded with a grin – the kind of grin that let them think we were doing more than just going out.
“No way!!!” It was all giggles and demands to know everything after that, but the warning bell rang, and we all had to rush to class.
My weekend occupied my thoughts all throughout class, and I am sure I had a telling expression on my face. Man! My life has certainly taken a turn towards the strange side, but I honestly like it. I rested my hands on my stomach, and wondered what it would be like if there was a new life inside me.
Maybe just maybe, I’ll get to find out!